That it WAS about oil. The dumbest thing I've heard from Bush supporters is that it's "obviously" not about oil because the price of gas has gone up and we're not getting any oil from Iraq. That's the POINT you maroons! If you steal oil from other countries, you can CONTROL the supply of oil that gets distributed. So if you hoard it and limit its distribution, the value of the oil goes UP because it's suddenly made artificially SCARCE by the ones controlling the oil! Just as when you invade and steal gold and diamonds from Africans, you can control the supply and therefore make the price of diamonds SKYROCKET! Supply and demand--you money-grubbling/worshipping conservatives should know all about that! Why do you think diamond and gold business owner/televangelist Pat Robertson called for the US to assasinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez? Because Chavez wants Venezuelans to control their OWN oil and sell it at their OWN prices to as many countries as will benefit Venezuelans!
23 answers
asked by
Agenda Dog
Other - Politics & Government