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Religion & Spirituality - 2 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-02 09:35:39 · 6 answers · asked by Alright 2

If the Kingdom of God is within us then what is the Word of God. Is it superficial to think it's outside of us?

2007-09-02 09:31:51 · 32 answers · asked by gnosticv 5

you won't be able to invite me :(

2007-09-02 09:31:05 · 21 answers · asked by lindsey p 5

Harvard University began treating Mormonism differently when Romney was governor and when the dean of the Harvard business school was a Mormon. Is it possible that the nation will start taking seriously the greatest church to be started in America?

2007-09-02 09:29:06 · 5 answers · asked by ttddbb 1

they don't like contraception, but give no aid to poor families or single women who can't suport their children, even ones from rape.
they don't like abortion, some are willing to bomb abortion clinics.
why would they rather have beaten unhappy and unwanted children than ones raised in a happy family?

all the gay guys I have met seem nice.

couldn't they go with the lesser of two evils and let people have as many unwanted babies as they like, and let the gays (who they love, but just hate the sex sin so they say) take up the slack?

It's not like the kids would ever be affected by gay sex, or no more than staight parents, because parents only eve have sex once, when they made us and our siblings, right? (cos thats just groooooose! lol

2007-09-02 09:28:53 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-02 09:28:04 · 16 answers · asked by male in the USA 1

That people read the (LAME) answers to my Q's and walk away either enlightened, or reinforced in their beliefs after their feeble attempt to answer, regardless I know there are people who knew nothing of the subject, and are now scratching their heads, shaken in their beliefs, especially in this catagory, KEEP THOSE ANSWERS COME-ING. Give me a-long enough lever and I'll move the world. I can't remember who said that but Iv'e always liked it. I'm felling warm and fuzzy all over.

2007-09-02 09:26:17 · 9 answers · asked by wakemovement 3

so this is the prime arguement against Homosexuality. funny this only encompases men. so if it was Amy and Eve. it would be ok, is that right?

Gay men disgust you and threaten your manhood. but Lesbians...well if it was not for Lesbians then you would not have all of thoes wonderful fantasy books and movies that you never let your wife see right? It is ok, as long as it turns you on?

2007-09-02 09:24:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sorry about the "hoaxy" thing I just wanted to get your attention.
If the bible, specifically the book of Genesis, is supposed to be the authority about the creation of life on earth, why is the creation of bacteria & viruses omitted. This is not a "if god exists, why is there suffering" question, so don't give me any answers about the wickedness of the world, I won't even read them.
My question is how can the creation of life-forms so important to humans, being both a detriment and a benefit, be omitted from a book that is supposedly the supreme authority?
Could it be the bible is a relic of a past time and no longer has any relevance? If there is scripture I may not have considered, feel free to give it to me.

2007-09-02 09:21:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm so pleased that the answers to my last question were very spiritual. Apparently the majority of people believe that the Kingdom of God is within us. Again anyone from any faith that might have different words for the same experience is encouraged to answer.

How do we perceive or even begin to seek to perceive this Kingdom?

2007-09-02 09:11:30 · 24 answers · asked by gnosticv 5


In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth. The King James version does not state the heaven plural. so can some one please tell me why so many people make it plural, (HEAVENS) can you

2007-09-02 09:10:23 · 15 answers · asked by trinity 3

2007-09-02 09:09:00 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are you saying that God intended everyone to be exactly the same?
Does God just hate diversity or something?
If Adam and Eve were white, does that mean God intended for everyone to be white?

2007-09-02 09:08:29 · 28 answers · asked by lindsey p 5

I'd say I am maybe lemon grass.

2007-09-02 09:07:43 · 14 answers · asked by Bruce Aurora 3

I began thinking of "The Three Fold Law" of Magick "Whatever you send out returns three fold." I wondered whether "fold" was just an antiquity of language. Then I took a piece of paper to represent the sending with the normal 2 sides and folded it in half, 3 times. The amount of sides and the strength of the structure made by the folds was far beyond the paper I had begun with.

2007-09-02 09:06:53 · 2 answers · asked by Terry 7

I live in a dead end area and the neighbor that I don't get along with at all for the past 6 years placed 2 mini Pa Kua mirrors which are directly facing the front of my home technically my living room window .
I am not sure which type of Pa Kua or Ba Gua Mirrors I should get concave or convex to combat her mirrors and send her "poison arrowed chi" back to her ten fold if I could.

