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Society & Culture - 6 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I was talking to a pastor about sin and what my friend and what he was going through.My friend is a christian,my friend kept on doing the same sin, over and over, but everytime he repent he just falls back into the sin until he repents again. The Pastor told me that if someone sin, and you repent, and after you repent you keep on doing the same sin over and over again, then you sin against the Holy Spirit, and you will not be forgiven, because if you sinning against the Holy spirit there is no forgiveness. He says that is Blasphemy. I beleive that if my friend kept on doing the same sin, then he really didnot repent of that sin,.So my question is if this pastor is right? Is my friend saved or not? Is he a Christian?

2007-07-06 03:07:46 · 17 answers · asked by whiterose3526 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I saw it when i was still a christian and laughed my socks off.

2007-07-06 03:05:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I'm sure that we all want to understand the universe as best we can, but why should there be a reason for existence?

Things that happen in nature will invariably have cause and effect, but why search for a purpose to life, the universe and everything?

What's wrong with accepting it, and trying to understand the nature of what it "is" before looking at the "why"?

2007-07-06 03:03:37 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What was wrong with the movie other then the fun they had with a religion. You don't see atheists protesting movies about not having a religion.

2007-07-06 03:00:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

would i have to stop watching porn, drinking, shouting abuse and scrapping (i only fight when provoked) with apposing football fans ? How do i know i'm not a christian already and is it a lot different to been a catholic ?

2007-07-06 02:58:31 · 18 answers · asked by ANDY T 3 in Religion & Spirituality

shouldn’t we have lower poverty rates and crimes rates then other countries?

Or is Christianity just all talk?

2007-07-06 02:56:29 · 29 answers · asked by Quantrill 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Ok, i am a witness for a long time now, most my life. I i know just me asking this is hypocritical in light of the question im asking but im going to anyway.
Why are witnesses on here at all? Do you choose to ignore counsel from the society about chatrooms,msg boards, and generally talking to and cosorting with unbeleivers online yet when someone asked an opinion about something witness realated, as i did yesterday, you tell me this isnt the place and that i shouldnt "be posting this information online". What is that? Like i should listen to you and your "counsel" when you yourself choose to ignore cousel.

2007-07-06 02:55:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Because he dislikes a people that immigrates to a country just to use that country. He dislikes people that immigrate to a country and hates the country that they immigrate to. He dislikes people that immigrates to a country and does not adapt to that country's culture, instead they still try to do things like that did back in their peasant homelands.

That's why

2007-07-06 02:53:37 · 10 answers · asked by Trey J 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

i'm a hispanic i came here when i was 10 so i'm pretty much adapted to this culture and way of living, well i like to know why are some people so closed minded especially i have noticed us hispanics the ones raised in their countries most of all. i have a couple of firends and families that think very weird for example movies i watch all kinds of movies i love fantasy i think is the best kinds of movies everything that u might dream u know your imagination, now my 2 friends only like chickflicks and real life movies nothing fake, like i think to myself dont you have real enough in your life why not open your mind and use your imagination, or my family they are so just about paying the bills fight all the time and complain about pains never enjoy a dinner out or a weekend away or anything i think is depressing to live like that everyone needs their time away to relax, maybe is the way they were raise, can anyone comment?

2007-07-06 02:53:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

2007-07-06 02:52:19 · 12 answers · asked by mike&rach 2 in Mythology & Folklore

Choice is the root of all evil correct?

2007-07-06 02:51:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

how does "personal experiences/felt God's presense" fit in?

Is it your main reason for believing?
Should it be accepted as evidence during discussions?

2007-07-06 02:49:24 · 10 answers · asked by Eleventy 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Minds for us to like heaven?

2007-07-06 02:48:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

..............or were they more or less unaware of their existence for the most part?

2007-07-06 02:46:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

For the majority they are educated and have there own idea's thats great, but I have noticed some that actually hate religion full stop. Not just think its silly, but hate it.

2007-07-06 02:44:27 · 39 answers · asked by Link , Padawan of Yoda 5 in Religion & Spirituality

What have gay people every done to the bible?

2007-07-06 02:39:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Please explain why.

2007-07-06 02:38:49 · 15 answers · asked by reverendrichie 4 in Religion & Spirituality

in my dream i was at work,a office, wich i have never seen before. i was talking to some guy about weight and then i went to my desk and started moving things around. when i moved my desk there was a silver praying mantis in the floor. i used a stick to pick it up. then woke up

2007-07-06 02:37:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

I am disabled by renal failure, and therefore am on dialysis every other day, and i have also had 3 strokes. I am regularly asked on forms if i am registered disabled. I don't really understand what this means. I have had to retire from work after my last stroke, and i receive full DLA. Does this mean i am registered disabled? If not, what does registered disabled mean?
Also i understand disabled people can get a key which opens disabled toilets nationwide. Does anyone know how i can get one please?

