I cannot believe how many times I see comments like the one CJ made on this question http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070926135740AAoH5Oq&r=w&pa=FZptHWf.BGRX3OFMiDRdVL7MppcLy2_NUaBkDy_ef1ZkgFZTOA--&paid=answered#NbUvWze_UjeTT3huqC1y
where he said Catholics are not true saved Christians.
Is this typical?
Do people not realize that if it weren't for Roman Catholics they would not even have a bible, Trinity doctrine and many other basic tennants of Christian faith?
In 325AD as part of the Nicene Creed, all these basic doctrinal things were agreed upon by the first Cardinals. They sifted out which gospels to put in the bible and how they should be ordered and interpreted. If it weren't for them, you could have the Gospel of Phillip or many others in your bible right now, which said Jesus was just a man, not God.
So if you believe they were Divinely guided enough to give you the Christian doctrine and bible you have, how can you call them "unsaved"?
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Religion & Spirituality