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Religion & Spirituality - 26 February 2007

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In which denominations of Christianity is it permissable to accept evolution?

2007-02-26 14:58:38 · 7 answers · asked by Nowhere Man 6

I've heard about miracles happening to my friends but they say that stuff just happens to them and I've always wanted things to happen to me too. But they're always bad things. on valentine's Day my granny died and she was the only one who wasn't busy and would always play with me and keep me company. I'm not as sad as my mom but I am a bit bored and last week on Saturday I asked God if he could send me a friend. And I wanted it to be soon so I asked if a new kid could move into the empty house next door. He never came even when I waited the whole day looking out the window until 9 o' clock. i was really disappointed and angry at God. Then today a boy from San Fransisco came. Last week I wanted God to send his angel...Gabriel in particular...I won't tell you his name because a lot of kids from my school go to this site... and I don't want them to know I like him. But he hasn't noticed and I was too shy. Do you think that was the kid God sent or just some typical new kid?

2007-02-26 14:57:54 · 9 answers · asked by Purple Frog 1

(either a replica or an authentic Native American Peace pipe?... no hash pipe's please... I'm merely trying to reconnect with a part of my ancestry.

2007-02-26 14:57:03 · 10 answers · asked by The Lonely Skywolf 3

It looks a bit like a Jewish cap...is that what it is? And by the way, what is the Jewish cap called?

2007-02-26 14:55:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want opinions only: but why do people expect God to do things for them if they are not doing right or people always talk about God is good but when something does not go your way then you doubt God or say God is not real. It is easy to believe God when things are good and fine. But what if things are going bad. People blame God for everything bad in the world and disrespect God. Then the same people expect God to bless them. People think that God owes them something but God does not owe them anything. Like I said I want opinions only.

2007-02-26 14:55:10 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think it's worth a shot. They need to have miniture MP3 players implanted into their heads and a simple paragraph repeated over and over...something like;

There is no God. There is no higher power. Life on this planet is purely the result of an unbroken chain of completely random events. The sooner you understand this, the more beneficial your life is to humanity in general.

2007-02-26 14:55:01 · 8 answers · asked by Desiree J 3

2007-02-26 14:54:11 · 11 answers · asked by Brendan G 4

2007-02-26 14:53:31 · 12 answers · asked by Sati 1

2007-02-26 14:52:59 · 7 answers · asked by Sati 1

This isn't really a question, but I've been reading 1984 by George Orwell and I've noticed some similarities. I don't mean any ill will to any religions, being a Christian myself, I just wanted to see what people thought.
#1.Big Brother=God (always watching you)
#2.Everyone is told to do everything in the name of God.
#3.Scheduled times for worship (mass=Two Minutes Hate, etc.)
#4.Leader claims to be all knowing and all conquering (only one God=B.B. claiming helicopters, airplanes, etc. and only way to be)
#5.Those in the Party/Religion dress a special way (overalls=specials robes or clothing)

Once again i don't mean any negativity or anything of the sort. I just want to know what you guys think.

2007-02-26 14:51:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Stastics prove other wise. 95% of prison population is male.
97% of homosexuals are male. 97% of child abuse and pedofiles is male. Most murders are committed by males. Most car accidents are done by males. Also most drunk driving tickets.
Most spousal abuse cases are males beating up their wives.
In prison males rape other males. The 5% of the prison population that is women is raped by male guards.
Usually there because of some man.
Women are not as bad as men!
Men do contact sports like boxing, wrestleing, football and socker and hockey. In the ages past they hacked each other up with axes. When was the last time you read about a war where women were on the battlefield hacking each other up?
Men are by far the orneryest. Almost exclusively are they the ones who start wars.

2007-02-26 14:50:19 · 22 answers · asked by Ruth 6


A vaccine that could prevent 70% of cervical cancer cases and there's a debate?

2007-02-26 14:49:33 · 24 answers · asked by God 6

Please let me know if anyone in the Bible did a 12 day fast of any kind. Thank You. Nick G. Phoenix, AZ

2007-02-26 14:49:25 · 7 answers · asked by nick g 1

the depth of my soul?

2007-02-26 14:47:03 · 9 answers · asked by fair blue 5

...a horse is a horse, of course, of course?
Just getting a little philosophical.

2007-02-26 14:43:46 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

...or,are you like me, I use it to help me through life...but I dont believe it word-for-word...

2007-02-26 14:43:24 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do i smell carnations out of no where and then some one close to me dies with in two weeks? Have you any of these senses if so please tell me about them. I have also seen black figures some nice some mean enough to get in my face!

2007-02-26 14:43:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

He said in a speech delivered April 12, 1922:

"In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison."

- Hold your horses: I need a frank answer to convince some buddy that the Führer was an atheist.

2007-02-26 14:41:00 · 31 answers · asked by ari-pup 7

How do I slay mortals? If there is a way, longsword above my head waiting to strike some fool, why do people act stupid?