2007-07-06 02:35:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in People with Disabilities

what is the reason christians arents supposed to have sex before the are married because i do not agree with it even though i am christian. can u please tell me and prove to me where it is said.

2007-07-06 02:35:20 · 9 answers · asked by sportlife58 2 in Religion & Spirituality

In this beautiful forest near my house, there's this old man who lives in one of those really ancient-looking houses. From the outside, you'd think it was deserted, but a guy does live in it. I've met the man before and he seems quite pleasent. However, I was absolutey gob-smacked when my mother told me that this guy lives with no electricity or central heating. In other words, he has no telephone, no PC, no TV, no lights or any other wonderful luxuries we all take so much for granted. My mother told me that he chooses to live like this & even cooks his food outside. Although it's unbelievable, I have great respect & admiration for this man as he seems to be really living a very environmentally-friendly lifestyle. Also, he seems to be living a very natural and traditional form of life.

I would just like to hear your thoughts on this man's choice of living & also if you think that if everyone lived like this, would the world be a much healthier place against climate change.

2007-07-06 02:29:16 · 9 answers · asked by Mel B 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-07-06 02:27:03 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

1)a)I’m na evolutionist.
b)The reason i’m asking is because i’m interested in your opinions, i want to know whatyou think. I have nothing against you, i just want to ask politely and discuss

2)In my question yesterday I asked atheists specificly, amongst other things, what would be like if there were poof that evolution was false. Results were:

a)Some people, by not reading the details of my question mistook me by an creationist and proceded to insult me (i’m starting to think some atheists are not the rocket scientist they claim to be. Still, relax, if you’re reading this this is probably not directed to you).
b)Some people simply refused to awnser the question and simply gave arguments like: “Its better to believe in evolution than to believe in fairy tales or the flying spaguetti monster”. Again, no rocket science, still looking back i have to say that i was pretty condescending in my questionand i guess that when you write what you want you end up reading what you don’t want. Heh.
c)Finaly some people awnsered my question throughfully, in a very complete way and more accurately than i usualy am able to awnser questions here on R&S. Still even those people did not, in fact awnsered what would be like if the theory of evolution would be false, they claimed it was hard for them grasping that hipothetical question. Well that got me thinking...

For me its not hard to imagine. If someone came to me and said: “Imagine you just won the lottery 37 times in a row, when you leave home to colect the 37th prize you’re suddenly atacked by a pink dinossaur, he bites of your leg. Just when you think youre about to die, Angelina Jolie shows up in a black mustang, she saves you by killing the dinossaur with a light saber” Is that impossible? Yes. Is it hard for me to imagine that hypothetical situation? Not at all.

Still, it is a completly different situation when people come to me and say: “imagine Jesus never existed” Well, christianity is a big part of my life, its my faith and it changed my life deeply. I have a hard time thinking its all a lie, i don’t feel confortable doing so, its hard...

I usualy hate when people say that it takes faith to believe in evolution, it offends my faith, my work along with my intelligence. So i understand some offensive responses from atheists when faced with the same kind of questioning (i really dislike when people say that atheists have faith in stuff, i think i’ve done a couple of times here but with a lot of reserves, and still the acceptance wasn’t any good, and i understand why).
But i have to say. You sure do treat the evolution subject like fundamentalists, pretty much like its some kind of dogma or immutable law, like me and my Jesus, you have a hard time imagining the world without evolution. Why?
Imagine youre a Jedi
imagine youre an autobot
imagine there is no gravity, that what keeps us on the ground are some invisible strings made of magic energy thats liberated only when we pee
Imagine there is no evolution

Here, let me try:
“Well, my work revolves around an evolutionary approach to insect digestion, so i can kiss my fundings goodbye.So i’m out of a job. My grilfriend is a creationist, so she wont leave me alone for a while, oh and i can forget about showing up at church for the next month i know what the minister will be talking about. In some time, i’m sure the scientists will find out what went on (thats what science is all about, right?), in the meantime i think i’ll go to the R&S section on Y!A, it must be a slaughter house there right now lol.”

Thats my question: Why are you so fundamentalist when it comes to evolution?
Its not hard, and probably not any good, still its been stuck on my head for sometime now

2007-07-06 02:26:55 · 13 answers · asked by Emiliano M. 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Black males seem to be commiting a large number a violent crimes. Often times it is blammed on racism. I think it's just bad parenting. When there are no fathers in the homes black boys in general will go astray. What can I do as a black male to help other black males become more responsible?

2007-07-06 02:25:43 · 12 answers · asked by "Rev-Jim-Baker" 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

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