Because those people were not raised right. They weren't taught that it was rude to stare. Also they weren't taught that it isn't polite to give off dirty looks. I think it's because they are jealous that you have such beautiful hair. When people don't have what they want, they get envious. Envy is more than likely the motivation for their nasty looks. Remember it's not your problem, it is their problem. There is nothing wrong with you. Screw them and let them dwell in their own misery.
2007-03-18 15:27:09
answer #1
answered by TiredofIdiots 4
You have your own insecurities because you're not "100%" African-American, and have so-called "good" hair, so you automatically assume that people take issue with you. Unless someone has actually said something to you or teased your or whatever it's probably your own conscious that you're dealing with, not dirty looks, which is all perception.
As far as being treated like a human being; it's not subhuman. Hey if no one is hating on you then you're obviously doing something wrong; it's good when they're bothered by you or talking about you, but worse when no-one cares to speak of it. So get over yourself; it's great that you have the long, smooth, straight hair; but no-one really cares as much but yourself ...
2007-03-18 09:00:57
answer #2
answered by collard greens with hash browns 4
First, I think you are some White girl asking another racist question. Second, There are alot of Black people with that Cherokee Indian coarse hair with beautiful skin tones just like myself because a lot of black people have American Indian in them. But Third, I think you are making this crap up because most Black women don't even carry on this way..
You really must be jealous when you see a Black women that is much prettier than you because I bet you are unattractive... LOL !!
2007-03-16 13:58:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I second what Kira H said. I am full blooded-Nigerian and my hair is very long. You don't have to be mixed to have long hair. You should have known that if you're part Black.
2007-03-17 12:07:27
answer #4
answered by Do_As_Infinity 5
well from what you've written you sound pretty stuck up so I'm sure you probably carry yourself like you better than other black women because your hair is longer than most my hair is longer than most black girls also but black girls don't give me dirty looks because they know i know that better than any one and they love to play in my hair lol
2007-03-17 19:17:26
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Get over yourself I am a black woman not with any kind of mixed heritage and my hair is down to my waist.
It's probably your poor attitude that gets you the looks!
2007-03-16 19:20:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Because they can't control thier genes either and they have not been taught to spread joy and be happy for other people and all blessings. They have been taught to envy and distrust. Like the jackasss who answered "maybe you think you're better" some black people give me dirty looks too. But some are friendly and sincere. Just know who you are and forget the damn fools. Also be humble and thankful if you have been raised better than them.
2007-03-16 14:03:35
answer #7
answered by labragator 1
ur bullshiting that **** doesnt happen ur lieing becuz u wanna put sum topic on the internet and make everyone sad for the real world that **** doesnt happen
2007-03-19 15:07:55
answer #8
answered by SupaDupa 2
Cause we are all about hang ups in this country. People like to pretend that its just whites but its everybody.
2007-03-16 13:53:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Maybe your giving dirty looks first.
2007-03-16 13:54:07
answer #10
answered by $~*Fearless*~$ 3