When the national ID system is renacted inside the bodies of human beings on the hand or forehead, a leader of indescribable brutality will appear. His all-seeing, all-controlling quest will make the combined depravities of Hitler, Stalin and Genghis Khan - all of whom were types of the Antichrist - look like child's play.
According to many scholars, a prerequisite for his appearing is a national - and finally a global - ID system, beneath which national boundaries will dissolve and economies from around the world will operate.
Without this future ID, nobody will "buy or sell, save he that has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" according to Revelation 13:17.
"In the wake of the calamitous events of September 11, Rep. Nancy L. Johnson (R., Conn.) suggested a national ID using fingerprints or retinal scans. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) reportedly support[ed] the idea. And in the hallowed halls of Harvard, self-described civil libertarian Alan Dershowitz proposed a "voluntary" card, with a chip that matches the holder's fingerprints
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