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Religion & Spirituality - 26 February 2007

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I have seen many Atheists on here be accused of doing Satans work. I have even had it happen to me first hand. What I would like to ask is why do you think that they are doing Satans work?

Taking into account that Satan is supposed to be the father of all lies. Also taking into account that most Atheists I know seek the Truth in everything. Wouldn't it be a bit odd to say that those who seek truth do Satans work?

Granted many christians would say that they do this by refuting the "One Truth" of God. However without true proof that the teachings in the bible are uncorrupted, without true proof that the doctrine of any church is correct, you cannot state that the reverse is not true. Without being able to prove truth, you cannot prove an absence of fallacy. Isn't the best lie one that is hidden within a web of truths?

Granted you could try to turn that around, but then I could say that blindly following something that could be lies is doing Satans work.

2007-02-26 13:06:22 · 23 answers · asked by DimensionalStryder 4

My minister plans on having an outside baptism this coming sunday!

2007-02-26 13:05:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

The parallels between the DISCOVERY of handedness and the DISCOVERY of sexual orientation are made in several places.

Many who answered my questions (linked below) saw the cruelty in sending a child away to change something that felt very natural. Others saw it as a form of self-discipline the child could engage in.

However, no parent who suffered "reprogramming" would recommend it for their children.

Do these questions help to present the issue of gay people's sexual orientation from a different perspective, and the consequent frustration with the church Gay people have?

Or do you find no insight in considering Gay people's experience in such a fashion?



^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-02-26 13:04:47 · 8 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

Hasn't the science of quantum probability proven that life randomly forming, then evolving into every creature that we know today is an insane theory to believe in? Basically, quantum probability has shown that it is more likely that a person can win the powerball lotto everyday for 450 years than for life to spontaneously form and evolve into all the different creatures we see today. So, knowing this, why do people still believe in this junk? Why do evolutionists cower in fear when their beliefs are confronted with reason, facts, and science? Why do they have to resort to threats and insults when they can no longer find intelligent points to support their positions? Why are they so closed-minded to alternative views?

2007-02-26 13:03:24 · 30 answers · asked by Matt 4

2007-02-26 13:02:49 · 10 answers · asked by Amairani D 1

It's so easy to prove. Just read The Book of Mormon. It couldn't have been made up because there's no proof of that!

2007-02-26 13:02:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-26 13:02:34 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have looked at several QandAs and this is very often the case which I think says a lot about where they are in a life without Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

2007-02-26 13:02:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jesus had a son named Judah and was buried alongside Mary Magdalene, according to a new documentary. uncovered 10 of the 2,000-year-old ossuaries - or limestone coffins - in a tomb in March 1980.

According to the Israel Antiquities Authority, six of those coffins were marked with the names Mary; Matthew; Jesua son of Joseph; Mary; Jofa (Joseph, Jesus' brother); and Judah son of Jesua.


2007-02-26 13:00:14 · 27 answers · asked by hitan_2005 3

I do.

2007-02-26 13:00:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can you tell me why you believe it is okay to have homosexual friends as a Christian, when your faith seems so harsh towards them?

OR, does your church view them as souls in need of saving, and you are simply their friend to save them?

OR, do you see nothing wrong with being friends with them, since the Bible says to hate the SIN and NOT the sinner? So you are NOT out to change them, but simply to love them as friends?


2007-02-26 12:58:41 · 11 answers · asked by Jewel 3

Prohibition does not prevent cannabis use by children or the mentally ill, the vulnerable populations whom we supposedly want to protect. Instead, cannabis prohibition makes it more difficult for parents, patients, society, and doctors to control cannabis use.

The Drug War makes honest education about cannabis impossible, and leaves cannabis users marginalized in ways that make their lives more stressful. This stress is unhealthy for everyone, but it is certainly most damaging to people with schizophrenia.

Cannabis prohibition is not merely a failure; it is a counterproductive fraud that is harming those whom we claim we want to protect. There are currently more teens in treatment centers for marijuana in comparison to those admitted for alcohol.
Only an idiot would have to ask why alcohol is not the no#1 problem
after all alcohol is perfectly legal ( If you are 21.) That is due to responsible people handling alcohol by way of the carding and id system.

Contraband markets make no age disgression.
Since the crackdown on tobacco there are 75% fewer teens trying or using tobacco.
However when it comes to cannabis and other illicit substances it’s a whole
other ball game.
Control, regulation and better education work prohibition dose not.
Or as John Walters of the ondcp (Office for national drug control policy) calls it “ a war on drugs” (Sorry John but it's true look at the Netherlands)

America loves a war even if it is on it’s own people.

One of several reason they don’t legalize drugs is not because of the harm of drugs,
But people would lose more money in the long run.
Some of the people behind the support of this irrational so called war are
The tobacco industry, the alcohol and distilled spirit industry ( people simply don’t drink as much, or decide not to drink at all with cannabis meaning a decline in there sales.
The pharmaceutical corporations can not make money on whole or raw cannabis, but they can charge an arm and a leg for there synthetic Marinol (dronabinol) CIII.

