Marrying and Giving in Marriage
There is one biblical prophecy, delivered by Jesus, Himself, that rises to the highest possible level of impact. Because He addressed the disciples on the Mount of Olives, it is commonly called the Olivet Discourse. Like all believers, they wanted to know about the end times, so He answered them plainly, giving as much information as He deemed appropriate under the circumstances.
His words speak of Israel, during that time, still future, when the events of the Tribulation will turn the Gentile world upside down. Their system of world trade, and its diabolical monetary and social despotism, will be brought to complete ruin. In preparation for the establishment of the Kingdom, the world will experience an unprecedented time of chaos and disruption. In Jesus own words, "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" (Matt. 24:21).
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