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Other - Society & Culture - 18 April 2007

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2007-04-18 23:42:16 · 7 answers · asked by ponder2006 2

2007-04-18 23:18:51 · 3 answers · asked by Do_you_know_what 2

what do you really want to achieve in life.

2007-04-18 23:12:38 · 17 answers · asked by LusT aFter INsaNIty 2

This is in reference to the killer from Virgina Tech.

2007-04-18 23:02:53 · 9 answers · asked by vak1410 1

I just started school again and in one of my classes I don't seem to get along with the teacher or any of my classmates really. This has never happened before and it's really bothering me. I try to do my best and I feel like maybe thats why they don't like me, because I try too hard or something but I don't want to dumb myself down just to gain approval. I really can't stand people who are so judgemental. What should I do?

2007-04-18 22:21:45 · 12 answers · asked by August 2

There have been guns around for a long time yet no school shootings.. Why all of a sudden since the 90s have people been doing this? What caused it?

2007-04-18 22:20:17 · 8 answers · asked by broz215 5

2007-04-18 22:13:14 · 7 answers · asked by citizen high 6

2007-04-18 22:03:56 · 10 answers · asked by broz215 5

I have found that a plague of crime is hitting urban and suburban streets alike. across the U.S.

2007-04-18 21:17:26 · 3 answers · asked by nnshking 2

I have no doubt that like all the other tragedy in the US, that after a couple weeks, like Columbine, New Orleans, the press will move the VT story futher and further to the next page of news; and eventually, like all the others, no one willbe thinking about it.
People are sad. But whatever happened to OUTRAGE?
How come no one keeps the focus on fixing the problem.
Media sensalionism, is all it is.
Our newspaper, Wednesday, didn't even have any story on their front page about VT? Only one day later, the story is relagated to page 3? See. It'll disappear just like all those lives...Wake up law makers! Wake up citizens. You could be the next one murdered. And who will you blame then?

2007-04-18 20:59:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my dad says he doesnt want me to go to collage wear blacks and sand people or aisians go cause they do bad things while they are away from there home at collage. Is there a place i can tell him he can send me and keep me safe?

2007-04-18 20:58:34 · 23 answers · asked by Mary Muffinhead likes muffins 1

I just dont get it!!
Do they think we all look like Austin Powers???

2007-04-18 20:50:01 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I as a white american 1/3 european were to apologize for and bear the burden for all the wrong euro americans have done to others from the spanish to the british to the french and the irish would someone tell me we can move on and try to bridge the gap between what was wrong before and make today a better world than then.
I do apologize for slavery, what we did to the black man and woman was near tantamount to what was happening to the jewish people in the holocaust.
I apologize to the American indian all the Crows, the Navajoe and others to numerous to list here we took your land poisoned and thinned your blood and came in as a buffalo in a home wrecking everything.
I apologize for the way we treated the Mexican people as a nation and as a culture this includes the Aztec to the other natives in these lands south of our own.

the biggest thing I would love to see is the coming together of people as Dr King and others wanted us to. I want to move past the past but never forget

2007-04-18 20:45:34 · 9 answers · asked by Bear_Polaroid 3

2007-04-18 20:42:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

..it is clearly evident that the feeling of being different and not accepted in his community creates the so called "rage" that results in that shooting, this is clearly racism.

2007-04-18 20:19:40 · 10 answers · asked by walrus w 2


2007-04-18 20:18:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-18 19:57:25 · 9 answers · asked by ME 1

these days,ok.

2007-04-18 19:54:55 · 21 answers · asked by Madushan 2

this young man who killed many in Virginia tech is getting what he wanted, he wanted the whole world to know about his insane intentions, I think they should not transmit to everybady what he shot on video and all the nonesense he wanted to say to many people, It's pretty sad that beyond the deaths, there mast be this, that he got what he wanted, being seen by everybody...what do you think?

2007-04-18 19:06:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

They have not been seen in the media.

2007-04-18 18:56:05 · 6 answers · asked by lovelylady 2

2007-04-18 18:45:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because I'm starting to wonder why he doesn't pay my bills when I'm broke (college student), but he can spend his pay checks on video games.

*Although he fails to realize I will soon be the bread winner, and he'll want to borrow $ some day.

2007-04-18 18:29:48 · 12 answers · asked by PlasticTrees 2

Making college campuses weapon free and calling them safe zones didn't work out to well didn't it....

You can blow up all the sunshine you want up everybody's butt until you're all hugging and singing kumbaya. The fact remains that there are some really messed up folks out there and the police can't be everywhere at every moment.

Outlaw guns and only the outlaws will have guns.

One armed professer could have saved all those students.

2007-04-18 18:16:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i.e. working

2007-04-18 18:12:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

And what should be done about those relatinships involved with teachers that way? Everyone talks about the weapons and how Virginia Tech Gunman, Cho Seung-Hui, was sick in the head but why doesn't anyone talk about the relationship between the teacher and student he first killed? Is there anyone willing to admit they have been involved with a teacher more than just a "teacher student" relationship? Because there is too many teachers asking students out. How does everyone feel if that was the case for the shooting? Because it is a rumor.

2007-04-18 17:55:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-18 17:18:57 · 20 answers · asked by MaryBeth 7

i have many bills and other problems which for the most part i should not have be burden with. and am beginng to feel completely overwhemled and can seriously cannot continune to carry on this way. or there will be no reason to wake up any longer pls any advice would help!!!!!!

2007-04-18 15:44:04 · 13 answers · asked by jjsalas55 1

one non-stop,
365 days straight,
no questions asked year-
Would you? This can get interesting, think loosely.

Please thoughtful, real answers only. I think this is an interesting, unpredictible question. I will undoubtably will be surprised at the angles taken. I encourage people to write their answers' without reading others' answers first.

If you expand the question and keep it growing I will be mad impressed. I also appreciate an answer thats on point and still has true "real life" humor in it at the same time. (This doesnt HAVE to be serious friends)

"Be Optimistic, Share, Laugh, Learn"

2007-04-18 15:24:47 · 12 answers · asked by Atomic Viking 2

2007-04-18 15:09:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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