Do many of you understand how deeply the following plays straight into the hands of end times bible prophecy? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
1. Muslim confederacy hell bent on converting the world?
2. Globalists (i.e. Capitalists, Communists, Socialists) driving toward a one world government?
3. Technology to facilitate Armageddon and a one world government?
4. The Information Age (i.e. “Dan 12:4 and Rev. 22:10”)
5. Israel back in the land (28 generations from 70 A.D.) and surrounded by Arab enemies?
6. Israel forced to trade land for peace? (Zephaniah 2)
7. World players, including Caeser’s throne, involved in their current positions?
8. Muslims praying for return of Al-Mahdi?
9. Jews praying for the awaited of Messiah?
10. Christians praying for return of Christ?
11. Babylonian paganism distribution network and the ACLU?
12. The deliberate perverting of Gods word by Church leaders?
13. The spread of euthanasia, genocide, infanticide and lack of sanctity of life?
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Religion & Spirituality