one non-stop,
365 days straight,
no questions asked year-
Would you? This can get interesting, think loosely.
Please thoughtful, real answers only. I think this is an interesting, unpredictible question. I will undoubtably will be surprised at the angles taken. I encourage people to write their answers' without reading others' answers first.
If you expand the question and keep it growing I will be mad impressed. I also appreciate an answer thats on point and still has true "real life" humor in it at the same time. (This doesnt HAVE to be serious friends)
"Be Optimistic, Share, Laugh, Learn"
12 answers
asked by
Atomic Viking
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
If I had the chance to change ethnicity every year for the rest of my life, I would. That would make life a hell more interest ring that a life long one ethnicity.
2007-04-18 15:31:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I wouldn't switch ethnicities because an ethnicity includes a lifetime of learning to be authentic. But I have lived in an ethnic community different from my own for thirty years, working as a bilingual teacher, and while keeping my own ethnicity have been informally awarded "honorary" membership in the group. It's not always either/or. Sometimes it's both/and.
2007-04-18 15:29:54
answer #2
answered by RE 7
Well, I'm a white male and I understand that's probably a good thing to be, so my answer is a qualified "no."
A qualified "no" because it would be tempting to be a drop dead gorgeous example of the opposite sex, who cares what race. Only because of the power to see people fall all over themselves in buying me drinks and a villa on the coast of Spain.
2007-04-18 15:30:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It depends...WHERE would I switch ethnicity? As a white female, I did experience being a minority in junior high school for a year. I attended in a black section of town. The black kids beat me up sometimes because they thought I was a skinny white boy (aka "easy target"--I was too skinny to have any curves or bumps back then). What I wouldn't have given to be a filled-out black girl then! (Of course, they probably would have switched from beating me up to hitting on me, so on second thought...)
2007-04-18 15:50:23
answer #4
answered by Black Dog 6
Wow, that's a real interseting question. Makes me think. Well, it would be very interesting to be able to live life a different way for a year.
I could become one of the ethnicities that are most respected, and live the easy life.
I could become the ethnicity that is most scorned and see them for who they truly are.
However, as tempting as the question is, I have to say no. I am Asian, and I am proud of it. Saying yes to this question means that you have no pride in your heritage, and that you want to be someone else. Love yourself for who you are, not someone you want to be.
2007-04-18 15:30:34
answer #5
answered by Dynamite 4
i know the pros and cons record concept and perhaps creating a shield you mothers and dads/mom that in case you bypass and you do not see an progression in my grades/mindset/artwork ethic/popular temper, then you definately will bypass back to varsity. I went to a distinctive college, out of my college district and that i had to maintain my grades (C project-unfastened or greater desirable functional) and that i had to detect my own thank you to varsity and living house. I bummed a dazzling form of rides off acquaintances, yet enjoyed going to the school of my selection, it is likewise the school my brother did not bypass to. We the two thrived in our independence and ought to continuously be grateful for the prospect I had to bypass someplace else! stable fulfillment!!!!
2016-12-20 18:34:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I may want to feel what it will be like being a person of another race for a year
2007-04-18 15:28:05
answer #7
answered by Linda 7
i would be a north american indian . i would really take advantage of all the tax free status and make a fortune selling duty free smokes. oh and some of the indian chicks look really hot .
2007-04-18 15:28:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I would be black for a year. Then no one can say that I just don't get it cause I'm white.
2007-04-18 15:27:56
answer #9
answered by Chloe 6
I would see what it's like to be white.
2007-04-18 15:28:09
answer #10
answered by hanna 1