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Religion & Spirituality - 20 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-20 15:02:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Jews do not believe in Jesus as the messiah, because he did not fulfill the messianic prophecies. Or did he? Was it figurative when the bible said, "No nation shall learn war anymore"? Figurative in the fact that if you accept Jesus, then you won't learn war in your heart? I really don't think this is true, but because I am converting to Judaism friends will throw this at me. I need to know the comforts that JUDAISM gives, because Chistianity just confuses me. Any thoughts?

2007-10-20 15:02:08 · 21 answers · asked by scottishbeauty 2

I don't believe science is a religion, but if you say believed it that it was, and could pick any religion you wanted, wouldn't you go with the religion that cured polio and made the internet?

2007-10-20 14:59:55 · 17 answers · asked by Don't Fear the Reaper 3

Is there any religious significance to serving perogies at Easter? (I'm thinking of the Ukrainian custom.)

2007-10-20 14:58:45 · 4 answers · asked by hermione_speaks 3

I want to tell you that it really will be OK. I was a born again, spirit-filled Christian who was in love with my precious Jesus for over ten adult years.

I found a way out, and truly it was a miracle. I fear for Christians, as the evidences begin to pile up against the very foundations of Christianity, and worry about so many who have devoted their lives to this faith.

It took a few years of wrestling, emotionally and spiritually for me to find the path to atheism, but it is as if I have been a captive bird let out of a cage.

When you are able and ready to escape, I want you to know that for the first time, you will know what Love is - not just some second-hand effluence trickling down from a superbeing, but from your true selves.

Oh if I could express the joys of having let go of God.

Bless you all!

2007-10-20 14:58:16 · 27 answers · asked by The Burninator 1

The Fear of Hijab: Nothing strikes fear in the Western psyche like a piece of cloth on a woman's head
by Naheed Mustafa
In September 1994, 13-year-old Emilie Ouimet was sent home from Montreal (Quebec, Canada)’s Louis Riel High School because her Hijab did not conform to the school's dress code.

Two months later, a second Quebec girl, 15-year-old Dania Baali, was told she would have to transfer to another school from College Regina Assumpta if she wanted to observe Hijab.

It is incredible to know nothing strikes fear in the hearts of Western man like a piece of cloth on a woman's head.

The Hijab is Perceived As A Radical Statement

To some, she is making a radical statement about her violent political ideas.

To others, she is the symbol of absolute subjugation and is in dire need of rescue.

For them, having such women as part of the North American landscape is frightening.

She is “the veiled woman,” belonging in a foreign place, an actor on an exotic stage.

We are seen as poisoning this “free and democratic” culture with our “weak and submissive ways.”

Thus, various school boards in Quebec have decided that rooting out the unwanted influence at the earliest point possible is the best way to avoid contaminating their haute culture.

The Fear of Hijab is Legitimate

I have often wondered why a woman in Hijab participating freely in this society is perceived as so threatening.

I have always thought that fear of such women was unfounded. After all, her wearing Hijab has nothing to do with anyone else-it only has to do with her commitment to Allah. But now I realize the fear is legitimate.

Muslim women are a threat.

Hijab Sends a Message of Acceptance and Rejection

A woman who covers herself out of the love of Allah is not just stating something about what she accepts but she is also saying something about what she rejects.

Any woman who refuses to play the gender games that are so basic to all societies is going to be pushed out.

Women have always been expected to play some kind of role in every society.

In North America, a great part of this role revolves around sex and the aura of sexuality. Any relationship involving men and women has some kind of sexual undertone.

When a woman covers herself she is rejecting that role, she is saying sex will have nothing to do with her public life. It is the fact that she has taken out of the discussion her physical self that people find so upsetting.

A Woman in Hijab : More than "Just a Woman"

A female doctor, writer, electrician or plumber may be appreciated in the work environment for her skill, but is still basically seen as “just a woman.”

But put her in Hijab so that what makes her a woman cannot be appraised and all of a sudden you are dealing with a person.

It is a radical idea not liked by many.

She is Rejecting The Politics of Gender

This person is not only rejecting preset gender roles but also the associated politics of gender.

She is therefore rejecting the basic social structure which also means she is seen to be rejecting the political system and its tied economic setup.

So educators in Quebec should feel threatened. Emilie and Dania are more than just two girls whose headgear does not conform to school dress code. They are representatives of something bigger, of a different way of life and of living.

It took me some time to come to this conclusion.

Hijab : An Act of Faith

I had always seen Hijab as a private matter between myself and Allah.

