I had reason to visit the cancer ward of a Children's hospital and without being tacky about it, during my chat with these kids I asked 7 of them if they believed in God. I know it's not much to work with but their answers were and I'll be brief;
1. No, he wouldn't let me suffer like this.
2. I hope so because I want to go to heaven.
3. No, he didn't answer my prayers.
4. I think there is but I'm not really sure.
5. I would much rather meet Ronald McDonald (I arranged that).
6. I'm not sure but if there is, I want him to help mummy look after my brother and sister if I die.
7. I don't care to talk about such things.
OK, so little faith out of the mouths of babes, is this a sign of the times or are they too young to comprehend this type of thing (average age around 11).
For what it's worth, I think that if there is a kind and loving God, after seeing these kids, he sure has a "funny" way of showing it.
Your thoughts please!
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Religion & Spirituality