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Religion & Spirituality - 3 September 2007

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Have you ever tried to see if he was real?

Obviously you hate him, from the way you mock his followers -- telling pagans that they are devil worshippers and going to hell.

Serious answers only!

2007-09-03 18:36:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

After all how can you know, unless you ... know?

2007-09-03 18:34:28 · 21 answers · asked by Mutations Killed Darwin Fish 7

History books tell you what happened in the past, right?

Well the same goes with the Bible, the Bible consists of history books and it tells you what happened in the past.

Do you think history books tell you the truth, stories that have been passed down from generation to generation?

If you do why don't some of you believe in the Bible, it is history?

2007-09-03 18:34:25 · 16 answers · asked by TigerLily 4

I am 28 years old and I every time I go to church I don't see young white catholics anymore. I think the most religious Catholics are hispanics. My friends whose parents are catholics are now mostly agnostic, Atheist, some of them even converted to Islam because they say they feel closer to God ( weird thing is that they are women). Anyways show of hands are there actually practicing white Catholics out there? or is it a dying religion among our race.

2007-09-03 18:30:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or did you just stopped at the bible and didn't want to hear or read any other books besides the bible . Do you ever read books like this one ":evolution for dummies......
Or do you only read(besides the bible again)romance books by nora roberts or danielle steel ?

2007-09-03 18:29:56 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please use examples from the Quran and authenticated hadiths.

2007-09-03 18:29:46 · 10 answers · asked by africantoes 1

During the Prophet Muhammad's lifetime, did men and women pray within the same space? Also, did women ever act as imams?

2007-09-03 18:28:28 · 7 answers · asked by africantoes 1

To be a "good" Christian, one must follow the example of Christ, correct?

Then why if Jesus speaks in the Parable of the Last Judgement in Matthew 25:31-46 (New International Version - UK) to those who ask him when did we minister to you does he answer "'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

Does this not say that those who follow his teachings and minister to those who are hungry by giving them something to eat, or thirsty by giving them something to drink, or inviting the stranger in, or clothing those who need it, or visiting the sick and imprisoned to minister to them ARE the true followers of Christ and not just those who call themselves by His name?

I have found that many Pagans and Wiccans will accept Jesus as a MANIFESTATION of the Divine, so their not accepting Jesus as SOLE Divinity should not negate their works if done as a form of Kharis in the religious sense

2007-09-03 18:23:25 · 18 answers · asked by Anne Hatzakis 6

For all pro-life people on R&S - how many children are you fostering RIGHT NOW? How many are you in the process of adopting? How many have you adopted? How can you sit there in your self-righteousness and not help the POST-born?

If you're so adamant that an unwanted pregnancy be carried to term, what are you doing to ensure that the unwanted child has a good life? Or does it only matter when the child is in utero?

2007-09-03 18:19:46 · 26 answers · asked by Nandina (Bunny Slipper Goddess) 7

What did Jesus mean, in John 14:6, where he says; I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me?



2007-09-03 18:19:23 · 12 answers · asked by n_007pen 4

2007-09-03 18:16:10 · 7 answers · asked by James-hova RTR: Suspended Champ 2

2007-09-03 18:14:13 · 17 answers · asked by Why? How? When? Where? Who? 2

here guys what would rather have to live with? and also which seems a bit more believable?

Divine Creation or spontaneous generation
Purposeful Design or Random Accidental Order
Intricate Order or Chaotic Mistakes
Infinite God or Infinite Odds
Life from Life or Life from Non-life
God=Creator or Time=Creator
Entropy or Evolution
Catastrophe or Gradualism
True Bible or True Theories
God's Purpose or No Purpose
Absolutes Exist or Everything is Relative
Mutations are Harmful or Mutations are Beneficial
Relatively Young Earth or Extremely Old Earth
Civilization from Start or Slow Development of Civilization
Degenerate Man or Man Getting Better
A Future Hope or Hopelessness

you make the decision.

2007-09-03 18:09:07 · 19 answers · asked by Skynyrd Lover 1

I do not want to hear about the inacuarcies of the bible, because they can all be proven. I don not want to hear about theories or psychologies of mankind, what I want you to do is to tell me how a person cannot look around at the world we live in and see for him/herself that there is not a God, and intelegent designer that pieced this world together. leave all rationalizations at home, and tell me how you cannot believe in God if you do not limit Him to what He can do.

2007-09-03 18:06:44 · 36 answers · asked by Dan S 1

Atheists have you ever been really attracted to a Christian but knew that your views might cause you to clash? Christians have you ever been really attracted to an Atheist but knew that the bible says you shouldn't yoke yourself with unbelievers? 2 Corinthians 6:14, What did you do in your situations?

2007-09-03 18:04:15 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK why did god make us if he already had angels to praise and love him?

2007-09-03 18:03:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Legal yes...but how is it moral or fair?

I don't think if you were an aborted fetus you would think it was fair...how is taking away the next potential Beethoven, DaVinci, etc fair?

