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Someone at work has a large collection of human bones.
He has even brought some to work and they look genuine. When I asked him where he got them from he said "dont ask"

He says he likes graveyards so Im putting two and two together.
Should I report him or just put it down to a harmless hobby.

2007-03-16 12:50:16 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Just a few more points.
Ive seen him bring in human thigh bones and they look real not plastic.
The boss already knows and he says its nothing to do with him.
Ive actually know this person qute a long time at work and hes always been a bit wierd but has only just started bringing bones in.
He has a skull in his locker, but i do know thats a plastic one.
Should I call the cops? Is it illegal to own bones?

2007-03-16 13:16:05 · update #1

41 answers

Report him

2007-03-16 12:52:23 · answer #1 · answered by Krayden 6 · 1 2

A harmless hobby !!! Are you as crazy as the guy with the bones? How would you feel if you knew someone was digging up the bones of your loved ones? Pretty bad I would imagine.
So, even if that was all he was doing...it still isn't right. It really is dead wrong (I couldnt resist that) . I wouldn't report him to work though. I'd report him to the police. What he's doing is a real crime. and...even if you find out later that he's just messing with your mind. He's still not right in his and this will put him on notice. "Don't mess with me"

2007-03-16 12:55:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

you're the two accountable of beside the point habit. in case you're flirting with your workmates, then turnabout is honest play. in case you do no longer choose your co-workers flirting with you, do no longer flirt with them. Now, you haven't any longer informed us what YOU do on your co-workers in terms of "flirting" yet i will think of that this guy has taken it to the subsequent point. Reporting him to HR won't help because you have engaged in further questionable habit. Whoops. TIP: advance up and do your activity. You have been employed to paintings, no longer flirt with your male co-workers. i'm afraid because of the fact of your flirting habit, you haven't any longer any decision yet to tolerate this guy's "advances." If it turns into too uncomfortable, i'm afraid you have given your self no recourse yet to provide up and finally end up a clean activity. And in case you do, shop your dealings at paintings on the up-and-up. That way whilst this happens back, you are able to report the criminal to HR without concern of retaliation.

2016-12-18 15:36:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

that's grim. just think how u would feel if they were bones from a relatives grave - u would want to report him, wouldn't u ? well, the bones he's got will have been some one's child / mother / father at some point, and they deserve to be treated with respect instead of being the object of some sick fantasy. report him.

2007-03-16 12:55:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

what are the chances of retaliation here if you report this? I am sure if you have seen them, others have also. I would go with your concience and be discreet about it if you feel the need to say something.

2007-03-16 12:54:12 · answer #5 · answered by Katykins 5 · 1 1

Uh..duhh.......you should definitely tell someone. What if he's a serial killer or something??? He sounds like a wacko. Or he could be a bullsh*t artist looking for attention. I say better safe than sorry. Tell your supervisor.

2007-03-16 12:59:22 · answer #6 · answered by bjbny 2 · 1 1

it is wen you think who's bones they could be and why theyre in his posession... ask yourself how does a person become a collector of HUMAN bones????

come of it- he cud just like the idea o bein wierd and they could well be plastic but....whos bones could be next?

and to be honest- i think it is illegal to dig up graves!

2007-03-16 13:28:44 · answer #7 · answered by k_hayley89 3 · 1 1

Wow. That is so weird! Don't report him yet. It might be a hobby, but that's really werid and if he won't let you get any more info, just mention it to your boss.

2007-03-16 12:55:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Sounds like a trick I would pull.

Can you tell bovine bones from homo sapiens ones?

If he is a bit weird anyway, just humour him.

2007-03-16 12:54:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

i think ur overacting, harmless hobby. If he was doing something illegal with hundreds of dead peoples bones, dont you think he wuld have been caught by now?

2007-03-16 12:53:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anthony 3 · 3 1

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