Wow. I mean, talk about one of the most maddening things...right up there with nails on a chalkboard...its people who mindlessly paste "NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS" upon any question that dares to take any Islamic doctrines into account.
Personally, I have never ever met anyone who believed "all Muslims are terrorists", nor have a read any claims in here to that effect...yet the uneducated continue to spit out the stupid cliche.
Ever met a person who has all this canned advise that they think is profound, and yet literally every idiot on earth gets the concept? You see em in here all the time, people who think they are sharing something new and brilliant with us "haters". Thats their little simplistic Disney world view of reality...the world is neatly divided into good people and haters, and if you dont share their little worldview, your a hater.
Almost all armed conflict worldwide is Islamic. But, OFCOURSE, that doesnt mean ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS. We clear now?
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