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Society & Culture - 13 June 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I understand the stone

2007-06-13 14:47:36 · 9 answers · asked by ? 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Are you sure?
Can you prove it?

2007-06-13 14:46:15 · 18 answers · asked by MrsOcultyThomas 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Is it instinctual, hereditary, etc.?

2007-06-13 14:44:00 · 22 answers · asked by TRACER ™ 6 in Religion & Spirituality

And does it accept science within the boundaries of its walls? God, fine with me. One does not have to disbelieve in evolution in order to serve their God. I hope he/she/it can change with the times.

2007-06-13 14:43:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

This is an attempt to see if there is something wrong with me or it is my boss

2007-06-13 14:43:14 · 6 answers · asked by Insignificant Fool 1 in Etiquette

Life is full of passions! What will happen will happen right? How do you feel?

2007-06-13 14:42:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

How many kids did Adam and Eve have?

2007-06-13 14:41:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-13 14:41:42 · 11 answers · asked by MrsOcultyThomas 6 in Religion & Spirituality

We are searching for good places but we want to make sure the commingling of our flesh doesn't upset anyone.


2007-06-13 14:41:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

This is one of the most debated topic between those who represent science and those placing their belief in religion. The biggest theme is belief vs. discovery. Do we believe what we've been taught our entire lives through the holiest of books or do we accept what people with unbelievably high IQs present to us?

2007-06-13 14:40:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Atheists love to point out where a person of faith is lacking in logic yet never seem to recognize when their own logic is failing them.

On another question about being ‘born Atheist’ an Atheist tried to convince me that since ‘feral children’ were studied who seemed to have no knowledge of G-d, that knowledge of G-d is taught and not valid. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ar4K8HM.QvUHEeQc81Pjwxrty6IX?qid=20070611164940AAZ7Kkn

And then some other Atheist posted a half thought out algebraic attempt to prove Atheism as a question. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsiaTfj4V89hzJOoBQG9.03ty6IX?qid=20070612005612AA2yDWs&show=7#profile-info-WwNX1e2vaa

That got me thinking about algebra and Logical Fallacies.

Let’s accept the study that these “feral children” do not in fact care or know about G-d, for the sake of argument. I’ll try to keep this simple.

The logical function of this argument would be;

A-Feral children have no knowledge of G-d.
B-Knowledge of G-d is taught.
C- G-d is not a valid concept and would not exist without people to teach it.

However this same reasoning can be used for other things as well;

A- Feral children have no knowledge of evolution (or quantum theory).
B-Knowledge of evolution (or quantum theory) is taught.
C- Evolution (or quantum theory) is not a valid concept and would not exist without people to teach it.

This is called a FALSE CHAIN PATTERN. It can be done with almost anything from G-d to the big bang or whatever. It is called a Logical Fallacy, because it is ILLOGICAL thinking.

It can also be resolved;

A-Feral Children are uneducated, unsophisticated and ignorant.
B-Feral Children do not have knowledge of an enormous amount of subjects.
C-Feral children are valid sources for information regarding these subjects.

Now that’s a rational way to look at things! (Insert sarcasm)

Now for a Logical Chain Pattern;

A-Feral Children are uneducated, unsophisticated and ignorant.
B-Feral Children do not have knowledge of in an enormous amount of subjects.
C-What Feral children believe is inconsequential to the validity of those subjects.

As an anthropologist I believe in evolution.

Please post your own logical fallacies.

2007-06-13 14:40:03 · 22 answers · asked by square 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-13 14:37:47 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-06-13 14:36:54 · 10 answers · asked by MrsOcultyThomas 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Pretty simple question really, although I'm sure I won't get a single, straightforward answer.

2007-06-13 14:35:10 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-13 14:33:53 · 47 answers · asked by MrsOcultyThomas 6 in Religion & Spirituality

There is yet another "clean" alternative to YouTube, created by a guy who made a "clean Christian" alternative to MySpace.


The MySpace alternative is particularly funny. DittyTalk's main features seem to concern the ability to sync with a MySpace account!


