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Religion & Spirituality - 10 July 2007

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They are businesses in the business of selling fairy tales as science. Some of them like the Catholic Church and Watchtower Society run large investment firms. They should be taxed like any other business.

2007-07-10 08:21:23 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

Then why give it to us in the 1st place?

2007-07-10 08:17:59 · 31 answers · asked by moseymo5 3

I personally like to either use them as toilet paper when my charmin runs out or I line my bird cage with them. Whats your favorite thing to do with this cult publication?

2007-07-10 08:15:42 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Surely people other than Mathew would have remarked upon this?

Did the Romans round them up and take them to Area LI?

2007-07-10 08:13:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Oh no! Whatever shall we do if we can't get fundies to believe in global warming?!!!
I really lose sleep over stuff like this.
Strange,how one can keep abreast of current trends in fundie thought just by reading atheist postings. But then,who else cares what fundies think?
Anyway,so let's have it - what's the big low-down on fundies-don't-believe-in-global-warning-and-boy-does-that-make-me-mad? Was this something a tv evangelist kicked off? What's the narrative? Any time-line on this controversy?

2007-07-10 08:12:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

God is not dead. my hands, my feet, my soul etc. etc. etc.

2007-07-10 08:10:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

if you are feeling not well, do you know why?
are you here because worldy things are not appealing to you anymore?
if i am to ask you how would you like me to love you, can you give me an answer?
this is love, just not as intense as the love you have been expecting.
i will help to grow this love by being in touch with you, agree?
would you like to write to me, or vice versa?
sugestions are welcome
you can ask me anything, or tell me anything
I apologize for my bad tone, and the reflexion of the darkness
please help to purify my heart, and yours

2007-07-10 08:09:20 · 6 answers · asked by - 3

So in the world today, there are certain standards people live by. You know, don't kill someone else - and if someone does, then they get sent to prison. Etcetera etcetera. So who decided what was right and wrong? A lot of it seems similar to the 10 Commandments and that sort of thing, murder is just an example. So did it stem from these? Are the rules we live by now some which originate from Biblical times? And if the Bible is a load of tosh, then are the extreme minority (those who are just totally against it, and im not accusing anyone here of that) ignoring it completely? Do they think it's right to murder, for the sake of going against the Bible? If not, where does their "moral code" come from?

2007-07-10 08:06:58 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seems the Pope is reiterating that if you're not Catholic, you're not saved. How do you feel about that?


2007-07-10 08:05:12 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

LORENZAGO DI CADORE, Italy - Pope Benedict XVI has reasserted the universal primacy of the Roman Catholic Church, approving a document released Tuesday that says Orthodox churches were defective and that other Christian denominations were not true churches.

<-- snip -->


2007-07-10 08:05:03 · 19 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

Yes if you don't accept God's gift of salvation you will go to hell,yes we are all sinners BUT there's more than God's wrath.God sent his son to pay the penalty for our sins.if you accept the fact that you are a sinner,abandon that sin and give yourself over to God's gracious hand you will be free from sin.When you die there will be no need to fear hell.Just as Christ was raised from the dead you too will be raised and live for eternity IF YOU WILL ACCEPT GOD'S GIFT.Please I ask you now to do so.don't wait until it's too late.PLEASE

2007-07-10 08:04:51 · 9 answers · asked by Demon slayer 3

Both jump the gun.

2007-07-10 08:04:35 · 8 answers · asked by Frog Five 5

So many Catholics on here seem convinced that their Church is the True Church, started in 33 AD. My guess is that some of you either do not know of the Eastern Orthodox Church, do not know much about it, or believe something that causes you to believe that it is not the True Church and that, in 1054 it is the Eastern Orthodox that split from Rome, and not Rome that split from the Eastern Orthodox.

My question is, what do you believe about these Churches, and why do you believe it?

If you are Catholic, I would like to ask how you reconcile with the doctrinal changes that have occurred in the Roman Catholic Church over time, despite Papal Infallibility. I'm willing to consider that I don't understand Papal Infallibility.

I ask this in the kindest way I know how, I do not wish to give rise to dissention and anger. I'm just curious what everyone believes.

