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37 answers

"Theological Masturbation" comes to mind. I can't believe I just wrote that down! I don't talk like that. But come on, enough already with the End Times Watch. To tell you the truth, I was brought up in a Baptist home where my parents talked about the Lord like He was coming to supper. We watched Billy Graham every time he was on tv. We didn't go to movies on Sunday. I think if the Rapture was at all important in the Christian life, I would have heard about it before I started first grade. What difference does it make? Just be right with the Lord.

2007-07-07 18:10:57 · answer #1 · answered by babbie 6 · 1 1


2016-12-24 04:27:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know if I would be considered a "sane" Christian or not, but my take is that we've been living in the "end times" for the last two thousand years. There's just no telling whether it's all going to end tomorrow, or another three thousand years from now.

Are there "signs"? Well sure, but like I said, there have been for the last two thousand years. I'm not in a panic over it.

Anyway, I just shake my head at those people and move on.

2007-07-06 03:13:58 · answer #3 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 1 0

If people notice that the times today have many similarities to the times prophesied in the Bible as the end times I agree with them.

2 Timothy 3:1 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

If they "rant about it" then I wonder if they have some sort of evil harassing spirit that is seeking to get them off track from the real work of Christians which is to spread the gospel message and tell people the good news about Jesus before the end actually comes.

2007-07-07 07:26:06 · answer #4 · answered by Martin S 7 · 1 0

I am a Pentecostal Christian, and have been my whole life; my father is an Assemblies of God preacher.

I believe "the sky is falling" Christians get WAY to carried away with it. Yes, if you study the end times in the Bible, you will see that almost everything that must happen before the 2nd coming of Christ has already happened, much of it in the last 10 years. Yes, I think people should be warned of the tribulation to come, but I don't think that should be your primary outreach tool.

As to saying that Jesus said not to look for signs, then why did he tell us what to look for? Matthew 24:3 ""Tell us," the disciples said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?"" Then Jesus answered them. Why would he answer if he didn't want them to look for signs?

2007-07-06 03:21:24 · answer #5 · answered by Greater Heights 2 · 2 1

HA HA HA! "Sane Christians" being your grabber. OK, I can only speak for myself as a sane Christian, but my "religious" side feels a bit nervous about those people being right about the end times. It's a scary thought, if you let yourself believe it. It's sort of like the suspended disbelief you feel when watching a horror movie. My questioning side kicks in reminding me that people have ALWAYS thought the end was near. I also remember that the apocolyptic visions were from dreams of men who were considered to be prophets or apostles, and who assumed that those dreams were Divinely inspired, and I can't help but think that because those men were so obsessed with End Times they couldn't help but dream about it, and in the end, they're just dreams.

The fact of the matter is, eventually, there really will be a real End Times... take God out of the equation. In billions of years, our sun will implode. Before that, we could get struck by a global killer asteroid. Or maybe global killing volcanic eruptions, wiping out entire civilizations the way Vesuvius did. Is that God? Or nature? Or God using nature? Who knows. This particular Christian has trouble thinking that God would go to all the trouble of the Big Bang, evolution, and letting us develop to the point where we can cure many diseases and help micro-preemies live, and then He would intentionally end the world, versus letting a natural disaster happen on it's own.

2007-07-06 03:24:41 · answer #6 · answered by ♛Qu€€n♛J€§§¡¢a♛™ 5 · 1 2

I listen to them very patiently, ask them questions that don't seem to fit the scriptures. Then I smile and go on my way and live life like tomorrow is judgment day because you never know... Maybe for me it is.

You can not change their mind about these things. Sometimes it cures itself. End time prophesy draws a lot of people but as they mature they mellow out a bit and recognize that perhaps the most important thing is being ready for the End Times rather than worrying about its timing.

But some... They usually go away after awhile. If that's the sum total of their faith it will not sustain them.

Edit : Suzanne the key word here is to rant. To have knowledge about and to warn others about the signs we see happening Like the command to reestablish the Kingdom of Israel (1947 It happended in 1948 but the command went out in 1947) and the Six Day war in 1967 (the Last Jubalee year.) and the fact that the next Jubalee year would be in 2017 which would be the 120th Jubaliee year ( I will not strive with man forever I will give him 120 years (spoken to Noah who had the ark completed in 100 years so its not about the flood)) Things like our last three leaders of this country pushing for one world government, The rapid deteriation of mainstream christianity the fact that more and more Jewish people are coming to Yahshua as Messiah is not ranting.

Ranting is when it consumes peoples lives, Its all they study, its their entire focus. They forget things like Love the Lord with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. They forget to develop relationships the Father Yahshua and the brethern and spend their time drawing up prophetic calenders and drawing out what the new Jerusalem will look like and dividing up the land amoung the tribes and quite frankly setting dates. They become so wrapped up in end time prophecy that really when I see them coming I look for a way to escape.

2007-07-06 03:16:38 · answer #7 · answered by Tzadiq 6 · 3 0

Oh my goodness -- I admit I'm a "ranter" at times, LOL. So can I still answer your question?

Christians are *commanded* by Yeshua to know and understand the signs that identify the "end times." The primary sign is the re-establishment of Israel, which has clearly been fulfilled. So how can we keep this to ourselves? Yeshua's answer is that we cannot and should not.

Frankly, I am annoyed with Christians who vehemently state we're *not* in the end times. Will it take the fulfillment of the Ezekiel 38 and 39 invasion of Israel by Russia, Iran & other Muslim nations for them to believe? Eze. 38:16 tells us this will happen in the "latter days."

EDIT: CMW, Jesus commanded us at Matthew 24:32 "Now learn this parable from the fig tree ..." The words "now learn" constitute a command -- in other words, "learn this right now, it's very important." (Jesus only used the command "learn" three times in the Scriptures: each time, He conveyed a very important concept.) This parable tells us that we must watch the "fig tree" (which some believe symbolizes Israel and, to a larger extent, the times in which it's resurrected) for signs of budding leaves. Just as we know summer is approaching when a tree begins to emerge from its winter sleep, we are commanded to know and recognize similar signs of the times. In contrast, Jesus railed against Pharisees who refused to believe the Messiah had arrived, despite all the signs (healing of lepers, blind and lame; raising the dead; etc.) See Matthew 16:1-4.

SECOND EDIT: Tzadiq, good answer! <>

2007-07-06 04:46:25 · answer #8 · answered by Suzanne: YPA 7 · 1 0

Problem is....people have been ranting about the signs of the end times since the beginning, because of religion. I think that these "signs" can be found in any era of human history. Its how these things are interpreted that makes the difference.

I think that it is an individual thing, and others ranting about it can be embarrassing. Just like Muslims rant about their "signs". At least Christians don't think they need to go out and conquer the world to convert people.

2007-07-06 03:24:59 · answer #9 · answered by Soul Shaper 5 · 0 2

i'm Jewish, no longer Christian, and this exchange into 6 years in the past, yet i will answer however. have you ever study the e book of pastime? pastime exchange right into a non secular guy who feared G-d, He had a super existence in the start, yet devil informed G-d to take it away to confirm if he might nonetheless concern him. pastime felt depressing, and his existence became adverse. Does that recommend he wasn't a guy of G-d? No. So having melancholy does not make you any much less of a Christian. (pastime wasn't Christian, yet it somewhat is via the fact he existed in the previous Christ exchange into ever born.) suffering is purely component to existence. this is not any longer constrained to sinners. every person, inspite of religion, can go through.

2016-10-01 00:32:11 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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