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Religion & Spirituality - 8 November 2007

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and also, when we are conceived at birth are we born "equal"? as in, do we all have a chance in getting into heaven??? are we free from sin when we are born?

2007-11-08 08:30:42 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not asking about what the Bible says regarding homosexuality.
How many of you think that this man is doing what God wants him to do?
I don't think there is invective enough in the English langauge to convey the contempt I have for this man and his followers.
I'm a Christian, the daughter of a veteran, and sister of two veterans.

2007-11-08 08:26:48 · 14 answers · asked by fmckin1 4

Let us say, for example, two thirds of Americans decided to make America 100% Christian run.In other words, every law and every decision and every facet of life in America would have to be in agreement with the Bible and approved by whatever church was granted the authority to oversee the interpretation and implementation of scripture.Chances are good that the following would happen that man Christians would approve:
1.Science, with emphasis on theory and especially with emphasis on evolution would be banned unless it agreed with scripture.
2.Gay marriage and homosexuality would be banned nation wide
3.The FCC would be replaced by a council of priests or ministers who would censor anything they found offensive
4.Other religions such as Paganism would mostly likely be banned
These four are just for starters...
1 would end the era of knowledge
2 would create a whole new wave of human injustice in the name of righteousness
3 would end the age of free speech
4 could start the fire

2007-11-08 08:26:41 · 20 answers · asked by Demopublican 6

Or the death of children, even the unborn? Then why do they denie them health care that could keep the ones alive that are already here?
They do not care about children. But to sound religious they have to be against something we can all agree on.
Since it affects so few voters. I mean how many unwed mothers who would have an abortion vote?
So how do they show they care about children by denieing them health care? Or letting uninsured people die with cancer because they cannot afford the treatments to enable them to live? Is being against abortion enough to make them the religous right?

2007-11-08 08:26:08 · 25 answers · asked by Steven 6

who belives there is a God, someone who created the world?

2007-11-08 08:25:44 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I might sound weird but I always think there's a ghost everywhere I go. At the times 9:30 to 10:00 p.m., usually my tv goes off automatically.Even when the channel box is at the other side of the room. It's like a ghost is telling me I need to go to sleep. What do you think?

2007-11-08 08:24:53 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are many people-more than I can count -who declare the Bible as the Word of God -or the Inspired word of God... but yet refuse to believe that any other spiritual text could ALSO be the Inspired word of God and worthy of our study. How does this make sense? Or am I the only one who is confused?

Shouldn't we as educated individuals be encouraged to seek out spiritual fulfillment from whatever source God has put in our path? It will either ressonate within you as truth at which point you carry it as such or it won't and in that case you can dismiss it as nothing, but either way, would we be more educated in our respective Faith's?

This is not just directed towards just Christians - the same could be true of Muslim's, Mormon's, or really any religion who declares that their Holy text is the ONLY holy text... Thoughts?

And I'm not just looking for people to agree with me - I'm seriously looking for a valid explaination on why I shouldn't seek information from EVERY source

2007-11-08 08:24:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

and they are waging some kind of war?
Anybody else sensing a theme here?

2007-11-08 08:23:53 · 15 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6

2007-11-08 08:23:21 · 21 answers · asked by April 5

The bible is the best selling book of all time, I would like to know where the money generated from this book goes, as the author obviously does not get them?

2007-11-08 08:21:43 · 1 answers · asked by DiscoDave AM 4

2007-11-08 08:21:36 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im reaching out because Im having a bad day because a group of people hurt my feelings and Im having a hard time getting past it. It's like I know I have to pray for them and "this to shall pass". I feel like I just want to crawl unders my covers and cry. Do you think that is a test of my faith? Now I'm about to start rambling, I guess I'm looking for some words of encouragement, really having a bad day because of it. Thanks

2007-11-08 08:18:06 · 13 answers · asked by Peace! Lotus Flower 5

I've been an Atheist for 5 years now but I'm starting to feel an unexplainable emptiness inside, a sense of no meaning or purpose.... what should I do, return to God?

2007-11-08 08:15:19 · 29 answers · asked by Hellblazer 1

Do you ever get to know someone and NOT have the aim of converting them to your own belief? Say, for example, you had a good friend who was steadfast in refusing to becoming a Christian - would you continue that friendship?

2007-11-08 08:14:08 · 19 answers · asked by PRH1 3

why do most people beleive that just because they do good deeds and and just because there not killing or stilling they are going to heaven
now all thats good but if you dont have like the bible says your not going to heaven its the truth


2007-11-08 08:14:07 · 20 answers · asked by Joseph M 1

2007-11-08 08:13:14 · 31 answers · asked by Linz VT•AM 4

2007-11-08 08:05:14 · 21 answers · asked by I'/\/\AZILLA2 3

You realize that we are talking about mysteries when we speak about heaven and hell. God did not create anyone for hell. It comes as a result of people choosing to consistently and irrevocably remain opposed to God in His love and wisdom. It is a terrible state. Our Lord Jesus came to open the way for us to reach our destination in spite of our sins and weaknesses which prevent us. He rose from the dead trampling down death by His death and bestowing life to all those in the tombs. The Orthodox icon of the Resurrection is precisely the harrowing of hell. He stands astraddle on its gates which are broken down and instruments of captivity and torture lie about broken and sometimes even the devil is to be seen lying bound underneath those doors. And with His hands the Lord is pulling Adam and Eve from their tombs (sometimes only Adam - since he represents the entire human race and Eve arises spontaneously upon her partner's resurrection). He has Adam by the wrist rather than the hand to show that Adam (humanity) was totally helpless, totally dependent upon Him and His mercy. We deserve hell and death, but He delivers us! What love and mercy! What joy for us to be so loved!

