Hey. I was reading this, and I wanted to know what others thought about it.
Humanity’s transition in to the postmodern age has been marked by attempts at promoting peace and harmony. One of these ways is through religious tolerance; that is, the promotion of understanding of other cultures and religions. This is generally a good idea. This allows us all to leave our well-worn perspectives and to understand various viewpoints. Unfortunately, this effort at unity has also warped into a more sinister form, a pluralism that encourages a blurring of distinctions, especially in the area of religion.
This mode of thought has done the most damage when applied to religion. The underlying idea behind the pluralistic effort is that all religions and schools of thought are “basically the same,” that they are all different paths that lead to God, and, therefore, there doesn’t seem to be any harm in lumping them all together by highlighting their similarities, or conjuring similarities out ...
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