I must say, I don't have too much a problem with everything he said - granted the "Hate" thing may have been a little much, but as far as not wanting to be in the same locker room as a gay guy I can completely understand that. I mean honestly, how many straight guys out there would want to shower with a gay guy next to you? "Just cause he's gay it doesn't mean he'll be checking you out in the shower and while your changing!" - Yeah, well you know what, there's a lot greater chance he'll be checking me out (well, not me exactly, I'm pretty ugly) but there's a lot greater chance he'd be checking out a guy showering with him than a straight guy would. When you think about it, it could be compared to a straight guy wanting to shower with all the ugly girls he’s not attracted to. I'm not saying a gay guy should be completely ostracized from the team and the locker room, all I’m saying is that I’d feel uncomfortable showering/changing with him in the room. Would I distance myself from him as far as that whole “team unity, we’re a family and we share stuff in the locker” jazz, no – I’d just rather be fully clothed when he walks into the locker room. Now am I being a bigot for saying this? Also, do you think it would be different depending on how gay a person was – before I get into trouble for saying that let me explain myself (I wasn’t sure how to word it the right way.) I remember watching John Amaechi play and even now he still strikes me as just a regular guy, I mean there would be no reason for anybody to think he was gay if he hadn’t said so himself. Do you think it’d be different people wouldn’t have cared as much if he had come out during his playing years – being that he was just a regular – and do you think players would care more if someone came out who was so gay they were almost feminine – you know what I’m talking about so don’t get mad at me for wording it like that.
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