Ever lost something, spent hours, days, weeks searching for it?
You know where you left it, but it just is NOT there!
No matter where you look, you simply cannot find it!
Time passes, & once you totally forget about it, it re-appears as though it left this dimension for a while, then came back.
Sometimes, it re-appears in the most obvious or logical places, even though you KNEW you already checked there earlier & it simply was not there!
Do you ever wonder if space aliens are zapping your underwear or toys to play with, then returning them when they are done?
Do you ever ponder the possibility that your sock, underwear, or whatever else may have hit a different time dimension some how, only to pass through & return at a later time?
Seemingly, there doesn't seem to be an explanation for this!
I know I can't count the times I have seen it happen to me or others around me!
I feel so dumb when I find it right in front of me later on!
Ever happen to any of you yahooligans?
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