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Religion & Spirituality - 18 July 2007

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or false prophecy from their very own literature?

2007-07-18 08:10:51 · 25 answers · asked by WhatIf 4

I have read in scripture that the 1st resurrection is Jesus Christ who raise from the dead and all who are redeemed by His Blood, for we are raised up with Him. That this is before the 1000 yr Reign of Christ on earth. That the last resurrection is after the 1000 yr Reign of Christ & is of everyone who wasn't part of he 1st Resurrection. In Revelations 20, 21.

2007-07-18 08:08:05 · 14 answers · asked by t_a_m_i_l 6

To more accurately reflect the theory scientist are proposing.

Because when you say evolution,what's gonna pop up in peoples mind generally is one animal changing or transforming into another animal. Maybe it oughta be called Animal Adaptation or Adaptation of living orginisms or something. Maybe who ever named the theory choose a word that's kinda misleading and misrepresenting of the actual theory.

Name Change?Yes or No?Why or why not?

2007-07-18 08:07:33 · 18 answers · asked by Maurice H 6

The first amendment states that the government cannot restrict religions. There is nothing in the constitution that says anything about the seperation of church and state yet everybody is always claiming it as a constituional right. The truth is that Thomas Jefferson gave a speech saying it was the rights of all Americans to practice their religion of choice and that we had a right to a seperation from the government, not to protect the government but to protect our religious rights from the governments intervention. This country was founded by people who were looking for religious freedom from English and Euorpean influence. How did it ever get turned around? In this case I am thinking of my own, Christain, The government seems to be stepping in and society as a whole to restrict it. I understand that our country is full of all kinds of relions and those who have none but why restrict my rights because they are different from someone elses?

2007-07-18 08:07:17 · 13 answers · asked by Connie D 4

Many atheists believe the whole theory of evolution proves the non-existance of God. Just throw everything out the window because Darwin proved there is no God!!! But Why?

So I ask, if NOTHING in science ever evolves from nothing and its proven that no infinite values exist in this universe, then I ask, how did we evolve from nothing?

So when its convenient for you, use evolution as a crutch to somehow distortedly justify the non-existance of God, but realize this...your core belief system evolves around existing from nothing. Which is impossible. So explain to me, how we evolved out of nothing, doesnt this contradict every value you hold in science?

Please spare me the, well then how was God created crap too. God goes so far over anyones realm of perception on this ignorant planet that even comprehending a fraction of who, or how, or what God is, is virtually impossible for your simply evolved minds. Oh and I believe in evolution too.

2007-07-18 08:06:17 · 35 answers · asked by Murfdigidy 4

type *drink*. Just curious

2007-07-18 08:03:11 · 21 answers · asked by James L 3

Why then does the city of Rome still exist, when the word of prophecy clearly states that when Rome falls there will be No more city standing, all the world will know it and will be amazed at its sudden and utter devastation?

2007-07-18 08:03:09 · 8 answers · asked by RG 5

i'm not going to judge anyone of you, and say you do hate christians, but do you, and in the most non-offensive way i can say this, if you do, or don't why do you still sometimes bring us down? i understand that we as a body bring you down in a way by shoving God in your face but since idon't judge you as a body of non-loving athiests, must u judge me that way?

2007-07-18 08:02:36 · 15 answers · asked by jesus freak 2

This license plate S8N was seen on a car....

While I am not the church going christian type, I believe that others could find it offensive.

So, why is the license tag offensive, and how can I explain it to to someone that thought it was "cool"? Why is S8N offensive and GOD not???

2007-07-18 08:02:27 · 23 answers · asked by JennieM 2

hehe j/k
Haven't seen this one in a while, had to add the mispelling too..see who's awake =0)
(I'm not trying to promote daylight drinking or anything )

2007-07-18 08:01:46 · 19 answers · asked by ♫O Praise Him♫ 5

At the base of the brain are the most primitive functions, the unconscious automatic things like regulating breath, the heart, fight or flight, etc. As you go up and forward, the functions advance, and become more human, more conscious. The lizard brain is the part of the brain that we have in common with lizards, a very primitive form of life, compared to humans. There are all sorts of processes jumbled together rather than logically organized. Some of the processes are optimized for only certain kinds of situations, while others don't work as well as they could. There's some duplication of effort, and even some conflicting brain processes

Why would your god structure our brains like this?

