The intelligent and reasonable people of the World must unite against religion.
It is becoming clear that all religious groups are a threat to peace, everywhere (Yes, including Christianity - as history shows)
All that it takes, is for a revival of any religion to build the fires of extremism.
If you believe that you have a message from God in any form, you are dangerous. PERIOD.
The reasonable, human and intelligent people of the World must find a way to present the truth about religions to those who are under it's heavy delusion, in order for true freedom and peace to abound.
This information is out there. Islam and Christianity is easily disproven - what is harder to disprove, is the fire that burns in the hearts of the religious. This is our true fight!
Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the greatest evils and the greatest hoaxes in the history of the world.
16 answers
asked by
The Burninator