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Other - Cultures & Groups - July 2007

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2007-07-16 10:01:35 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is the second time i got pulled over first time i was driving my moms car which is a fairly nice car 2006 lexus and the reason was i was 4mph over the speed limit and the cop asked me if i happen to have any drugs on me, and today pulled over me for saying my music is too loud and its ok but then the guy asked me how i got the car (its mine and its just a 05 maxima) and searched me and my friend who is also black wtf is up with this thers plenty of drugdealers that are white but they never have to go through this **** and also sick of ppl calling me spoiled im da only child so my mom buys me things it aint ma fault!!!

2007-07-16 09:44:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most rail about stereotypes or generalizations, but are they allowed if they are possitive? If you say "Southern Hospitality" or "brilliant Greek architecture" or "flawless African diamonds" is it okay or taboo?

2007-07-16 09:38:11 · 9 answers · asked by csucdartgirl 7

just wondering.

2007-07-16 09:25:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

They knew the whites really meant to say "the place is mostly populated with whites so it's a good area?" Is it wrong to want to live in an area mostly populated by whites? I've heard that when someone says "it's a great place to raise a family" or "it's a good neighborhood/area," they are being politically correct. Is that true? What do whites have in mind when they say those things?

I just need an exchange of ideas

2007-07-16 09:24:33 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some people say they become vegan or vegetarian for political resons. How does that play a role in the desision?

2007-07-16 09:02:08 · 22 answers · asked by can't-catch-me 2

I don't have cable, and I remember tons of cartoons would come on in the afternoon for children to watch. I am now 18 years old, and why are there only afternoon cartoons on cable?? I just thought it would be nice if some kids could watch cartoons instead of having to spend a lot of time outside doing whatever it is that they/we do.

2007-07-16 08:58:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't just say "because I do", I want to know the exact reason.

Don't trash their clothes or their hair. Talk about something intelligent.

2007-07-16 08:51:54 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just wondering... black people have been here pretty long.. it's not like we immigrating form africa over here...I'm an American not an immigrant so stop call us Minorities

2007-07-16 08:41:55 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My best friend gets called an "Oreo" all the time, meaning she is black but "acts" white. This frustrates her and she always complains she's the only one who has this problem.

2007-07-16 08:19:42 · 15 answers · asked by Rhymeallthetyme 1

Have you ever heard of this country? What do you think of it ?

2007-07-16 08:15:25 · 9 answers · asked by Kakashura 1

I understand what the civil war was about. I understand that slavery needed to end. I also understand that for some of us in the south, our grandfathers carried that flag. Not because of slavery but to protect their land. George Washington owned slaves. Should his pictures and statues be removed from public places because of it? Why can't it be understood as part of history instead of a racist statement? My neighbors have one on their porch. I'm telling you there have never been sweeter people, and they are good christians, NOT racists.

2007-07-16 07:58:46 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am sick of people, they are usually very flaky and phony.

2007-07-16 07:57:21 · 19 answers · asked by dagyaldeh 1

Consider the choices of Native Americans who decide to stay on their tribe's native land (reservation) and those who choose to relocate to a city. If you were presented with this decision, which would you choose and why?

2007-07-16 06:52:34 · 6 answers · asked by NY-Babe 2

White people can act very petty.

2007-07-16 06:43:58 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am:

what are u?????

2007-07-16 06:37:57 · 47 answers · asked by x_LITTLE_RED_♥_MCR_x 3

HIV is at a remarkable number in India and for some reason people in India are still so conservative about teaching their youth about sex education and sexual responsibility. Considering India is the land of the kama sutra,and when u see all that is being shown in Bollywood movies, when will people realize that its hypocritical not to emphasize the importance of sex education when its such an apparent part of our culture?

This HIV is not just happening to prostitutes or "other" people's children, its happening to their own as well...Are these people who are opposing it in denial about whats really going on in India right now?
Parents are clueless as to what their kids are doing, there is such a lack of communication between parents and kids regarding this subject and i think it makes kids more vulnerable to making the wrong decisions when it comes to sex. How do we deal with this situation when we as a culture continue to have this double standard mentality?

2007-07-16 06:37:19 · 3 answers · asked by Ashiya 6

So I'm taking a trip from the Southeast to Provo, UT (I'm driving). While I'm looking forward to travelling, I'm concerned about the drive out there. We'll either be going through Oklahoma, Kansas, and Colorado (routes 40, 35, 70) or going through Missouri, Nebraska, and Wyoming (routes 55, 70, and 80). We'll most likely be stopping through small towns in the middle of nowhere, and I'm a little concerned that I'm going to have to deal with a lot of racists. I know it's terrible to stereotype, but I'm not White or Black, and I'm thinking my family may be the only non White or Black family walking around in a lot of these places. We may stop in Tulsa, OK or Cheyenne, WY, and it's hard not to think that a lot of the people in those areas aren't racists. I encounter a lot of it in the south, and I'm thinking it'll be worse in the mid-west (since it seems less diverse than even the south). Should I be concerned? Also, which is a better route: 40, 35, 70 or 55, 70, and 80 road-wise?