The textile and paper industry would lose out from hemp production, sinse hemp dose not need to go through all the various processes that ordinary tree products would. Also it’s possible to get two harvest in in one season.

However people don’t know the difference between industrial hemp and smokable cannabis, yet they are able to distinguish between the two in other country’s like Germany, the UK , Netherlands and even Canada, but our `DEA agents are so dumb they cant tell the difference between a stalk and a bush.

The petroleum industry would be affected, sinse almost everything that can be made from petroleum can be synthesized from hemp oil, everything from bio fuel to even plastics. If North America would use a third of it’s land for hemp production we could create enough biofuel to supply an area the size of Canada.

Now also for a moment consider how many people are incarcerated over just cannabis who are currently in the prisons and jails.
If cannabis were legalized and all inmates serving time for cannabis were freed there would be an over abundance of empty cells, and millions of guards in this country would be no longer needed.
The prison building industry would almost be obsolete ( and if all drugs were legalized that would mean even more empty cells.
So the prison system must have some means of gaining more inmates.

Not to mention other areas such as treatment centers, probation.etc

or HIDTA high intensity drug traffic areas where money is fed in to law enforcement,

(they would miss there green $$$)

Drugs , not even alcohol are the cause of the fundamental ills of society, rather than checking people for the presence of drugs, they should first test people for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.

2007-02-26 12:57:54 · 13 answers · asked by davegarkie 1

we were debating and it appears that the bible is not quite as clear about it as we seem to think:

Jesus clearly states that you should love your neighbor, though without specifics...
God created man in his image - and he was actually pretty upset when Adam had scx with Eve...
people seem to have gotten in much more trouble for breaking their marriage vows, but if I'm not overlooking something, then being gay is not banned by the bible but just by our church?

2007-02-26 12:55:38 · 51 answers · asked by carla 3

2007-02-26 12:52:30 · 14 answers · asked by davegarkie 1

i feel like i am such a terrible person...i don't like do drugs or anything bad like that and have never murdered anyone...i just feel totally terrible.... at school and when i am around my friends i feel fine but sometimes i feel like i am going to go to hell when i die for not being a good christian!! and i dont wanna go to hell!! i go to church, am a christian, believe in jesus and god, but i dont read my bible..i let loose a few words to myself all the time...i dont know what i am feeling!! i guess my question is what is my problem?!?

2007-02-26 12:50:56 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

In my opinon, devout religious followers should follow whatever guildlines are set forth in their religious teachings. If their religion says that something is against their beliefs, I don't think that a devout follower has the right to pick and choose when that rule should be followed.

I recently stood by the teachings of my religion, Christianity, and was critisized by someone for doing so. I feel that regardless of my personal feelings, that as a Christian it is not my place to question the teachings of Christianity, only to follow them.

2007-02-26 12:50:21 · 11 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

My girlfriend doesn't talk about it much, but she practices something called dream magic. How exactly does this work. I think she's leaving some details out, she's an extremely private person and to her telling me stuff like this is still to personal.

2007-02-26 12:50:09 · 7 answers · asked by Luc M 1

2007-02-26 12:49:46 · 13 answers · asked by davegarkie 1

Here is an article about a documentary that will be opening soon. According to the article several small caskets were found in Jerusalem and inscribed Jesus son of joseph and Mariam. they concluded that these are the remains of Jesus. Click the link below to read the article


2007-02-26 12:49:35 · 10 answers · asked by Erni S 2

According to Jesus, the good guys go to heaven and the bad guys go to hell after they die. Frankly speaking, I am not good enough to go to paradise, but I'm not a bad person either, so where will I go after I die. This is not a joke. Thank you in advance.

2007-02-26 12:49:33 · 13 answers · asked by Gone 4

2007-02-26 12:48:20 · 17 answers · asked by Jane ♥ 3

2007-02-26 12:48:14 · 8 answers · asked by Medicine Eddie 2

I used to be a Presbyterian Protestant before I became a Catholic.

2007-02-26 12:46:33 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've read many Christians comment on how this life is primarily a testing ground to gain entry to heaven. I've read many comments about how so much of science and technology is at odds with Christian faith. I've even read comments that technology is in direct conflict with what Jesus Christ and god wanted.

So what I don't understand is this... if mortal life is "relatively" unimportant, and if gaining entry to heaven is the primary focus, why do Christians bother to participate and contribute in the progress, the science, the technology, the achievements, and all the other advances of mankind? Why care about progress?

Why not reject it all? Why not forget about the mad rush to acquire possessions and a more prestigious job? Why not give up your boats and cars, and vacations to Disneyland? Why not pursue the simple "shepherds" life, live off the land, never-change, and spend your days spreading Christ's message? Isn't this what he wanted you to do?

2007-02-26 12:43:52 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you had to choose between living in poverty, then going to Heaven or living with riches, then going to Hell, which would you choose.....and Why?

2007-02-26 12:43:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-26 12:41:48 · 12 answers · asked by Leon B 1

...want to SLAP them?

2007-02-26 12:40:39 · 6 answers · asked by Hermes Trismegistus 2

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