To the folks who answer my questions thank youto the idiots who don't beleive in feng shui don't bother answering this question and clogging my question with non serious answers.

2007-09-02 09:05:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Atheist #1: God isn't real and you are all dumb for believing.

Christian#1: Grrrr!! You'll burn in Hell you freak!

Pagan: whoa. Calm down!

Hindu: Yeah you guys are scaring me.

Atheist #2: Just leave them alone okay? Calm down.

Christian #2: Jesus said love thy neighbor..try that okay?

2007-09-02 09:02:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are we truly in a holographic universe/world/life?? Is everything we "know", simply...an illusion?

And if so, what is the true nature of the human Being?

2007-09-02 09:02:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-02 09:00:19 · 33 answers · asked by Q.xi 1

2007-09-02 08:59:30 · 3 answers · asked by Q.xi 1

Are hermaphrodites part of God's plan?

If they aren't, then that means that when God created humans, he put that part on auto-pilot and every once in awhile a mistake will be made. This means the reproductive system is not perfect.

How can something God creates not be perfect?

You could say that he made it imperfect on purpose. If he made it imperfect on purpose, then that must mean that hermaphrodites are a part of God's plan because he can see the future and he knows what will happen.

What do you think?

2007-09-02 08:50:50 · 39 answers · asked by Jared L 1

Talk to me by email or just answer back. My email address is ericarl80@yahoo.com. I wanted to make myself available to talk about these things. It is important and maybe someone wants to talk. I have heard it all!

2007-09-02 08:49:58 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Re 2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death...

Re 2:15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.

Are you aware of who the nicolaitanes are, and what they do and did?

How do you justify ur style of worship and expect to gain entry when this is said by our Lord Savioiur Jesus The Christ?

I'm not askin to be vexatious... I am genuinely concerned for many who i know worship that way, but are deceived according to this... and many of them will die that second death forwarned.

I genuinely want to know w'sup.

2007-09-02 08:49:16 · 8 answers · asked by Prince J 1

All God has ever asked man for was obedience. All God gets is sin and excuses. Now how is that fair?

2007-09-02 08:48:32 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

haha scary to imagine .would anything progress in an almost all atheist world like for example science considering the majority of the greatest scientists were Christian.Would they help the needy with food,shelter,clothing,rebuilding destroyed buildings etc etc,Would they form different atheist groups and go to war with each other ( like south park depicted in one of their episodes haha) when they ran out of people to harass & belittle?

2007-09-02 08:46:31 · 33 answers · asked by JeN 1

Why do everybody want to go to heaven but is scared to die

2007-09-02 08:46:00 · 19 answers · asked by daddynard1010 4

I posed a question looking for intelligent answers. Essentially the question is, how do you take protons, nutrons and electrons and get us. These are most of the answers, out 15 1/3 had a decent responce. Their answers

It's called College where you learn all those things.
Biology takes 15 years of studies and research to be understood properly.

so what's the question here?
i don't get it

To sum up: "I don't understand how it works, so it must be god". That's not a valid argument.

What, exactly, is your question?

You are made out of cytoplasm.

I am made entirely of quarks!

Get drunk, & then u will see

As far as I know my mom and dad "created" me. And yes, I do love and Honor them.

Why should we research basic science for you? This is little kid stuff, seriously.

What the f*k are you talking about. Aliens? Robotics? Did you just watch a show on the Discovery Channel you didn't agree with?

Home schooling strikes again.

2007-09-02 08:44:37 · 7 answers · asked by chillen 2

God dosen't have the confidence he should and needs all the praise he can get. You friggin Atheists run around telling people no to. So he creates a place called Hell. Yet you tell people not to believe in that. Now what are you gonna say when God's manic depression gets the best of him?

*If sarcasm is not part of your vocabulary leave now*

2007-09-02 08:41:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

With both male and female genitals, or is that just another hoax, not done by scientists but by the medical community. I'm really interested in answers from christians who are in the medical feild, who know it to be true, and say its all God's plan somehow.

2007-09-02 08:40:57 · 15 answers · asked by wakemovement 3

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