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Please state your relationship with Jesus Christ first so that I can know if you are a born again Christian. You will understand if you are! Then, please tell me if you have information about a group called "The Walk".

Thank you in advance.

2006-12-11 22:18:07 · 5 answers · asked by ccc4jesus 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

5 answers

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior; I have none other and no merit to claim but His.

You are wise to try and find out about a group before joining them. I have not personally heard of "The Walk" but if you are wondering if they might be a cult, then perhaps I can help you with some pointers:

1) A cult usually has an authoritarian power structure dominated by a leader (or a leadership) who claims to have the office by divine appointment.

2) The cult claims to reveal new religious truths, which the leader claims to have received by supernatural insights and divine
revelations. These “truths” and “insights” are often put forward as superceding the Scriptures.

3) The “new truths” revealed by the leader and espoused by the members of the cult almost always leads to rejection or denial
of one or more of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity (the nature of God [Trinity]; the way of salvation [by gace alone through Christ alone]; the nature of the Church [universal and compose of all of God's elect]; etc.). The quickest way to recognize a cult is by its treatment of Jesus Christ.

4) Aggressive Recruiting and Fund Raising: This characteristic is in line with a cult’s leader’s drive for power and influence.

5) Elitism and Claims to be the “Only Way”: The cult group will often claim that they are the one true church, the only family of God, the only "Christians,” and the only true expression of
God and His work in this age.

6) Cult groups develop a persecution complex and its leadership often tell the cult’s members to expect persecution from the outside world. The supposed “persecution” is then seen as a
validation of the truthfulness of the cult’s teachings.

7) Isolation and an “Us - Them” Mentality: Cult groups often build a distrust of all outsiders (including close natural family) in the minds of their members. Ties are severed with former
friends and family and replaced by “us,” (the cult’s leaders and members, who now comprise the new “family”).

8)Rigidity and Legalism: Cults have peculiar rules, dress codes and standards of conduct that members are to rigidly follow. Non-conformity is regarded as a rebellious spirit that needs to come under submission to leadership.

9) Unusual Control Over Members: Cults tend to dictate in great detail what their members wear, eat, watch, listen to; when
and where they work, take their rest; who to talk to, take out on a date, marry; what to believe, think, and say.

10) Transparency is not a valued ethic among cults for they are characterized by secrecy. Secrets could be in the form of hidden agendas known only to the leadership; or esoteric teachings and practices that are never revealed to the public and kept from new comers.

11) Double Standards: There is one standard of ethics and morality for the cult leadership and another for the ordinary
members. The cult leadership is entitled to luxuries and many privileges; while cult members are expected to live sacrificially
for the sake of the group.

12) Painful Exit Procedure: Leaving the cult is a traumatic affair, requiring some rehabilitation and major adjustments. Most cults teach that leaving the group is tantamount to forsaking salvation and the divine protection of God, so that there is a great deal of fear and dread when a person considers leaving a cult group.

A cult need not manifest ALL of these characteristics. But if a group manifests at least three of these traits, then RUN my freind, RUN!

Hope this helps... God bless you heaps.

2006-12-12 00:14:12 · answer #1 · answered by Phoebhart 6 · 0 0

Given the fact that Nicodemus, who was a learned man, had difficulty understanding the concept, I would suspect that the common man had a much greater problem. Keep in mind also that Jesus preached a radical concept. All will agree that the concept is radical now in the twenty-first century, so one can imagine how it was received in the first and second centuries. I would also think that the proper information with regards to this teaching, would be better researched with those like Polycarp, a disciple of John, who learned the spoken tradition, which would be far more accurate as they received it directly from the Apostle. It would be worthy to note that the message, while not fully understood, was still received well as evidenced by the work of John the Baptist. It seems that while the "mechanics" was not well understood, the desire of the promise was, and still is. There are times when "childlike Faith" gets the job done, even now. Peace and be well.

2016-05-23 08:14:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God is my Father, Jesus Christ is my Lord, and The Holy Spirit is my Comforter and Teacher.
As for the group, it does not sound familar to me. The best thing to do is to ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment, it comes with the gift. That will give you the ability to discern if they are a group that is on target, based on the doctern of Christ, or a group based on the doctern of men. I would seek council with the leader or Pastor, and ask your barometric questions. By this I mean to ask, based on what you want to know to detemine if you are to be there, or whatever your reason for wanting to know about them.
By the time you go through the process as listed above then you will know by the Spirt of God, and two or more confirmations if it is for you or not. After that you can come to Yahoo Answers for more confirmation. Perhaps that is what you are doing with this post?
The Rev.

2006-12-11 22:47:41 · answer #3 · answered by happylife22842 4 · 1 0

im born again since 76 but Im not familiar with that group

2006-12-11 22:21:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes, because, no

2006-12-11 22:27:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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