i'm 14, and i stay alone sometimes. i dont mind, its just that whenever the doorbell rings, i dont know if i sould awnser it or not...
1: if i awnser it, i'm scared some dude is gonna shot me in the face or like rape me or something.
but 2: if i DONT awnser the door, im scared that some dude is gonna break into my house, find me here, THEN shoot me in the face or rape me of something.
i live in a nice neighborhood, but sometimes you just dont know. like that on guy who just grabs kids out in the country suburbs and steals them and rapes them. that was near me, and i found out that in the apartments near my house is a person with a history or child molesting stuff. sooo... sometimes you cant be too sure.
17 answers
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Society & Culture
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thanks :P. i probobly wouldnt be so scared had these series of event happens in about 3 weeks: 1:my brother told me the high number of kids raped in some places in texas 2:that kirkwood guy got those 2 kids 3:my door bell got ding dong ditch at like one o clock in the morning. thanks though!
14:57:22 ·
update #1
One thing you could do is not answer the door at all.
Another thing you could do is invest in a guard dog. Not necessarily a ferrocious beast or anything, just a dog people are automatically afraid of, like a Rottweiler or a Pit Bull. They actually make nice pets.
And usually when the bell rings, they bark like crazy and it'll scare the derranged man (doubt that's who is on the other side of the door though) to death!
2007-03-16 14:05:51
answer #1
answered by ♥LadyC♥ 6
Look through your peephole if there is someone ringing the door bell. If you feel so unsafe staying alone by yourself, than maybe you are not ready to stay home alone. Maybe you can stay at friend's house until someone comes home. Or, get friendly with your neighbors. If you cannot stay at a friend's house and you are home alone and the doorbell rings -- take your phone and dial 911 -- if it is a cordless do not press send unless you are absolutely sure that there is an intruder. If you do not have a cordless phone, than you can ask the 911 operator stay on the line with you until you know you are safe. Where do you live that there are people just ringing doorbells though?
Just stay calm. The whole part of staying alone by yourself is to prove that you are mature enough to be able to fend for yourself. Tell your parents or your guardian how staying home alone makes you feel.
2007-03-16 14:07:27
answer #2
answered by goodfriendoflive 2
Don't open the door without looking to see who it is... that's just common sense... and if you for sure don't know the person do NOT open the door. If you feel unsafe as in the guy keeps standing there for more than 3-5 minutes it's ok to call 911 and voice your concerns and even ask them to send a squad car to your house. But the main thing I'd like to tell you is to not panic, don't let your fear rule you. Learn to take your thoughts captive and be master over your fears.
God Bless!!
2007-03-16 14:09:10
answer #3
answered by All 4 His Glory 3
many times, they go away except.... they have what's called a no-knock warrant. They nevertheless knock on those as a courtesy (each and every so often) yet once you do no longer respond and that they have got one...to procure organisation. they might additionally enter with no warrant in the event that they have what's called "exigent circumstances", as an occasion, in the event that they hear what appears like a individual in soreness or in worry in the back of the door, or they scent smoke coming from interior the domicile.
2016-10-02 06:13:17
answer #4
answered by eidemiller 4
It would be best to discuss this with your parents, but despite what the news shows it is unlikely that the guy knocking on the door is going to shoot you and rape you. You should never let anyone in the house that you don't know but if someone is knocking on the door at least see who it is, it could be mail delivery.
2007-03-16 14:06:49
answer #5
answered by vampire_kitti 6
Well, definately not, then!
Could you ask a friend from school to come over to your place until your parents get home?
And can you see who is knocking withouth them seeing you?
Don't ever say 'you are not opening the door because you are alone' to the person knocking!
And you should learn some self defence- poke your finger in his eye, kick him hard in the groin, if it ever comes that far!
2007-03-16 14:08:30
answer #6
answered by canguroargentino 4
I feel the same way too sometimes. Just take a deep breath and remember that you do live there and it's OK for you to ask very loudly "WHO IS IT?" Go to a hardware store and buy a peep-hole to install in your door. They're pretty cheap, and easy to install. I'm sure your parents would get one if you expressed your concerns to them.
2007-03-16 14:05:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
have your parents make sure that your doors are dead bolted
have a list of numbers by the door in case of emergency, as well as the police of course
don't answer the door
maybe there is someplace that you can go instead of being there all alone, please talk to your mom about this, as you do sound scared, and should not have to be
take care and good luck hun
2007-03-16 14:05:21
answer #8
answered by amber 5
Don't stay home alone if there is a guy near your house with a child molesting background.That's not safe at all.I'm very surprised your parents still let you stay home alone.I'm twelve and i wouldn't stay at home by myself if I knew that crap.
2007-03-16 14:11:57
answer #9
answered by MARY W 1
Dont answer the Door.. If you feel uneasy call 911...
2007-03-16 14:04:46
answer #10
answered by Redeemed 4