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but when a woman hits a man and the man hits her back he is still in the wrong? What is with this double standard? Why is a woman allowed to hit a man?

I just read a question from a kid who was kicked in the privates and he reacted by hitting her in the face. People are telling him to apologize, meaning that he was wrong and she is less wrong. She struck at him first. Can someone rationally explain this double standard to me please?

2007-03-16 13:38:17 · 7 answers · asked by FaerieWhings 7 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

It also reminds me of this question a while back where this girl started a physical altercation with her boyfriend. When I responded that they are both responsible for what happened I got reamed in other answers. People saying that no matter what she did he had no right to hit her and she should press charges agaisnt him.

2007-03-16 13:48:11 · update #1

7 answers

yeah u said it double standard. its always gona be like that..but to the person who said "guys do more damage" > i rather take a punch in the face than a kick in the jewels even if its from a girl.

2007-03-16 14:39:53 · answer #1 · answered by njzgreatestballa55 2 · 1 0

Most think that women are the weaker sex. I have been hit by a woman a time or two. I can honestly say I have never hit a woman.. But there have been a few that I wanted to..lol . I think it is a double standard at times. I have known of women going to jail for hitting a man. Would you want your friends to know that your wife or girlfriend went to jail for thrashing you? Not me..LOL

2007-03-16 13:49:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In the movies and on TV it is acceptable for a woman to show her anger at a man by slapping him. Just watch, with that in mind, and see how often it occurs.
I saw a show once where the wife was pushing her husband and beating on him with her fists. He pushed her away and she fell to the pavement. The music stopped and the whole issue became him pushing her. Everyone was appalled at him. It is a true double standard.

2007-03-16 15:53:06 · answer #3 · answered by lightperson 7 · 0 0

If a women hits you in anger, SHE crossed the invisible barrier between the sexes. So therefore I say beat that b*tch like she's Gerry Cooney and you're Larry Holmes. I do not advocate violence against women but the ERA mad them equal right? Don't wan to get smacked then don't hit a man. Very simple formula for self preservation.

2007-03-16 13:58:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think it's b/c a man/boy is stronger & could do more damage. However, I thought both are arrested at this point. That's my understanding.
Besides my favorite expression is "You can be right as God, but once you attack then you're labeled bad."
If he had't hit her, she'd be very bad, but his strike somehow gives her sympathy. Go figure?! It's human nature I guess.

2007-03-17 03:50:04 · answer #5 · answered by ♣Hey jude♣ 5 · 0 0

because it is very wrong if a man hit a woman. It does way much more damage than it would do if a woman hit a man.

2007-03-16 13:52:11 · answer #6 · answered by MARY W 1 · 0 1

Only feminists think that a man shouldn't hit women if hit first.

2007-03-16 13:43:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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