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Believers seem to die more peacefully because they think they are going to a better place.....do they not?

2006-12-11 22:17:38 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

If people kept their beliefs to themselves I would agree, Unfortunatly they try and convert others...it is this converting that makes non-belivers unhappy. plus religion just breeds intollerance

2006-12-11 22:20:24 · answer #1 · answered by king_badger 3 · 3 0

If it's a matter of hedging your bets, it's better to believe in God. Ask yourself this: Which is the best 'worst case scenario?' To believe in a non-existent God or to not believe in God when He does exist.

If you believe in God, but He doesn't exist and this is ultimately proved in your lifetime, the worst that can happen is that you're left with a very hurt pride. While that is bad, you're ultimately no worse off than anybody else.

If you don't believe in God but He does exist, then you might miss out on what He has in store for anyone that will worship Him. That may mean missing out on eternal life in the home that He designed for us, the planet Earth.

It is not necessarily true that believing in God makes the dying process more peaceful. If you have a religion, but you have been going against the precepts of that religion, you will be very worried about what's going to happen to you after you die. If you don't believe in God but when you die that's it, there's no more, you might well still find peace in the dying process because you're not worrying or for some other reason.

Having said all that, I do believe God exist's. While for many He seems unknown and unknowable, He is not far from each of us. He is only a prayer away.

To give you some details:

I have found that God's name is Jehovah.
Jehovah created the Earth (and all the universe) and put man on the Earth to live forever.

That purpose was temporarily disrupted when Adam rebelled against Jehovah's rule and decided to make up his own laws.

This independance has resulted in the world we have today with it's sickness, violence, moral bankruptsy, pollution, fear, hate, anger, depression, etc, etc.

The solution to these problems is to do what we were supposed to do all along, obey God to the letter, and submit to His authority and kingdom.

Meantime, living by what Jehovah's inspired word the Bible says has much benefit. It keeps me busy, gives me a purpose, makes me happy when I do what it says and keeps me away from Satan's influence and helps me have a relatioship with Jehovah.

As for death, it used to frighten me very much, but now i know what it really is. When we die, we cease to exist. (Ecclesiastes 9:5,10) However, we also have the hope of a resurrection if we do die. (John chapter 11, Revelation 21:4) If I die, I will simply close my eys and, even though many years may pass, for me an instant moment will pass and I will open my eyes and live in the paradise.

This all takes a bit of Bible study, but I need only devote a few hours a week to this. You can do the same thing if it interests you to do so. Jehovah's Witnesses would be happy to furnish you with further information and can be contacted through your local congregation. alternatively, you could wait for one to knock on your door or contact you in some other way, at work or in the street. There is also a web site that you can look at and request further information.

2006-12-12 06:58:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, it matters, not only that there is a God but also what we believe. Believers have a hope of something better after death unlike non-believers who think that once they die, that's it.

Trouble is, a lot of people think all roads lead to God and that it doesn't matter what you believe, just so long as you live a "good" life and don't harm anyone. I think there's more to it than that. God is very specific about how we should worship him and how we should lead our lives. For example, Jesus said that the only way to the Father is through him. That's why Muslims cannot countenance Christianity.

Another problem is that faith alone is insufficient - faith without works is dead - and also that faith is a gift from God. If someone offers you a gift, you have to empty your hands in order to receive it. So, to accept God's gift you have to let go of your predjudices and your pride and humbly accept.

Faith in God does bring comfort. It also brings responsibilities, like sharing your faith with others and conforming your life to God's will. That's why Jesus prayed "Your will be done". So, without any apologies to those who resent Christians trying to convert others, if you believe in the greatness and the goodness of God, it would be the height of selfishness to keep that to yourself. Also, God tells to get out there and make disciples of others.

So, believing counts, but be careful what you believe in!

2006-12-12 06:56:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It matters to me--whether I am basing my life on truth or falsehood.

but then again, I think I will tell my kids (should I ever have some) about santa claus. ...hmmm moral conundrum.

as for dying more peacefully... which believers are you thinking about? from which religion? Because there have been Christians, muslims and others who die very violent deaths, believing they are going to better places. but if you mean, at peace with death, I think yes, most people who believe God is pleased with them die more peacefully.

2006-12-12 06:30:18 · answer #4 · answered by Netty 3 · 0 0

I dont follow any religion.... but im not against religion. I also think there might be something greater than me, but im open minded.

I think that if anyone want to follow a religion without ramming it down other peoples gobs and it comforts them then let them.

As for they die more peacefully!!!! What a load of rubbish.... How could you ever know that? if someone does not believe then how would you ever know what they are feeling when they die?

2006-12-12 06:25:19 · answer #5 · answered by 2 good 2 miss 6 · 0 0

Yes it matters

It seems to me that a lot of the gods people worship are not very nice at all. If I thought for a minute I was going to face one of them I would not die peacefully at all.

2006-12-12 09:53:44 · answer #6 · answered by phil_the_sane 3 · 0 0

What a load of rubbish. I'm sorry but I dont know if you're clever enough to question your faith but lack the conviction to break away or if you really dont see the paradox in your question. Is it ok to believe things that arent true. Doesnt truth have any value on its own at all?

If religious people REALLY believed in the nonsense they spoke then if one said they were dying of cancer wouldnt you say 'Oh thats wonderful! You'll be in heaven soon' - they DONT talk like that. The reasons why point to something dont they?

Besides you might get hit by a bus and it might not be peaceful. if you know you only have one life maybe you'd consider it to be precious and live a life you'd be happy to look back on when you are 90 years old in bed with your family around.

Accept what there is evidence of - seek the truth, dont just chase what you'd like to be true.

2006-12-12 07:36:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think that if you are intelligent, and a 100% believer, you are being dishonest with yourself. I think skepticism is one of the highest human qualities, and should be encouraged. It is by NOT encouraging skepticism that we allow blind loyalty to leaders, and the persistence of outdated modes of behaviour. For instance, believing in the death penalty because an ancient book prescribes it, is not at all helpful to modern society.

2006-12-12 07:38:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Faith in God is more than a pacifier here on earth. It is our promise of eternal salvation from a real BURNING HELL! Would you be comforted to see your best friends or relatives who rejected God's plan of salvation burning in hell? It is real and believers need to wake up and share the good news; that if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. Saved from what? Hell!

2006-12-12 06:27:13 · answer #9 · answered by moose on the loose 3 · 0 0

Believing there is a god is not the point.

The point is knowing, loving, and obeying Him. A relationship with Him. The instructions on how to have that are in the Bible.

So...yeah, it matters.

2006-12-12 06:27:25 · answer #10 · answered by nancy jo 5 · 0 0

Lets put it this way...

Believe in God and die and he exists, you are fine

Believe in God and die and he doesn't exist you haven't lost anything.

Don't believe in God and die and he doesn't exist, you are fine.

Don't believe in God and die...and he does exist...you are in a whole heap of trouble!

So you could just say they are playing it safe. I don't think it matters if there is a God, the belief in him upstairs is what is important.

2006-12-12 06:26:37 · answer #11 · answered by Finlay S 3 · 0 0

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