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Society & Culture - 23 August 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

How can people be so sure, with all the religions out there, that theirs is in fact "the true religion"? Was there an event that happened in your life that made you positive? Have you seen/heard God?

2007-08-23 06:40:26 · 17 answers · asked by Reflected Life 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Now all you Mormons don't start having a go! i would like to know how come in America it is illegal to have more that one wife so how come you have umpteen, and do they have all the information on people we are told they have ?

2007-08-23 06:39:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

part of the waitresses job? I do disagree with them.

2007-08-23 06:38:52 · 17 answers · asked by lizbulgarelli 2 in Etiquette

Why do christmas songs make me so happy when i listen to it? Seriously nothing else in this world can make me so joyful as christmas songs!!! does anybody else like chrismtas songs?? and i love the christmas atmosphere in december in markets,target,etc. and i love christmas movies! like the holliday. and i'm not crazy or anything i just really like them! anyone else?

2007-08-23 06:37:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

Right now your given the option, peace on earth, or allow the world to remain the way it is now.

What Do You Choose and Why?

2007-08-23 06:37:05 · 2 answers · asked by ArchAngel Raziel 2 in Religion & Spirituality

and if so? do you like being that way? do you treat people badly? are you nice?

2007-08-23 06:36:18 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Where did this meme come from? Why is it so widely spread among atheists? (Before you attack me, I'm an atheist)

I'm taking "You can't prove a negative" to mean "You cannot prove a proposition whose main logical connective is a negated existential quantifier."

However, that second statement is completely false. There are plenty of provable propositions that are negatively existentially quantified. For example, it is provable that there are no round squares. It's also provable that there are no natural numbers greater than all other natural numbers.

Am I misinterpreting the statement "You can't prove a negative" or do people simply regurgitate the meme because it seems supports their argument?

Personally, I think we should all reject "You can't prove a negative" in favor of Burden of Proof considerations. Can anybody enlighten me? Thanks in advance.

2007-08-23 06:36:00 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

sometimes you don't?

So how many miss sisterzeal?

2007-08-23 06:35:03 · 3 answers · asked by sisterzeal 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Organized every year by the Grand Plains City Council and a coalition of area churches, the Gay Shame Parade has been an annual event here since 1977, the year that citizens first became aware of gay people's existence.


2007-08-23 06:34:44 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I'd give him a solid 70% because he preached about impartial love. Love thy enemy, love the prostitutes, money isn't the measure of a man. But since it all tied back to God, who I don't believe is real, he misses out on the full marks. There's also that bit about how slaves should be treated, when slavery isn't good at all. What do you think?

2007-08-23 06:34:38 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Why do women voluntarily subject themselves to an environment where they are treated as less then the men ? For example, women who become video models (actually, women that become models period).

2007-08-23 06:33:46 · 11 answers · asked by MajorCrumpet 4 in Other - Society & Culture

2007-08-23 06:32:18 · 10 answers · asked by lizzy*lou 2 in Languages

God will show me the things i do not understand eventualllllly make me realize the folly of not understanding...Comprehension is so vast that the mind has to explore more than its limit....so where is God then?

2007-08-23 06:31:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Clue it's from the Movie Christmas story, the answer that won the Dad the Lamp Leg. 2nd question was the Lone Ranger and Tonto Gay?

2007-08-23 06:31:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Faith by itself is dead without works. What do you do to insure your place in heaven?

2007-08-23 06:30:41 · 19 answers · asked by andizwif 2 in Religion & Spirituality

...or are you calling God a liar?

"I am the Lord, and there is none else, beside Me there is no God; I have girded you, though you have not known Me; That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside Me; I am the Lord; and there is none else; I form the light, AND CREATE DARKNESS; I make peace, AND CREATE EVIL; I am the Lord, that does all these things."
~ Isaiah 45: 5-7 (emphasis mine)

2007-08-23 06:27:00 · 15 answers · asked by Aliya 2 in Religion & Spirituality

...is it bcuz he waz lonely or bcuz he wanted the props and praise n stuff?

or was ppl an experiment 2 see if u wuz faithful 2 ur Creator??