Yet love does not constrain. If we choose utterly and finally (is this possible? - it must be so, at least in theory, or there would be no question of freedom!) to reject that love, that blessed Hand raising us from the tomb then in the tomb (hell) we will remain. This is death - but it is not non-existence as Jehovah's Witnesses would claim. We are irrevocably called into being by God. We can not die in the simplest sense of the word - i.e. stop existing. That is why suicide is such folly - it resolves nothing! There can be no oblivion, no cessation of existence. We must allow that sweet Hand to help us out of our anguish and receive the Life that it continually brings us.

I hope that I have shown that to speak of foretastes of heaven and hell is not something we can easily do as explanations of what goes on after a person dies. We already have foretastes of both states here and now! St. Silouan gave us who live in the 21st century some wonderful spiritual advice: "Keep your mind in hell and do not despair". In other words: accept the pain that comes along with existence at times, but do not give up hope.

Never give up hope. Pray, repent, love, act lovingly always!

Thus we pray for all who have died - as well as for all living and all yet to be born. This is the loving thing we, the Church, do. We do not presume to say exactly what this prayer does. That is for the Lord to manage - He alone can and in His wisdom does inspire, and apportion the power of these prayers so that we all take part in our own salvation and in the salvation of the cosmos. This is what love is about - giving us a choice and a part in this wonderful mystery.

To think that in spite of this love and mercy and this power some will nonetheless not be saved is a terrible thing yet it must be so for freedom to be an actuality. The thought should not make us feel good - on the contrary if we live in the love of the Lord, we ought to pray ardently and with tears that everyone - even our enemies (especially our enemies, if we are in the Spirit of the Lord) should accept and receive the saving Love that lifts them from hell.

With regard to the Saints, we are convinced - by signs that God has provided us - that they have already won the victory and are in a special position to help us and be role models for us. There are Saints universally recognized as such by the Church. There are also local Saints honoured by local Churches. And we also believe that our beloved "dead" pray for us even as we do for them. The Church is a community that transcends time and space and is united by love and prayer!

I hope this has helped to answer your questions - not in a literal way, for to try to do so literally would certainly be misleading.

Now with regard to your final question as to whether you must convert to be saved. With all humility - alas, many of us are not humble! - we Orthodox maintain that the clearest vision of the truth is available through the priceless heritage that we have obtained. We do not however maintain that those who are not here and now linked visibly, palpably to the Orthodox Church are doomed to hell. That is just the kind of literal approach I have tried to avoid in my long-winded answer.

It is not Church membership that saves us, but a loving relationship with the Lord and His creation. He does not look at our membership card but at our heart! The brother who has told you that you would be damned if you do not join the Orthodox Church (perhaps you misunderstood him, or he spoke hastily without thinking of the implication of his words?) also has to bring his heart, not his membership card to the Lord for inspection - continally and humbly.

Pray for us Orthodox that we do not give way to the temptation of Phariseeism (these were wonderul folk with tremendous insights and intentions - but alas, they were so aware of their correctness that they failed in that which is most essential - love of God and their neighbour, as we read in the words of the Lord in the New Testament). If the Lord leads you to join the Orthodox Church, well and good. If you do not find yourself so led, follow Him where you are. He alone is the way, the truth and the life. The process is still going on. No shortcuts, no easy answers. Just love, patience, humility, prayer!

2007-11-08 08:04:46 · 5 answers · asked by Jacob Dahlen 3

It used to be 'a belief that no rational person could possibly hold'

Nowdays it seems to mean 'A belief not held by Richard Dawkins'

2007-11-08 08:02:49 · 9 answers · asked by Mr. Eko 4

In simple text what do Jewish people believe (or not believe) that differs with the "normal" Christian belief?

2007-11-08 08:02:43 · 7 answers · asked by auriga2099 2

Like everyone on this site I have had my trials and tribulations and I fully realize that I am no better than anyone else.

However I struggle with a sense of entitlement like I say I earned the right to be married or I have gone through enough hard times it is about time things start getting good. Lord knows I worked long and hard enough.

What is the best way to overcome selfish entitlement and what are good Bible verses to help with this issue and pride in my life?

I am learning that God, people, family, friends, enemies, co workers, people who hurt me dont owe me a blessed thing.

What are good godly ways to overcome this?

2007-11-08 08:00:47 · 38 answers · asked by encourager4God 5

2007-11-08 07:59:39 · 22 answers · asked by Run Lola Run 4

2007-11-08 07:59:39 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's been working a lot lately and been kind of stressed. :(

2007-11-08 07:59:36 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is going to be about evolution on trial. There's bound to be tons of educational value in this for many of the people I've talked with on this board.

2007-11-08 07:59:20 · 8 answers · asked by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6

Do you know what I mean?

2007-11-08 07:59:14 · 8 answers · asked by Bruce Tzu 5


Tomorrow I have to give a devotion at my church at our lock-in. I'm 15 now (not really relevant). I've done this many times before. I chose to give it on the "good and evil" aspect of life. Does anyone have any good ideas of what I could talk about, about this topic??

2007-11-08 07:57:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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