I chose to wear Hijab because I felt my Iman (faith) had to be translated into action and if Allah asks me to cover, then I should.

If I could not act out my faith then what was the point of saying I had any faith?

But, unfortunately, those around me did not see my wearing Hijab as a personal act of worship.

Rather, they saw it as a personal attack on them. I wore Hijab and that automatically meant I disapproved of everything they did.

I found the hostility difficult to understand. Just because my head was covered, people were unable to relate to me.

I had a newfound freedom and a greater sense of confidence in myself as a Muslim but most others saw me as a throwback.

Women's Progress Still Tied To Appreance

Progressiveness for women is unfortunately still defined by how much they are willing to reveal.

The more power women seem to gain, the more compelled they are to take off their clothes.

This paradox is at the root of the confusion faced by North American women.

They are supposed to be strong, independent and assertive yet, at the same time, they are made slaves to an ideal physical image which cannot be achieved by the vast majority of women. This duality is a marketable commodity.

Take the fashion industry for example; the latest from Paris says “glamor” is the hottest look of the season with its glossy lipsticks, slip dresses, and spiked heels.

Women object saying that fashion designers are expecting them to dress like prostitutes at the office.

They loathe the fact that the female body is used for selling everything from cosmetics to clothing to cars.

Yet when Muslim women cover themselves up and protest the very same thing, they are conversely regarded as being oppressed.

Terminal Confusion About Women's Freedom

The confusion is terminal. While some fight against what they see as objectifying women, others feel the ideal way to ultimate freedom for women is the right to got barechested in public.

The rationale seems to be that once our bodies are desexualized then it will be safer for us to go out on the streets.

We just have to give up our dignity, our modesty and our privacy.

And it is in the midst of all this confusion that women in Hijab have arrived. Their unwillingness to play into the hands of either side has earned them scorn.

Hijab has become a Political Statement

Hijab is fundamentally part of worship but, right or wrong, it has become a political statement as well.

We may only be expressing our commitment to our Deen (religion) but Hijab is seen to symbolize a rejection of the West.

The Mistake of the Secularists

This perceived rejection has affected liberal secularists so profoundly that they are willing to push aside their own basic principle of individual freedom to stave of the “oppressive” influences of Islam.

It would be a wise person indeed who would realize that it is the very culture secularists are trying to preserve that has led people to search for something else.

And for those who are truthful to themselves, they will see that Emilie and Dania have it figured out.


2007-10-20 14:57:58 · 15 answers · asked by muslim-doctor 3

Ever since i recieved God's precious gift, (eternal life) I just can't read the Bible enough, it is awesome. I gave my heart and entire life to Jesus on july 20th. of this year and i just want to share his love with everyone. I want to tell everyone who don't know God that he is very, very real. I came to find that we have to watch what we say on here or else we will get reported. But i don't care about being reported because Jesus loves us so much that he died on a cross after being tortured beyond humanity just so we would have eternal life with him and our father God so i think it is the least i can do to try and bring as many souls that will come before him. I can't hardly wait for that awesome day, but i do pray that everyone who hears about him will be saved as well.

2007-10-20 14:56:24 · 23 answers · asked by ? 4

If so, please link it. It would be like witnessing a miracle for me because I'm getting very disillusioned with the sheer ignorance these people "think" up.

This isn't an attack, I really want a link. I have hope.

2007-10-20 14:53:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

The only thing I can think of is to watch us suffer and die. So maybe god isnt caring but sadistic & cruel. He only lives to torment us with his holier than thou crap because he enjoys it

2007-10-20 14:52:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think money will be what truly makes you happy?
Many of us have lost everything but a new life begins and each year we learn how much greater our lives are now. Losses still come every year, but what is gained is spiritual knowledge.

2007-10-20 14:49:17 · 16 answers · asked by grannywinkie 6

You know the ones I'm talking about. They have a green background with "JESUS" in big white letters. What's your take on these? I find them slightly annoying. There's one on the highway near my house and I see it everytime I'm going home from school. Personally, I think it's a waste of billboard space.

2007-10-20 14:48:59 · 8 answers · asked by Two quarters & a heart down 5

...when you go to wal*mart, and religious freaks come up to you and invite you to a religious concert and then brainwash you? do you not think this is brainwashing?
girl-Hi, would you like to go to a concert?
me-sure, what concert?
girl-well, do you know who jesus is?
me-uhh...i don't believe in god
girl-so you don't believe he died for you on a cross?
me-this is bullshit. i'm not about to be brainwashed. let's go rob wal*mart guys.
don't you think that was a little ridiculous?

