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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

What did you think about what they were saying?
My jaw completely dropped listening to her talk. She was baptist and I am baptist myself. However I was never taught to hate like that. What is going on in that womans head to make her think that it is okay to have 5 year olds wearing signs that say god hates fags. I think she needs to take a closer look at her bible because god loves everyone. I do agree that homosexuality is wrong, but I think that her tactics are very wrong. I was taught that we should pray for our enemies not attack. I don't understand why she hates gay people so much. I don't encourage it but it also does not bother me if someone else is gay. That is their choice. I know were I'm going when I die so why would I care about how someone else chooses to live their life. I think that women needs to get a life.

2006-10-22 11:02:11 · 8 answers · asked by Lin_Z 4

although montreal has a vaste gay and lesbian community, i find it very hard to find a girl...i have trouble approaching girls when i'm interested. do any of you montreal lesbians or bis have this problem?

2006-10-22 10:30:12 · 2 answers · asked by girlwiththegoodies 3


ok i am a tgirl on the inside i have just started going to councling and trying to convice the councler that i am a woman i now have been to her 6 times at 200$ a pop i cant keep this up not being me i know what i am and i know what it is gong to take to get me there now my wife dose not know what i am i think she is in denial i told her before we tied the not and she washes all the cloths i dont have may mens cloths and no mens shoes but she makes me feal that i cant be me just like the theripest . i cannot keep living like this i dont know what to do i think i am going crazy i see other girls and i am envious of them i need to be me what can i do i cry alot and am depressed now . the theripest toldme she thinks that i want to change . just to show people that i can and that i am not a girl i know i am and i have given this much thought and it never leaves my mind i know what i am why do i need to prove it to some one eals to get the ok to chang my sex.

2006-10-22 09:57:00 · 7 answers · asked by tgangeltg 1

That's what I heard at the Senior Center.

2006-10-22 09:34:39 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone else think that? I'm not saying all christians, there's a lot of nice ones out there. But gay marriage is against the law because of why? Christians say it's against their beliefs, but all they have to support the fact that gay marriage is wrong are quotes from the bible, which athiests wont take as a fact. I thought law and religion were supposed to be seperate, if they have so much power over this, which doesn't affect them at all, what's gonna be illegal next? Divorce? Adultry? Pre-maridal Sex? C'mon, America is becoming a big redneck chruch, someone's gotta do something about it!

2006-10-22 09:16:58 · 19 answers · asked by StarGirl 2

I have a friend he is gay. As for me i'm bi (maybe i I could not make me out yet) but he doesn't know about it cause i do not accentuate on this any attention of anyone. But I feel drawn to him, but i can't find any way to demonstrate it for him. I think if he doesn't reciprocate my feelings i will be crushed. What should i do that he will understand that i have feelings to him?
I do not know what to do even i can't open my sexuality to anybody.

2006-10-22 08:17:10 · 11 answers · asked by Sasha 1

what is your prefrence?

2006-10-22 07:20:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

So many people seem to say that they are gay or bi these days. Has the number of experimenters increased, or are more people just comfortable to come out of the closet? Maybe there isn't even a closet anymore? For teens, though, isn't it sort of the new thing to be bisexual??

2006-10-22 07:12:45 · 26 answers · asked by advicemom 4

Why do some guys keep coming back like a bad penny?

2006-10-22 07:02:24 · 11 answers · asked by Jude M 3

If there is Id really love to meet you. Im soft and fluffy, and can be hard and strong and a lot of fun. But I want a best friend and love and its hard to always have to be "a man", I just want to be able to be with a partner or friend who s the same, no gender.
Every time I meet a woman who says she is, when she falls out with me she calls me a typical male. Why do people have to divide us into these categories, and why cant I find a mate who is into equality. What they say and what they do, and behave seem to be two different things! I just want a best mate, for a mate, not a set of gender rules i cant live up to!

When people are children they learn from hints given off by their parents or society how a little boy and a little girl should act, and they eventually adapt, because they want to be accepted, they want to be loved and get attention. I never adaped. Are you out there?

2006-10-22 06:17:23 · 5 answers · asked by green_womble 1

I mean, on yourself or on other men? I find myself staring at every guy in public (esp if they are hot) who has a belt on. They just turn me on for some reason, especially if they're tight! Anyone else like them in any way other than just utilitarian?

2006-10-22 06:14:50 · 7 answers · asked by Chestrensen 2

In terms of how society treated them and how they developed their relationships.