Or could it be that the human brain is a map of evolution?


And before you all freak out and say "that's not true!" I suggest you look it up. I'm not going to do your homework for you.

2007-07-18 08:01:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-18 07:58:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

What my name doesn't give it away? LOL I love atheist don't get me wrong, but I'm not athiest. Sheesh

2007-07-18 07:57:32 · 13 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7

Which religious denomination has the most Y!A trolls?

2007-07-18 07:53:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-18 07:52:49 · 23 answers · asked by Orlando neto de marajo 3

All our religions can't be right. Only one can be. Whats your view on your religion? Do you think its right? Explain.

2007-07-18 07:52:46 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous


Could someone explain abrogation to me? Also, would it be considered undesireable to wear and use a watch I got as a gift that has the kaaba on it?

2007-07-18 07:52:42 · 3 answers · asked by Dr. Singh 1

Exactly WHAT ....is the soul?

2007-07-18 07:52:27 · 12 answers · asked by Uncle Thesis 7

If your loved one was lying on a bed in a hospital dying and someone came into the room and told you that they could heal them, only if you would believed there's a God. What would you do?

A: Yes, I would believe there's a God, only if you heal my loved one.

B: Tell them to get out of the room, because you don't believe there's a God, and then let your love one die, because you were a atheists.

2007-07-18 07:52:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-18 07:50:57 · 18 answers · asked by Orlando neto de marajo 3

Okay. Now I know Christians are not supposed to judge. But I'd like you all to just go with this question.


Like i said, I know the Chrsitian answer is that we don't know the answer and only God knows. But put that aside for a second and take an educated guess please. If you DON'T WANT TO GIVE A NUMBER, DON'T ANSWER!!!Thanks.

2007-07-18 07:50:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and pressured into baptism at 13. I would not have made this choice as an adult. Officially disassociating myself would cause me to be disfellowshipped as an apostate or opposer of Jehovah's Witnesses. This would mean that any family and friends still practicing the religion would no longer be able to associate with me or they would be subject to being disfellowshipped as well. I am in no way opposed to their religion. If I had made the decision as an adult to become baptised I would accept the consequences of retracting my decision. As a child, I was allowed and even encouraged to make a weighty and serious decision regarding my future. In no way was I mature enough to have grasped the gravity of my decision at that age. I now stand to lose contact with my family for taking steps to liberate myself from the religion. Are there any legal precedents regarding this matter? Can a baptism be annulled?

2007-07-18 07:50:05 · 8 answers · asked by totalbummer 2

2007-07-18 07:48:57 · 13 answers · asked by mom2nandn 2

Isn't that one of the first things he did after leaving Mecca? I respectfully humbly request an explanation from those that would call Islam a peaceful religion. Wasn't the "founder" also militaristic?

I admit ignorance on this one, but would like to learn.

2007-07-18 07:47:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

"just a theory" or "based on chance"?
Survival of the fittest is basic genetics. Those who had the best survival traits (such as white rabbits in tundra) outlived the the lesser survival traits (black rabbits in tundra) and had lots and lots of babies. Eventually those genetics became dominant and the lesser died out. How in the hell is that chance??

2007-07-18 07:46:37 · 30 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7

I want to know is there really a such thing? I've been to different demoniations and each speak about them differently. I'm Christian and have always believed that there are Guardian Angels. What do you think?

2007-07-18 07:46:35 · 9 answers · asked by Queen 5


I recently read a question asking about why the Christians are picked on so much on here.

Can any of the regular users please explain to them just how persecuted Christianity REALLY is in today's society or even just here on Yahoo Answers?

I'm a bit grumpy to be linguistically inclined, and I'm just gonna get insulting if I try to answer...

I'm especially looking for Christian answerers.

2007-07-18 07:44:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

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