Christians, on my last question I got many similar answers, but I got one answer debunked all the other answers, which raised my curiosity even more more . This is from one person.
1. Roman records prove Jesus existed.
False. There are no contemporary records that Jesus existed. The earliest possible reference to Jesus by a non-Christian was about 60 years after he supposedly died by a Jewish historian. Most scholars think it is mostly a forgery.
2. 500 people witnessed the risen Christ.
Wrong, one person (Paul) SAID that 500 people witnesed Christ. Even Mormanism has 11 sworn affidavits saying Joseph Smith was telling the truth. In this case, Paul only claims 500 people saw him.
3. The authors of the bible testify to the miracles.
There is a problem here. We have no idea who they are. Mark, Luke, Matthew and John are names that were chosen in 180 AD, about 100 years after the fact.
Mark never met Jesus, neither did Luke. Since Matthew copied from Mark, it makes sense he didn't see him either. John was written almost 70-80 years after the fact and there is no reason to believe he met Jesus either. Paul admits he never met Jesus.
Pretty crappy witnesses.
4. The bible says he performed miracles
I shouldn't have to explain why this is a stupid reason.
5. Faith
If I have "faith" that a unicorn exists in my backyard I am crazy. If I have "faith" a man walked on water 2,000 years ago I am a Christian. Does this make sense to anyone?
6. No one would die for a lie
Many early Mormons died for a lie. Muslims die for a lie every day, and have since the beginning. The Bob Jones cult committed mass suicide. David Koresh got his folks to nearly do the same.
This claim is a bald-faced lie...many contemporaries of false god-claimers have given their lives.
7. The Apostles were martyred for their beliefs?
Oh really? Please point out in the bible where it says this happened! (Hint, it's not in there). The stories about the martyrdom of apostles were written about 200 AD, at a time when Christians really were being killed, so they wrote stories that reflected that. None of those stories are in the bible. There is no reason to think these folks died of old age.
eh...that's enough. It should be obvious enough without addressing every point.
Reason, and I have actually read the bible
23 answers
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Religion & Spirituality