Pls gud answers only no atheitz pls no offens.

2007-08-23 06:26:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Because that's what it is.

2007-08-23 06:24:51 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I have 30 contacts...
had many more but downsized to those who I consider God's Warriors... and am always looking for more so I can keep up with you guys through my inbox.
my choice, thank you very much!
Have you looked into Messager or 360 ?
Please consider them.<><

2007-08-23 06:24:51 · 13 answers · asked by ? 4 in Religion & Spirituality

If a god has a plan and is actively following that plan to fruition, then doesn't it stand to reason that all that is going on around you is MEANT to be? If that god meant for things to be otherwise, would it not MAKE it so? Ponder this quote:

"Yet, with all this strange appearance of humility, and this contempt for human reason, he ventures into the boldest presumptions. He finds fault with everything. His selfishness is never satisfied; his ingratitude is never at an end. He takes on himself to direct the Almighty what to do, even in the govemment of the universe. He prays dictatorially. When it is sunshine, he prays for rain, and when it is rain, he prays for sunshine. He follows the same idea in everything that he prays for; for what is the amount of all his prayers, but an attempt to make the Almighty change his mind, and act otherwise than he does? It is as if he were to say -- thou knowest not so well as I."

Agree or Disagree. Bonus if you can identify the author and book.

2007-08-23 06:23:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

People are constantly asking if GOD exist, and I can't help but wonder why ask such a question while your beathing. GOD blesses you with the breath of life from the start, your heart and all your internal organs work because HE said so. If you look outside trees, birds etc are all blessings from above. Even the wind that blows is a testament to his stregnth. I have heard quite a few reason why people don't believe, but in my opinion I think that some of the main reasons may be selfishness and pride. Selfishness, because GOD always put others before himself He even gave us his SON. Not to mention wanting to do everything and anything with no one to answer to for your actions and no consequences for your action. Pride, because you don't want to answer or be beholding to someone for every little thing and lets not forget you have to be able to drop your pride to get on your knees and pray. I hope those who don't have faith find it.

2007-08-23 06:23:28 · 25 answers · asked by T W 2 in Religion & Spirituality

My husband and I are going with another couple to an old cemetery, what would be good to bring?

2007-08-23 06:22:30 · 23 answers · asked by Amber 5 in Mythology & Folklore

why or why not?

2007-08-23 06:22:22 · 13 answers · asked by sisterzeal 5 in Religion & Spirituality

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

How can two people who each feel they are listening to the voice of God believe the other is misled?

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-08-23 06:22:16 · 2 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I just saw this saying on the back of a car...and yes, it is sappy...but, I thought it is kinda cool.

It transcends a person's religion, lack of religion, fundamentalism, liberalism, etc....

If we all just try to make the world a better place in our locales we can affect great change. The smile we give a checker, holding the door open for someone, any random act of kindness...may go a long way.. further than we may imagine. Maybe our act of kindness can encourage others to pay it forward too.

Any other sappy sayings you want to share?

2007-08-23 06:20:09 · 21 answers · asked by G.C. 5 in Religion & Spirituality

The shloka describes:

(1)The body as the chariot,

(2)The senses as the horses,

(3)The mind as the reign of horses

(4)The brain as the charioteer

(5)The soul as passenger in the chariot

2007-08-23 06:19:35 · 3 answers · asked by Naman 1 in Mythology & Folklore

and where can i buy one? is it anything like a fish taco?

2007-08-23 06:18:34 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Does anyone believe Noah's Ark, Literally?

(or some form of this same question) it's asked every day by various people, sometimes over and over again in the same day.

Can they not come up with at least one original and actual thought provoking question?

2007-08-23 06:16:49 · 18 answers · asked by Marvelissa VT 6 in Religion & Spirituality

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