2007-07-16 05:46:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

How well do you think Native American organizations, like the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), and the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA), are helping Native Americans to advance? Explain your answer. If anything, what are organizations like these doing to mitigate tribal poverty, and encourage prosperity?

2007-07-16 05:34:10 · 1 answers · asked by NY-Babe 2

My wife and I are going to have a second wedding for friends and family members; however I have a brother that is a homosexual. Personally I believe he is misguided as he is very young and our father (whom did not raise me) has not given him the guidance in learning how to become a man. Anyway, my wife and I have children and like all children it can be easy to give them an impression. My wife and I raise our children in the Church. I have asked that if my brother does accept our invitation that he comes in with respect and as the man he is to be. It's not a matter of hurting his feelings and their are a lot of things that people feel is right - even though they know it's wrong, i.e. rape, murder, incest and so forth. So hurting his feeling is only not accepting the truth. My question is for those who share the same beliefs how have you dealed with homosexual family members?

2007-07-16 05:08:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

All concerned:

It seems as time goes by certain things are accepted in society that once were not. I have nothing against homosexuals just their choice of lifestyle but as long as they do not infringe upon my rights and freedom I am okay. What I find insulting is the constant excuses by this community. Often they compare their struggle like that of African Americans. Obviously a difference. First I was born of African Persuasion - and this resulted from my parents and this countries afixiation on categorizing the phenotypes of people - Second, homosexuals made a choice - it seems as though many parents are making excuses and not making a solution - when kids talk about them feeling as though they are gay. Just because a person feels "gay" doesn't mean this perversion is right. My question is when will homosexuals realize that you can't force people to go back on good morales and ethics?

2007-07-16 04:59:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I received some of the same knee-jerk reactions from people as I mentioned in my other question.

Here I want to talk about possible solutions. What do you think we can do to end racial prejudice? As evidenced in some of the responses, some white people dont want to face the realities of racisms effects on marginalized people. When we enter into discussions on it, as one commenter brilliantly pointed out, some people just feel really uncomfortable and would rather not speak on it. How do we get around that? How can we open up the doors to positive communication, so that we can find resolutions? How can we attack the issue, without attacking each other?

I identify as an African American woman. My family, however is so much more than that, but due to racism and prejudice, people only see black, when they look at me. To my knowledge, we are very mixed, black, polish jew, bajan, native american, portugese. My soon to be husband is polish and irish.

2007-07-16 04:41:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it worth being so bitter about still? I mean, most blacks would not even be on this planet if history had not gone the way it did. Their parents would not have met and they would not have been born. Why are so many of them (not all) so bitter towards whites. Its time to move on.

2007-07-16 02:43:39 · 11 answers · asked by budlover 2

We have to stop making excuses for things that happened so long ago. Don't even bother saying that it is White history month all year long because that is not true, and you are part of the problem if you think so. Its time to move on.

2007-07-16 02:26:01 · 22 answers · asked by budlover 2

Because European TV displays "more" than American TV, and European beaches are more likely to have "exposed" people.
I'm asking this question neutrally -- I am not criticizing or debating what is correct , I'm just curious as to how the relaxed attitude towards exposure originated in Europe.

2007-07-16 01:51:04 · 6 answers · asked by karkondrite 4

The names might not be able to be translated directly, but even if someone can translate a Spanish name as close to the English names as possible, this is for a Mexican project I am doing with the kids, I am also making up a play passport and entering all the names for them in the different languages as we are studying different parts of the world.
Here are the English names:
Connor (boy)
Ethan (boy)
Evann (girl)
Griffin (boy)
Kaitlyn (girl)
Mackenzie (girl)

Thank you for your help.

2007-07-16 01:48:54 · 6 answers · asked by napaneefc 2

My boyfreind hurt my feelings when he told me that he feels embarresed when we go outside bacause people are always staring at us. I told him that if he feels that way to leave me the hell alone but he won't leave me! I Help because he does'nt get it!! What can I do!!

2007-07-16 01:14:13 · 15 answers · asked by limar27 1

Why is it that when a white person is racist to a black person, its called racism, and when its a black person being racist to a white person its 'reverse' racism? I heard a newsreader say it in this way and i always thought that racism was to do with being racist to a race? Bit confused

2007-07-16 00:13:51 · 17 answers · asked by Kristen C 1

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