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Other - Society & Culture - 16 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

What would African Americans have to say about a true African that frowns on their culture?
I've read articles about true Africans from Kenya, who come to America and are just appalled by African American culture. They too say that African Americans are lazy and lack discipline. Are the Kenyans racist? Kenyans definitely aren't white or biased against blacks, so how would African Americans respond?

2007-03-16 06:39:59 · 7 answers · asked by joshnya68 4

Just wondering. And I'm sure Someone will find this racist, and to you I say get over it

2007-03-16 06:35:16 · 1 answers · asked by TheMadLith 2

Personally I would much rather not have to deal with them at all, I think they should once convicted be placed in jail for the rest of thier god given life. PERIOD. I don't believe they should even be given the chance of rehabilation because all tomany times it will not work. What do you think?? Why do you think we don't have laws that keep them away from normal people, forever? Here in the town I work they passed a new ordinance that sex offenders can't live near children or the elderly and now can't live in 85% of the city!!! Sounds good to me but I don't think its enough.

2007-03-16 06:31:32 · 13 answers · asked by Heather 4

I seem to be having the worst luck recently. Its really pissing me off. For example: today, i was just walking along, when i found a pen. It looked expensive, so i decided to keep it. about an hour later i reach into my pocket to find that the pen has exploded all over my phone, and ruined the inside of my coat. And its just trivial things like that that keep happening to me. I know im just being paranoid, but stuff like that keeps happening at such a frequent rate that it actually seems that someone, somewhere, really wants to piss me off. I dont get it. Im a firm believer in karma, and that good things happen to good people, but recently it just seems fate is trying to tick me off. Oh well.

2007-03-16 06:30:34 · 2 answers · asked by thesprucemoose 1

I've seen a lot of answers and questions on Yahoo Answers in which people say, "We are all one" or "We all shed the same blood", or something to that affect. I've heard others say (and I tend to agree) that we should "celebrate our diversity" and "accept that we are all different." Well, which is it? Do you think we are all the same, or all we all different? The former never made much sense to me, but I'd like to hear other opinions. Thanks in advance for your answers.

2007-03-16 06:28:48 · 8 answers · asked by Persephone 6

Ok- just wanted your attention. Why is it cool to be stupid?

2007-03-16 06:27:20 · 1 answers · asked by inquiring black beauty 3

Here it is, I am a 21 year old canadian woman who has recently become divorced due to an abusive marriage. I am now dating a Jordanian man, who is studying in England. His father is Palestinian and mother Croatian, but have been living in Jordan many years. I am crazy about this guy, and he is absolutely wonderful, and I don't doubt him. But I am ignorant to the culture, to the laws, to the customs... I am just curious if this becomes marriage, what am I to expect? Do I have rights.. will I lose my canadian citizenship if we are married? What would immigration be like if he wants to live in Canada? If we had children, what are their rights? If I moved to Jordan, what would I have to expect not being muslim and being previously married? I have many questions, and any information would be helpful. Just trying to be careful if anything goes backwards. Thanks

2007-03-16 06:22:08 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2

After telling my six-year-old son that I can't be there for his birtday party tomorrow, I realized I'd made a mistake...Not with the son, he'll get over it, if he's anything like his old man. But I realized that there's a snowstorm moving into the Capital Region. Anyway, I've been living in an efficiancy (read: trailer park) unit lately, just until I get back on my feet. Well, my heat's been low so I called the propane guys but they said they couldn't come until Sunday because of the backlog. Right then, one of their trucks comes up and I realized, why not have them fill my temporary tank. They were filling my 80-something widow neighbor's tank, but she wasn't home, so I slipped the driver a five and was like, "get er done". I'll be warm tonight but she'll be freezing. The propane was thrown on to her account, but if I tell her I stole it, she'll get mad. If I don't, maybe she'll forget and think it's alzheimers. What should I do? Thougths?

2007-03-16 06:15:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yes, of course when we say American, it means we're from the USA, but Brazilians can also say they are American. We can say we're Northamerican, but so are Mexicans and Canadians. All we can say is that we are (north) American or are from the US, or from a particular state: Floridian, Kansan. Why?

2007-03-16 06:13:58 · 9 answers · asked by florita 4

Recently I have discovered that the only person responsible for your own actions/emotions whether good or bad is yourself. You do/feel it because you want to. It is theraputic when you finally own up to your own actions. So here's the questions:

Do you think that the "devil" made you do it? Do you blame other people? or do you blame it on yourself? If you blame other people or the devil, Why? Explain your answer

2007-03-16 06:12:34 · 7 answers · asked by Elora 3

Are they all Virgin Marys? Whats going on?

2007-03-16 06:10:39 · 5 answers · asked by Kaliyug Ka Plato 3

Hi, I'm a junior in Miami, FL. Yesterday was the Prom for my school. I dindt go because I prefer to wait until my senior year.
But I've been thinking... this year's Prom ticket costed 75 dls!!! And let's not forget all the money you have to spend in the dress, shoes, jewelry, make-up, hair, and so on...
nad every year the cost for these things, mostly for the ticket, is dangerously increasing!!! Dresses are becoming more and more expensive, and let's not forget about the After-party!!!

So, I've been thinking that all this has become a tradition just for wasting money on eccessive and unnecesary luxuries, just for our teenage desire to fit in!!! I really dont know if I'm going next year, what do you think???

2007-03-16 06:08:39 · 4 answers · asked by Abbey Road 6

And you know it's true (just look at the media - we are slowly changing, though). Why is this the case?

2007-03-16 06:03:51 · 4 answers · asked by inquiring black beauty 3

When people say "serve" your country, what exactly are they talking about??