This is the Christian YouTube. Like the other site, it "appropriates" much of the terms, layouts, and features.:


This is one huge problem I have with conservative Evangelical Christianity right here. Where are the original ideas? Why don't people who worship a Creator show more creativity? Why does Christian media consist of "Christian versions of" the things everyone else enjoys, but with a long list of "objectionable" things stripped out and a whole bunch of Bible verses wedged in?

If I hadn't fallen in love with a girl, I'd have left the church over this nonsense.

Your thoughts?

2007-06-13 14:33:36 · 4 answers · asked by GreenEyedLilo 7 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-13 14:32:19 · 16 answers · asked by MrsOcultyThomas 6 in Religion & Spirituality

NO it is NOT. And i can PROVE IT:

In any other case we would not need to disprove something so to conclude that it doesn't exist and that's because it is common sense that it doesn't exist.
simpler: we don't have to disprove something since it has never been proven.
in this principles atheism is the logical choice.
HOWEVER, the 90% of the world says that they feel the present of a God or Gods or Godesses or another dimension or something like that.
so, isn't this prove of the existance of some short of a higher spirit?
i think it is. If 9 people out of 10 said the see my eyes blue and 1 said that he sees my eyes grey, then we would say -with absolutely no wasting of time, that this guy has problem with his eyes.
honestly, isn't this the same thing?
isn't agnosticism the logical choice?

2007-06-13 14:31:17 · 15 answers · asked by kittana! 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Does our God have a God that he worships? Did his God create him and give the power to create our universe. And our little universe is just part of God's God's universe. Does God have a bible and prays to his God?

2007-06-13 14:30:59 · 27 answers · asked by TRACER ™ 6 in Religion & Spirituality

It seems like religion has served many purposes, some of which are becoming obsolete. For example they may purport to:

1. Explain the mysteries of the world.
2. Provide an action plan for desperate times (e.g. dance for rain).
3. Create community
4. Provide a ritualistic pulse that people find comforting
5. Provide a packaged set of values we can share (show us how to live).
6. Provide us with enemies against whom we can define ourselves.
7. Give us identity in a confusing and multifarious world.
8. Assuage our fears of death.
9. Church socials (cookies and punch :).

I'm sure there are more. It seems many of these are valuable even today, but packaged with the absurdity and arrogance of teachings about interventionist gods and creation myths, they are unpaletable. How can we get the best of what religion has to offer without having to suspend disbelief about the innanities?

2007-06-13 14:30:17 · 9 answers · asked by Thomas C 3 in Religion & Spirituality

should i just dress half-naked everytime i go out or what??

2007-06-13 14:29:37 · 7 answers · asked by luv2write54 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

There are so many religons out like Catholic and Christians and Mormans and Anglican and JW and Muslims Assembly of God there are just to many, are people making up there own religons now?? and what are the difference between all these religons?? Whats the difference between Catholic and Roman Catholic?? back when jesus was created was all these religons out then or has it been over the years people have just created these religons?? what was the main religon out when jesus was made??

2007-06-13 14:29:34 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

First of all I`m black, and I think there is alot of racism toward us and others. I personally am not racist toward anyone, and I want to know your opinion.

2007-06-13 14:29:27 · 16 answers · asked by babygirl_210 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

2007-06-13 14:28:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Dr Stanley Jaki has documented how the scientific method was stillborn in all cultures apart from the Judeo-Christian culture of Europe.* These historians point out that the basis of modern science depends on the assumption that the universe was made by a rational creator. An orderly universe makes perfect sense only if it were made by an orderly Creator. But if there is no creator, or if Zeus and his gang were in charge, why should there be any order at all? So, not only is a strong Christian belief not an obstacle to science, such a belief was its very foundation. It is, therefore, fallacious to claim, as many evolutionists do, that believing in miracles means that laboratory science would be impossible.

2007-06-13 14:28:40 · 11 answers · asked by Tim 47 7 in Religion & Spirituality

The general notion is that none of it helps... especially maths.. I'd like to see both sides on this.

2007-06-13 14:27:06 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

2007-06-13 14:25:38 · 14 answers · asked by famousfailure 2 in Other - Society & Culture

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