2007-02-26 14:40:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like Judas was such a creep. They don't know anything about the man. And do they consider he hung himself
after he did what he did? NOOOOOO!!!!

2007-02-26 14:35:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Those of you pushing the non-believers...why do you care? Be happy in your own world and leave others in theirs. Or is it that you can't handle the fact that someone else might be right? You have to pursuade everyone to your side of the fence to justify your own beliefs? WHY do you push so hard? If you care so much about others then get your butts out in the streets and do something about this intolerable world we live in! Guess what? There are drug dealers selling to kids as we speak, someone is getting raped within 50 miles of you right now, murders, robberies, domestic violence.... You know who's committing these crimes? Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics and any other belief system you care to add. No amount of prayer can stop that.

Go out and reach THOSE people! The criminals who REALLY need some redirection.

We have far greater problems then those who don't believe in God.

Ranted a little...sorry, hope you can all find my question in there.

2007-02-26 14:35:15 · 13 answers · asked by KJ 5

Do you believe we descended from one man and one woman (monogenism), or from multiple humans (polygenism)?

The Roman Catholic Church has stated that acceptance of evolution is possible as long as Catholics continue to believe in monogenism. This is for the continuance of the doctrine of Original Sin. I personally do not see Original Sin being in conflict with polygenism.

The thoughts and opinions of all are welcome.

2007-02-26 14:33:56 · 7 answers · asked by Nowhere Man 6

My apologies for my last question which was not specific enough. Please be specific. Don't just say, "a miracle" or "the eradication of world hunger." What exactly would God have to do for YOU for you to believe in God?

2007-02-26 14:32:36 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-26 14:31:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

For this question, suppose that you got to heaven and it was full of peace and all your family and you lived up there forever. But even forever can get old. What if you were tired of that existance and wanted to leave, or even die again.

2007-02-26 14:31:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jesus was a prophet and not a son of God. Here is proof from the bible itself. The reason why people believe he is "Gods son", is because the bible has been tampered with many times in its history, that it has lost its original message.

In Matthew 21:11, the people of his time are recorded as referring to Jesus as a prophet: “And the crowds said, ‘This is the prophet Jesus of Nazareth of Galilee.’ ” In Mark, 6:4, it is stated that Jesus referred to himself as a prophet: “And Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honour, except in his own country, and among his own kin, and in hisown house.’

2007-02-26 14:29:30 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Your belief that a 'sin is a sin' and there are 'no levels of hell'?

Do you know the mind of God or the opinion of a Jewish goat herder 2000-5000 years ago?

Since not all Christians believe this, it is mainly for American Evangelicals/Baptists/"Born Agains"

2007-02-26 14:28:34 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to religious beliefs, I saw women are consider as a symbol of evil, such as Eve disobeying God's order not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Also, night demons like Lilith are women too! Also, they said mostly women participate in evil stuff like black magic and witchcraft. However, man did more evil doings like raping women, killing innocents, abuse women and children and more. What you guys think?

2007-02-26 14:25:30 · 35 answers · asked by yehaa yahoo 2

I have recently been betrayed by some very close friends of mine. Do you know any bible verses realting to that or any about going through hardships?

2007-02-26 14:25:08 · 11 answers · asked by Ames 2

The Day of Judgement has arrived. Major disasters everywhere: flood, fire, disease.
St. Peter has been at the Gates of Heaven for three straight days, asking the millions of victims some very basic questions.
Jesus comes along and sees that Peter is much too tired to continue.

"Pete, take a break and I'll do this for a while".
So Jesus takes over and asks each potential resident their name, occupation, and number of children, where applicable.

After a time, an old, feeble man appears before him.
"Your name sir?" asks Jesus
"I don't know" replies the man.
Again the old man replies that he doesn't recall.
"Number of children?"
"No clue" says the man.

Somewhat exasperated, Jesus starts anew. "Your name really isn't that important. However, your occupation is. Please concentrate sir; what did you do for a living, how did you gain your livelihood?"
The old man, lost in thought, slowly starts to piece it together.
"Well," he says "I can recall working with my hands a lot. In fact, looking at the splinters in my palms, I'd have to say that I was a carpenter."
"Excellent and honorable occupation sir. Well done! Now for the next step: How many, if any, children did you have?"
Once again the old man furrows his brow and tries desperately to remember.
After a long while he says "I'm almost sure I had one child and since I can't remember any dresses or dolls, I'm sure the child was a boy.
And one more thing, this boy of mine was ostracized because he had holes in his hands, his feet, and his sides".

Finally piecing the story together, Jesus jumps to his feet, the ultimate realization of who he has encountered striking him like a bolt of lightning.

With tears in his eyes, he yells "Father!!"
The old man, equally moved, rises and screams "Pinocchio!!"

2007-02-26 14:24:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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