OK - First I want to say I appreciate all the feedback I've received on this question. Second, I want to apologize to anyone I've offended with what I had to say. I didn't have enough space to write everything I wanted, including knowing about barrel harmonics, differences in velocity, bullet weights and designs, etc. I've studied all this for years, trying to be the mad scientist making the perfect load, screaming with joy when I find it. Then I get an answer like the one I reacted to, and it just set me off, like he looked it up on Wikipedia or read it on the back of an Airsoft Box. So, I'm sorry....
Now, I'm still confused. I've floated my barrel. I've always accepted that different ammo reacts differently. Cheek-weld is the same. Squeezing the trigger the same. Breathing out half-way and fire. Etc. I guess I have to accept that I don't like that ammo and need to get reloading today so I won't encounter that again.
8 answers
asked by
brian f