How is saying "oh...I don't want to be pregnant right now...ROAD TRIP!!!" moral? You NEED to face the consequences of your actions...if you were a ho and slept around, got pregnant, I don't think abortion should be a free ticket out of the situation...that isn't fair either.

How can people see abortion as fair and moral? DO NOT get into "it's a womans body" because that is NOT what this is about...this is about how is it moral and fair not who's right it is...

2007-09-03 18:01:53 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why will people(gentiles) who have different sexual orientation be permitted to share in the Kingdom to come according to Judaism?Are all Jewish folks in agreement on this? Or is there a different view held by Reformed Jewish and other branches of Judaism? Is this practice not condemned in the OT? Was Sodom and Gomorrah not destroyed for such a thing?Were they not "gentiles"? Does Judaism condemn homosexual acts? I was looking over the 7 Noahide Laws for gentiles to follow. I asked a question earlier today. This lady, who knows a great deal because she is Jewish, responded that they also would be included in the Kingdom to come. I am left a little confused by this part of what she said since it conflicts with what I have been led to believe about the ancient Mosaic Law. What say you, Jewish folk?

2007-09-03 18:01:00 · 4 answers · asked by Marie 7

Is my son in oblivion since he died or is his spirit with us.

2007-09-03 17:59:28 · 32 answers · asked by lainamorris@verizon.net 2

Here's an argument I heard recently from an atheist:

"If you say that the miracles in the Bible could happen even if they are scientifically impossible because God can do whatever he wants, then you are taking something you have NO scientific evidence for (the existence of God) and you are using it to prove something you have no scientific evidence for (the miracles)."

This is a really bad argument because it is NOTHING but WORDPLAY.

That's like me saying God can't create a rock so big he can't move it.

It's just word play. Agree?

2007-09-03 17:59:11 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

then why dedicate your life to one group or another? With all theories, it is very possible that they can be proven completely wrong. So why change your whole way of living jsut because of a particular solution to life? Perfect examples are Jehovah's Witnesses, that spend every day reading spiritual material. And I know there are other groups out there that are the same way.

This question corresponds to my previous question:

2007-09-03 17:56:38 · 14 answers · asked by learydisciple 2

I noticed that some of them say that people have no souls. I don't get this. What do they think animates us? I don't mean to be rude, but I am curious as to what atheists call the thing that makes them uniquely them, (Man, this is so awkward.)

I can understand how atheists don't believe in God, but life itself...that's kind of...am I wrong here? Is there some leap in logic that I have missed?

2007-09-03 17:55:01 · 25 answers · asked by Somewhat Enlightened, the Parrot of Truth 7

I know the Lord is with me always and always available. So if I am lonely is this a sin as in I don't have enough faith and love in Him?

2007-09-03 17:51:48 · 32 answers · asked by thefinalresult 7

I guess it's not the actual dying, it's the way I might die. I'm terrified I could get cancer or some other horrible terminal disease. Or a really painful death, like a heart attack or a stroke. I've always been abnormally preoccupied with my death, and keep wondering if this is the day I'm gonna bite it.

2007-09-03 17:51:11 · 47 answers · asked by Becca 6

2007-09-03 17:47:48 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why? Do they have a picture that they just look gorgeous in, are they witty and funny? Or are you just in love with them?

don't be afraid to say boobah though.

2007-09-03 17:47:02 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isnt that against your free will ?
you know , to give you that kind of ultimatum ?

2007-09-03 17:45:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

One of Bush's first act as president was to re-institute an international gag-rule which took away US funding to any international hospital that supported or even mentioned abortion. It was a rule first imposted by his dad, repealed by Clinton, but reinstated by Bush.

So if he can't push the religious agenda in the country he "runs" then he just imposes it on third-world countries instead? How is this legal, moral or fair?

2007-09-03 17:44:20 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I see a lot of Christian and Bible bashing going on. Is this done because you want to irritate a Christian? Is it done just to devalue, question the authonticity, truth, history, and meaning in the Bible? Q. Is this done just against Christians and the Bible? Or, is it intended against ALL faiths and all major religions? Do you reject the Islamic faith? Was Allah/Muhammad fabricared & not who and what claimed to be? Do you reject the Muslem faith like you reject Christianity? If so, why don't we see much of that going on? Looks like it's about 10 Christian bashing to 1 of other faiths. Why? Are you AFRAID of something? Why is Jesus the FSM and no such indignation to great figures of other faiths? Can you believe in Muslem, Buddhism, Hinduism, but not Christianity? If you can accept these other religions, then it stands that you do have faith, you do believe in things such as the Koran, etc. You accept and believe in these but not Christianity? You don't bash others because of what

2007-09-03 17:44:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

if you do not, tell me why...throw everything that you have theologies, facts, so called inaccuracies, I would love to hear your side of it.

2007-09-03 17:41:51 · 27 answers · asked by Dan S 1

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