I was on the pill for almost 1 year. I stopped taking it last month to try to conceive, and I had a normal period on May 23. Before using the pill I always had normal cycles(approx. 28 days). I have used many ovulation calculators to predict when I would ovulate, and that day should have been yesterday June 5. I am using Answer Ovulation Tests to predict my LH Surge. I tested positive for LH surge yesterday(Monday) and also positive this morning and the test line was darker today than yesterday. Since Monday EARLY morning(12am) my lower abdomin started hurting like really dull cramps. The pain came on stronger yesterday evening and is continuing on. It's not really painful like something is seriously wrong, it just feels kind of tender. I had (unprotected) sex late Saturday night, and also early Monday morning.. Could be signs of ovulation? Or a sign that I conceived & the egg may be fertilized and is doing its thing? Is it possible that ovulated yesterday and my LH is still positive?
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Trying to Conceive