help, i live in georgia end im fishin a small pharm pond that a frend of mine from india owns. there r catfish end largemout biku biku. i dont like de biku biku because they so too small. the catfish is from 3 kilos to 10 kilos. i have a big thick rod 2,5 metres dat sey seamaster on it end big reel end 15,5 kilo line on it. wut hooks or leures do i use, wear do i fish, end wut bate do i use. i try krenkbate for leure but only ketck de biku biku end dey small. i also try de crab end squid from de store but ketch nothin for 5 hours in de afternoon lest july. ken sombody pleese help me. i dont liek buying food from supermarket. it is too expensiv to do year round.
8 answers
asked by
Junichiro L