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Religion & Spirituality - 28 June 2007

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A lot of you answerers gave answers that used the words "unless" or "only in the circumstance where..."

Are you saying that Abortion should be used as a reward for the "good" women who haven't slept around, or have been raped, and withheld as some sort of punishment from the promiscuous woman, or the "first-time-pregnant" teenage girl?

Where is the line drawn that defines the acceptability of having an abortion?

2007-06-28 06:19:51 · 27 answers · asked by vince_the_bat 2

People often cite "Not Without My Daughter" in R&S in an insulting manner to Islam, as though all Muslims behave like "Moody" in that film.

But do you know about Moody (Sayed Bozorg Mahmoody)'s side of the story? Do you know about his film, "Without My Daughter?" He hasn't seen his daughter for 16 years, and other Americans shown in this film claim that "Not Without My Daughter" was simply propaganda. Also, did you know that Betty Mahmoody was a convert to Islam?

I'm not trying to say that the Islamic Republic Iran is right - in fact, I'm the first to claim that it's an oppressive government - but stop citing propaganda like this film in order to insult Islam! It just makes you look stupid.

2007-06-28 06:19:04 · 9 answers · asked by nomadic 5

2007-06-28 06:18:19 · 19 answers · asked by mycathisses 3

I have never been married, i have 2 children, I live with my boyfriend and we have sex. Am i still not as sinful as a homosexual?

I know the answer to this..but i guess i want a debate

2007-06-28 06:16:35 · 23 answers · asked by Christine A 2

What if you're wrong and R&S is a foxhole???!?


2007-06-28 06:13:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

when we play uno she'll put two cards down but make it look like one,

i just dont see how she can do that and call herself a christian

what do you think

2007-06-28 06:13:05 · 17 answers · asked by ? 1

I like a lot of Christians are ingorant to the way Atheists believe. It is well know that Christians live by Faith and believe in the eternal life with our Father in Heaven, once the body dies and the soul and spirit seperate from the mortal body. But what do Atheists believe happens upon death of the mortal body? What happens to their soul and spirit?

2007-06-28 06:12:13 · 42 answers · asked by sparkplug 4

This will obviously be classed as racist, but isn't it more of a freedom of speech issue? Shouldn't we be able to speak our minds more in this world without having to mumble under our breaths away from the public eye?
Biting our tongues and bottling things up does more harm than good in my opinion. Should we say what we believe no matter how it sounds?
If your friend has a really bad body odour, shouldn't he be told rather than people speaking unkindly behind his back?
In the long run this person can take measures to rectify the problem, and may thank you in the long run.

2007-06-28 06:11:15 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

What kind of parents could allow their daughter to become such a sublime skank? Do you think Paris's grandparents were as bad as her own parents? Do you think Paris is even aware that her own parents are truly awful? Since I was raised K-12 and am convinced I had awful parents and grand-parents will you spare me the overreactions?

2007-06-28 06:09:47 · 16 answers · asked by mouthbreather77 1

2007-06-28 06:08:33 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which Kind of Husband You'll love to have
Sri Ram
The person who loved his only wife still left her for the noble cause
Sri Krishna
Who also loved equally not one but eight of them
Who loved his wife Draupadi but lost her in Jooda kreeda
Who loved Mandodari but ignored her in his last days

Hindu Men please vote or say whose answer is good but don't answer this question

2007-06-28 06:06:31 · 5 answers · asked by The More I learn The More I'm Uneducated 5

"Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished." (Isaiah 13:15-16)

2007-06-28 06:05:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Feel free to give me your perspective on the above statement. Your comments are welcome.

2007-06-28 06:04:56 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

First I am objective and do not have a reason to have any personal anti Catholic feelings.

I understand most things about the Catholic Church like how Rosaries and Artifacts and Forgiveness of Sins were really huge money makers for various cathedrals and how the creation of the Saint system allowed for local people to keep worshiping their pagan god under Christian makeup and how the creation of a Pope figure and the discouraging of bible studying by the lay people gave the church total control to do and say anything as coming from God Himself.

But what I don't understand is what advantage it gave to the Catholic Church to not have priests be married. Its seems that if priest were allowed to get married nad have sex the church would have a lot more priests (and a lot less abuse problems).