**For simplicity, I've left Oriental Orthodoxy out, but you may bring it up if you like.**

2007-07-10 08:03:25 · 17 answers · asked by Josias B 2

2007-07-10 08:03:01 · 9 answers · asked by Myalelo X 1

Fayette Lapham said that about 1830 Smith's father told him that Joseph had joined the Baptist church in about 1824 (Historical Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 5, May 1870, pp. 305-306) The P. of G.P. J.S. History 1:7 says that Joseph's mother and sister Sophronia as well as his two brothers, Hyrum and Samuel, joined the Presbyterian church when the revival came. They remained members until September, 1828. Wesley Walters found this information in the Sessions Records, Vol. II, for the Western Presbyterian Church of Palmyra, New York. He also found that in 1822 Joseph Smith "caught a spark of Methodism and became a very passible exhorter in the evening meetings" (History of the Pioneer Settlement of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, 1851, p. 214). In order to be teaching in a Methodist church, Joseph must have been accepted rather than persecuted as he claimed in the P. of G.P., J.S. History 1:21-22. In 1828, Joseph sought membership in the Methodist church.

2007-07-10 08:02:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

People who are loved by everyone, are loving and love all. People who are hated by everyone, are hateful and hate all.

Why or why not

2007-07-10 07:58:59 · 11 answers · asked by ecogeek4ever 6

I mean if you're not supposed to take the bible literally, what's the point of them? To be good? Help me understand.

2007-07-10 07:58:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

What guidelines do you use to help you in your day-to-day living ?

2007-07-10 07:58:53 · 8 answers · asked by PAUL A 4

Currently, there are 75 Jehovah's Witnesses who are in prison for their conscientious refusal of military service on religious grounds. Of these, 70 have been tried and convicted and 5 have been charged and are awaiting their trial.

2007-07-10 07:57:46 · 13 answers · asked by babydoll 7

I ask this questions cause many of you Atheists say that after you die you are pretty much forgotten about. many of you say you are pretty satisfied living this life, and dying is inevitable and you are comfortable with that as well.

No hope and faith is needed as you say, because this life is it end of story

As a believer and many like myself who have lost a loved one through physical death we never forget. My brother died 31 yrs ago and I think of him daily as well as othe family members and friends I once knew and are no longer here.

With no hope in GOD, seeing your loved ones again is pretty dismal and I would always be sad in life that I would never be reunited with people that menat so much to me when I die.

So do you think yourself as an Atheist to be stronger individuals with your emotions on loosing loved ones, death and destruction that happens daily in the world, and seeing the world ,society and the enviroment heading in a downward spiral?

2007-07-10 07:56:16 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I thought waiting till you get married was timeless but I guess I am wrong! LOL

2007-07-10 07:55:00 · 13 answers · asked by   2

Is this true?

2007-07-10 07:54:30 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believed some pretty silly things back when I was a theist, but they were mostly the sorts of things I tried my best not to think about. If you're good at being gullible and even better at trying to rationalize your irrational beliefs, you can become fairly convinced of even the silliest propositions.

Or so I thought. Even at my worst, I had at least some semblance of skepticism keeping me from believing in things I could actively disprove. I didn't have a fully functioning Baloney Detector at the time, but I had one that was at least rudimentary, and it kept me more grounded that at least some of the theists out there.

Which brings me to a statement made in response to a recent question on here: "Most scientists don't even consider [evolution] a legitimate field of study anymore." Slightly paraphrase, but that's the gist of it. Names are witheld to protect the ignorant.

My question is this: How can anyone seriously believe that? It's one thing to reject others work...

2007-07-10 07:54:22 · 21 answers · asked by Minh 6


Pope Benedict XVI has reaffirmed that the Catholic Church is the ONLY church, all other demoniations, Orthodox and Protestant are not true churches. That has to hurt, coming from God's one true spokesman.

2007-07-10 07:53:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

is still on answers? he's the only reason i signed up on answers. i got the link to his answers profile but it doesn't show any activty for over week. someone said he was deleted. is this true? i really liked his answers. btw his 360 link doesn't work

2007-07-10 07:53:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers