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Other - Society & Culture - 18 April 2007

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Without taking any mod-cons!.

2007-04-18 04:30:50 · 10 answers · asked by Old Man of Coniston!. 5

answering your questions?

2007-04-18 04:19:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many people claim to not be judgemental of others, but I've got a sneaking feeling that most do!

Do you judge people?

I try not to be judgemental of others, although sometimes I am!

2007-04-18 04:01:19 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am just wondering if anybody else felt like they had taken one path, but looked back and thought about something that had happened while they were in the decision making process and realized that this was a sign that they were making the wrong decision? I think I might have just realized this today. If you have done this too....what was it?

2007-04-18 03:53:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now some people say "Guns don't kill people, People kill people"
What do you say?

2007-04-18 03:53:06 · 26 answers · asked by workinman 3


you were going to die tomorrow who is the one person you would contact to tell them you love them and always have.... (excluding family members)

2007-04-18 03:43:02 · 8 answers · asked by Okaydokay21 4

2007-04-18 03:26:34 · 2 answers · asked by newyorktilson 3

According to the funny man, "The bottom line was, white people own everything, and where can a black person go and be himself or say something that's familiar to him and not have to explain or apologize?"

(Refer to http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070418/ap_en_ce/people_chappelle)

So, when can we expect all the racial do-gooders to call for his censure?

2007-04-18 03:06:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-18 02:49:35 · 6 answers · asked by pookie 1

i think its safe to say all of us have had someone tick us off before.when it happened or happens how do you deal with it? do you tell that person or persons off,give them the finger,ignore them,walk away,exercise,get in a physical fight,drink,smoke,pray and etc.? i ask this because people handle things in a different way. you can be the nicest or meanest person in the world and there will still be those who dont like you,because you cant please everyone true or false? if not for getting in trouble when someone makes you mad would you want to kick their butts? would you do it be honest? life can be a pain in the rear at times.true or false?

2007-04-18 02:47:46 · 7 answers · asked by Daniel c 1

I ask this becuase in wake of the terrible tragedy at V-Tech, I think about the thousands of lives lost in War lead by this society. I mean, innocent woman and children are dying daily internationally. I'd like to see the same remorse and togetherness in terms of the lives lost abroad. Is it that the lives of Americans worth more or more "important". Many say that what America does has a purpose.....but does it?

I am an American, and of color just to add.

2007-04-18 02:02:10 · 3 answers · asked by lleigh03 3

do women love tickle fights?..no matter who wins, ..(non-violent)...

2007-04-18 01:40:20 · 6 answers · asked by Madd T 1

We then went on to discuss at work whether you would want to be tied or or be the one doing the tying up. To be honest, I think if I handcuffed my husband to the best I would probably just leave him there and have the TV and remote control to myself. What do you all think?

2007-04-18 01:31:47 · 18 answers · asked by Ally 5

More crimes of all kinds than ever before, soaring drug use, rampant alcholism, anti-social behaviour orders, disregard for authority, the worst child poverty problem in the developed world according to UNICEF, an explosion of teenage pregnancies, the decline of an empire, the nanny state, CCTV, ID cards, immorality... Does anyone see the link between the decline of our nation with the increasing hatred towards God and his values?

2007-04-18 01:29:48 · 10 answers · asked by sonfai81 5

What is it that makes people say that they are going to call you at a certain time or be there a certain time and then not follow through? It seem that no matter how many times you complain about how disrespectfull it is they continue to do it. More importantly how can you not personalize it?

2007-04-18 00:53:52 · 9 answers · asked by babycattos 4

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