The Bible commands us to judge "RIGHTEOUS" judgment.
This means that we have the ability to judge what things seem right and what things seem wrong. Of course, it also says, judge not that ye be not judged, but this infers that if we judge righteous judgment, we will also be judged as righteous....
So God judged the Earth as unrighteous, except for Noah and his family and the animals on the Ark.
This cataclysm must have been a nightmare for the remaining people on Earth... To drown.. or be struck by lightening... or to be crushed... I'm sure there were babies taking their first steps when the Earth began to tremble.
Why was God so far away from men that they had become so evil? Why did God create men, who would be so predisposed to choose evil? God repented of making men, and later, repented of killing them all. Oh, it's all there in the Bible.
It also says that man, after the flood was just as evil as man before the flood, which nullifies the whole purpose of the flood.
22 answers
asked by
The Burninator