2007-10-20 14:44:48 · 21 answers · asked by Amanda Overmeyer-Janis of today! 5

I recently read Avalon High ... in the book, it said that there is a society called Order of the Bear who believe that King Arthur will be reincarnated and history will repeat itself... so is the Order of the Bear real or just made up? im curious...

2007-10-20 14:43:58 · 3 answers · asked by Amanda 1

I'm only a teen, so bear with me here.

My belief Christianity has been wavering for as long as I can remeber. Sometimes I'm convinced of the existence of Jesus/God and other times I'm in doubt. Usually I'm somewhere in between, leaning on the side of belief. I REALLY do want to believe, but some part of me keeps holding me back (I'm pretty sure it's my brain!).

So my question to you is, what makes you a firm believer?

2007-10-20 14:43:53 · 20 answers · asked by deepman 2


2007-10-20 14:41:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

You say your God knows all, so before creating Adam and Eve he knew they would sin, and in turn on Judgement Day Billions of people would be sent to hell and would get tortured for the rest of eternity.(many peaceful people are not Christians eg. 1 Billion Hindus, 600 million + Buddhists etc.)
So is your God such a entity who knows that at some point Of time would create a creation Whose many(billions) of Sons he knows in advance will suffer eternal pain.
Would he create a creation for whom he knows
one day HIS OWN SON JESUS WILL SUFFER very much.

No human father would create a ROBOT if he knew in advance that the ROBOT would torture his son.(In context to the fact GOD creating humans while knowing humans would torture his son JESUS one day)
Why Not Create A Creation Which Was As Perfect As Him (GOD)

Atleast I know that no KIND HUMAN BEING if granted the ability to create would create a creation whom he knows he would have to torture in the future.(In context to the fact GOD creating Human race while knowing in advance that many humans would be tortured in Hell).
Tell me would you give birth to your child if you know in advance that when he grows up he will be a mass murder and a danger to society and that one day you would have to kill him?
Kind Parents punish their children again and again when they make mistakes and do not allow them Free will to commit sin for his entire Life and in the end throw them into a pit of fire.

2007-10-20 14:41:06 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

For example Sirach 6: 5-10, 4-17. What are all the numbers?

2007-10-20 14:40:07 · 9 answers · asked by kitKat 4

wars, torrorism, 9-11 , etc

2007-10-20 14:39:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

People act like being a christain is all about going to heaven. but i dont think it is. i think that having a personal relationship with Jesus right now on earth is the desired effect God wanted to have. i think life would suck if i didnt have Jesus in it. heck, it still sux with Him in it. thats why im not so concerned with going to heaven or not, this life in the here and now is all i can handle right now thank u very much. wat do u think? and y?

2007-10-20 14:36:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


So let me get this straight, a bunch of sheep herders somehow managed to create a story with allusions and allegories from every imaginable religion and deity(including ones from across the ocean), and creating a personification of the zodiac, all the while (supposedly) fulfilling prophesies from the Old Testament?

Then, they managed to make this story so believable that the character they created was mentioned by historians of that time? Then, they convinced people to follow this melting-pot story even in the face of death?
And no one noticed that it was stolen from paganism until somewhat recently?(200 years ago i think)

Don't you think that when the Romans were persecuting Christians they would've said "wait a sec, this Jesus guy is the same thing as (insert diety here)"

2007-10-20 14:35:03 · 13 answers · asked by Quailman 6

I am very confused cuz some people say it is and some people say no
And when you answer plz include religion and age thnx

2007-10-20 14:32:14 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-20 14:31:14 · 19 answers · asked by forerunner7 4

I am Muslim and I just posted this question to see what kind of evidence there is that Islam is evil and religion of terror. I'm pretty sure I'll get a lot of media based "facts".

2007-10-20 14:30:15 · 19 answers · asked by I Pity You Fool!™ 3

Just wondering if it has a specific name

2007-10-20 14:29:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

if it is,why has it stopped? apes are still born as apes and die as apes. humans are born human and die as humans. if we evolved,why arent we still evolving? you dont see half man half ape walking around because they remain what they are born. explain that

2007-10-20 14:27:47 · 35 answers · asked by raceman 2

Would someone please explain legalism and give an example of a church being legalistic?

2007-10-20 14:27:35 · 10 answers · asked by Virginia B (John 16:33) 7

I was watching a program the other day about the ark of the covenant. did you know that there were two other boxes inside the ark? there was the ark, a box made of wood inside of it, then another box made of gold placed inside of the wooden box. Altogether there were three boxes. this is another way to explain the Trinity. Any thoughts?

2007-10-20 14:27:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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