Of course, they are talking about spending time in the military,
AS IF the only way to "serve" society or humanity was by taking THEIR career path.

Let me ask you:

Doesn't doctor in an emergency room at 1:00 a.m. "serve" the people?

Doesn't a pro bono lawyer, representing a poor person that can't afford legal services "serve" the people?

Generally, arn't soldiers being vain when they say "serve" as if they are the only ones that serve the community?

We all "serve" in our own ways, and to say that MY way is better than YOUR way is just looking down on other people's roles in society?

Bottom line, people take the military career path because the nature of the work suits them (and other practical & economic reasons), not because they chose to do something LESS profitable OVER something MORE profitable in life, all out of altruism? Please

BTW, I "served" in USMC reserve 1996-2002, 8th Tanks

2007-03-16 06:02:16 · 3 answers · asked by American Dreamer 1

I'm 19 years old and I mostly listen to classical music and jazz, do not understand the obsession with celebrities...
There seems to be a dwlindling number of people willing to exert their brain power on meaningful art. Or anything that requires a lot of concentration. The few that do are really snobby (me as well, I guess). Why are most people attracted to terrible mass music and crude movies?
And is there a dumbing down of culture - will it keep getting worse?

2007-03-16 05:59:47 · 6 answers · asked by E_J 2

No computers, ipods, cell phones, or video games! Oh life would probably suck! :( I like Nerds! They're ok with me. :) Nerds are the movers and shakers! :)

2007-03-16 05:59:14 · 2 answers · asked by Kooties 5

There are good people and bad people everywhere,we are all the same,WE ARE HUMANS

2007-03-16 05:55:27 · 10 answers · asked by lavidasigue40 3

What is up with all the spam on myspace.

2007-03-16 05:51:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

everyone in my family knows this story. the day my best friend died i had a premonition. i even told my best friend! the prob is back then i didnt know she was going to die. i just had this panic attack and felt something bad was going to happen. i was sent to the school nurse where she dismissed me for the day. that afternoon my mother took me to her doc and he gave me a check up and meds to calm my anxieties. they thought i was having "senioritis" (a term used for seniors in high school) i have a box with the nurse dismissal and the precription and a note from my teacher who wrote to the nurse "feeling anxious and is troubled about something". so i have proof. that nite my bf called to see if we'd go out, because my mother was worried about the anxiety attack she said no. that night close we could hear siren, it was so noisy. next morning i woke to my mother screaming, a friend called to tell us my bf died with her mother in a car wreck. has this happened to anyone?

2007-03-16 05:49:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Human beings should have the right to watch whatever they please. What a B.S world we live in now.

2007-03-16 05:43:03 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

does the fact that 7 billion people exist in the world bother you? it seems hard to come out on top in competitions because there are always people you haven't gotten over yet, and i'm not gonna live a life like i've never appeared on earth and i want to be remembered by as many people as possible, even after my death. but i pondered hard and found no matter how i aspired to leave trace in the world i'd be completely forgotten by everybody one day. so isn't it pointless to live a *meaningful* life? people tell me it's the process, the intermediates that count, but when i look at how the few others thrive the will to win come out of me again

same for love life: it's impossible to know all the people so your lover may not be the most suitable one for you. i'm sure after i get married i'll ask myself every day why i just want to spend my life with my wife but not somebody else, that's why i'm still single. is it better to live a life like jesus (he loved everybody just the same) ?

2007-03-16 05:24:13 · 2 answers · asked by charleyrickey 1

I'm just curious,
is there any high-paying (or at least acceptable) job for 'un-mainstream' majors like Psychology / Philosophy
because I dislike my current "rat-race" office job very much (it's really not my thing! ..& very contrary to what I'm naturally good at), that i'm seriously thinking of going back to study what really interests me: Psychology, or Philosophy, or even Music.
But let's focus in Psychology & philosophy first,...is there any high-paying job for those undergraduats/graduates?
And is it ONLY in USA (known for its more variative job types, rather than Asian countries that stressed a lot in Business, Engineering 'mainstream' stuff!) ? ...or also in Asia (ie: Korea, Japan, Singapore) i can get high-pay job from that fields?

2007-03-16 05:19:55 · 5 answers · asked by ? 1

Every one of us goes thru few things that make a drastic change in our life, has anything like that has ever happend with you?

2007-03-16 05:18:55 · 11 answers · asked by rahul 1

As with many Brits I have no love for the French but I have to admire the way that they, (the French people), give their government a real good kicking when their government try to run roughshod over them.
We in Britain have become a flock of timid sheep and it's shameful.
Your thoughts please.

2007-03-16 05:18:53 · 16 answers · asked by Barrie G 3

I think it's dangerous and people are going to use it to publish lies on celebrities/famous people they hate.

2007-03-16 05:14:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've heard about the "American dream" from when I was a child but in truth haven't the foggiest idea what it is.
It can't be anything to do with freedom or liberty because when it comes down to it, the ordinary American is the most enslaved citizen in the western world.
Please enlighten me.

2007-03-16 05:13:45 · 17 answers · asked by Barrie G 3

Do you think that the life you are living is good, if yes...give reasons and if the answer is negative....why.

2007-03-16 05:11:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Deep and Meaningfull/ Funny/ Outrageous/ Disgusting/ Heart Warming...anything you wish...anything at all...

2007-03-16 05:09:24 · 12 answers · asked by *lostdownhere* 2

What should a person understand, if a person sees two young adult girls dining together, studying together and walking together for many a time?

2007-03-16 05:03:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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