I live in an area where farming is the way of life. For the last few years it seems like the more big city people come into the area, the more protesting there is on the local farmers and their livelihood. Turkey, pig and dairy farms are most farmers why of life here but now when you drive down one of our county roads you see signs reading "NO MORE(whatever type of farm)! THEY STINK!" 99% of the signs come from families that have moved from a major city to the country for a more "peaceful" home life.
Where do people think the food comes from when they go to the store and buy it? Do they think that it just magically appears for them to buy? The country smells expecially in the hot days of summer when the sun is heating up the "waste" on the farms.
Now people are complaining of cows "mooing" into the wee hours of the night and calling the cops on the farmers that have them.
Why move the the country if you can't stand the byproducts of where your food comes from?
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Other - Society & Culture