2006-10-22 06:13:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-22 05:58:55 · 6 answers · asked by elpackage 2

Tranracial, international, special treatment like rich people verses regular low middle class and lesbians, gay, etc.

2006-10-22 05:46:45 · 13 answers · asked by stinky20@sbcglobal.net 1

Hi, my question was meant for me to learn. I am using a mobile phone as a modem, and I used that word as a way of getting around the networks censorship. Just being cautious, sorry.

2006-10-22 05:39:20 · 17 answers · asked by green_womble 1

2006-10-22 05:39:08 · 5 answers · asked by narayan 1

I have a couple of gay friends. When they lived here, we went out a lot and I always had a lot of fun with them. (So much so that one night I peed my pants laughing! But that's another story.)

They moved out of state years ago, and I miss their company.

I remember that they hated to use the term "straight" when giving directions. If I would say something like, "You go straight at the stop sign and turn right at the second light," I would be "corrected" by one of them who would say, "Nope. You go FORWARD at the stop sign and turn right at the second light." Nothing was ever "straight ahead." It was always "forward and onward" or something like that.

Was this just some quirky nature of my friends, or do a lot of the gays and lesbians have this same idiosyncrasy?

2006-10-22 05:03:18 · 14 answers · asked by bundjean 5

many of them don't even know WHY they should be proud? or WHAT gay pride represents? I used to be a public relations officer for my campus glbt organization and all the members wanted to do ALL this gay pride stuff, and I asked them, "How many of you know when the first gay pride parade was?" "How many of you even know what the rainbow flag represents"? and "How many of you know what lead to the level of somewhat acceptance glbt people have TODAY?" and I was AMAZED at how many people don't know their gay history. Doesn't this seem a bit hypocritical? I mean it seems to me, in order to know where you're GOING, you have to know where you CAME FROM. How can we be shoving rainbows in people's faces when we can't even back up our own reasoning for doing so?

2006-10-22 04:15:09 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

someone brought this question up on one of my other questions, so I'm asking :)

2006-10-22 03:53:12 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please include differences and similarities between the individuals, names, attitudes, behaviors, anything between these two types of relationships, including the people that engage in these relationships. Thanks! Need A.S.A.P!

2006-10-22 03:16:31 · 13 answers · asked by Charnissia S 1

I know there are forces at work in Reality, that we understand as
Our spirit is made of both these aspects. And humans struggle
to find this balance within them.
I know we are made of body, mind, and spirit. It is said the
first humans were hermaphrodite. Today, there are still
humans born with male and female genitalia. So one might have a body chemistry that leans toward gay or lesbian.
Also, there is not only the struggle within to maintain the
masculine and feminine forces. But it is said we live more than
once. And a spirit can live many lives as a female, and then
still feel as if it's a female, though now being male. And vice
I wonder though, if there isn't also a mind dimension at work.
In that one can be hurt badly by the opposite sex. And still want
to enjoy thier sexuality, and turn thier own.
What are your thoughts?

2006-10-22 02:05:18 · 19 answers · asked by zenbuddhamaster 4

....If so, where do I sign up???

2006-10-22 00:13:13 · 6 answers · asked by Yahooligan85 2

There are so many posts on here from gay people (mainly boys, it seems) who desperately wish they could 'turn' straight, but do you know anyone straight who really wishes they could be gay?

(If you need to know, and just so no-one thinks I am gay-bashing, I am gay myself, and just curious about the question.)

2006-10-22 00:04:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

it makes me proud to say "i'm not gay"....but in the end I think I'm gay and will always be. and being gay means thinking that religious is not proven and is possibly wrong.

2006-10-22 00:01:00 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

would the general gay community be mean enough to out me against my will?

2006-10-21 23:30:13 · 10 answers · asked by brokeback 1

I know this seems like a silly thing, but I do ask, anyways. I am one who, since a very young age, has been attracted to men. I have tried everything... prayed, therapy, most things, but have failed. For some reason, women have never really done it for me and my heart has always felt more complete with a man. But I am a religious person and I know what The Bible says and I want to go to Heaven and I know this needs to stop. But it just seems so helpess, yet I try every day. But nothing. I pray, but nothing. What do I do to be happy? It's not that I'm necessarily homophobic, it's just more towards myself. I'm just in a lot of pain and find myself popping pills to numb myself to forget about this and a litany of other non-related things. Any help is appreciated. Thank You.

2006-10-21 22:53:54 · 18 answers · asked by Reginald VelJohnson 2

2006-10-21 22:52:41 · 19 answers · asked by Janji 3

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