Is this a rule created to prevent priest property and money from getting divided up amongst offspring and family so that it can stay within the church?

2007-06-28 06:03:33 · 17 answers · asked by h nitrogen 5

there is no god in the bible that says "once saved always saved" or that "all babies go to heaven" or any of the garbage that fundies usually spout, so where did they get their god from?

2007-06-28 05:59:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Forced circumcision of women is a barbaric practice akin to cannibalism and human sacrifice, because like such practices, people die in the name of religion. It is a torturous procedure that scars a woman physically, sexually, and psychologically for life.

All nations on Earth should state unanimously that forced mutilation of genitalia should be abolished. Religious practices that involve circumcision should involve only consenting, informed adults.

Some may disagree, but it is the only fair system. People die and suffer needlessly because of superstitious barbarism.

Less common is severe harm to male children over the procedure. I think if the law banned all forms of forced circumcision, men and women would be protected from this danger.

I don't think this is a privacy or religious issue. You may be free to believe what you want, and beliefs are not subject to law, but actions are. Actions have consequences and should be punishable and made illegal in these cases.

2007-06-28 05:58:46 · 11 answers · asked by askthepizzaguy 4

that it's so easy to "accept Jesus into your heart?" I was a Catholic for 20 years, and I'm finding it harder and harder to believe any one religion is 100% correct. But some people seem to think non-belief is a choice. If I asked you "Why can't you just believe in and accept that Allah is the one true God?" what would you say? Accepting Christ, or Allah, or Buddah, or whoever is easier said than done. Unless of course you were raised your whole life into thinking you're correct; then obviously EVERY OTHER religion will seem wrong. I think it's ridiculously arrogant for someone to say "I know the truth, I know I'm going to heaven..."

2007-06-28 05:56:47 · 11 answers · asked by mark r 4

Is it true that most all, not all, victims of Aids made poor choices ?

2007-06-28 05:54:48 · 28 answers · asked by Caesar J. B. Squitti 1

2007-06-28 05:54:38 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hoodoo is basically rootwork...using plants, oils, water, etc to bring about a desired result. The magic isn't in the spell, it's actually in the ingredients.

In your practices, do you utilize any rootwork similar to hoodoo?

I wonder how many nontraditional practices share this commonality, making rootwork a more popular and accepted practice than others may think.

2007-06-28 05:52:46 · 5 answers · asked by nottashygirl 6

1.Whats your fav kind of candy?
2.Do you watch the price is right?
3. Do puppies make you smile?
4. Whats your religion?

I am seeing it more and more and its driving me nuts! Does anyone else agree? Like adding that last question really makes it a deep question.

2007-06-28 05:51:58 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

My word, people, I am an atheist and a former teacher (currently a private tutor.)

I was just curious as to what others thought and I wondered if there were parents who would have their child removed from the class. Geesh, no need to get your panties all up in a bunch.


2007-06-28 05:51:32 · 9 answers · asked by Kathryn™ 6

ok 4 christians who never ask 4 forgiveness before they die, do they go 2 hell? i thought if u believe in jesus, it doesnt matter how bad u r you still go 2 heaven. is that true?

2007-06-28 05:51:27 · 17 answers · asked by nobody's kid 2

During one of my martial arts classes we had a guest instructor teach us Iaijutsu.

As I was holding the sword it seemed like there was a spiritual connection with it. I felt like it was an extension to my body and spirit.

Inside it felt like - "with this I can take a life - I must wield it with honor, respect, and morality."

Is this weird or do swords have some sort of spiritual significance?

2007-06-28 05:49:09 · 11 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

Apostles wrote what they experienced with Jesus. It doesn’t matter when they wrote it, what matters are that they recorded important information about Christ. If you find what they wrote unbelievable then simply say that, but it is reckless and irresponsible to deny that these men recorded what they experienced. You say we Christians have no foundation for our faith. That is not true; we have the records of these credible Apostles and the Prophets. And they dovetail perfectly. THAT gives our FAITH… SUBSTANCE! And we experience that substance transforming to evidence daily!

If it sounds too fantastic for you, just be straightforward and say you don’t believe the supernatural aspects but don’t stoop to ignore the work these men put in. Is this too much to ask?

2007-06-28 05:48:51 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

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