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Society & Culture - 30 November 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

My brother claims he has, and I believe him.

2006-11-30 08:23:42 · 20 answers · asked by (R) Sarah and Andy. 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-11-30 08:23:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

The Quran makes the following illogical boast:

Quran 2:23 'And if you are in doubt as to which we have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like it, and call on your helper, besides Allah, if you are truthful.'

First, its hard to imagine anything easier than making something like another written document. After all, the challenge isnt to try and make something "like a planet". That would be hard indeed. Another way to say it is, if we cannot make something like a written chapter, in any book, then surely theres nothing we can make that is like anything!

You might have asked "how can we know if it is 'like' it?". Well, the Quran never says! So its a false challenge, as a matter of logic.

You see, the Quran offers proof of its God authorship with the phrase "and if you have ANY doubt". Ok, so heres some certain proof, what is it? The proof offered is a 'challenge' that cant be verfied EITHER WAY, and thus incapable of offering ANY PROOF IN ANY CASE... thus false.

2006-11-30 08:23:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Are they compatiable

2006-11-30 08:22:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture


if u was walkin down tha street and a guy pulled up next to u in his car...and sed "*****, get in ma car"!
wha wud u say OR do?

2006-11-30 08:22:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

is there a number that i can call, someone that will help him, at least give him somewhere to sleep?


2006-11-30 08:21:33 · 19 answers · asked by Low profile 3 in Other - Society & Culture

There is this spanish girl in my highschool class, and sometimes she speaks to me. But i don't know waht the heck she's saying!

2006-11-30 08:21:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

In the Bible there are two Greek words for the English word "love". The Greek words are agapae and phileo. My question is do the two greek words for love have a different meaning of love or the same meaning of love?

2006-11-30 08:19:40 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Viae Romanae

In Italia, sunt multae (many) viae. Via Appia est "regina viarum (of roads)."

Est via clara (famous)!

Via Appia agricolas, puellas, familias, et copias de Roma trans Italiam ad Brundisium (Brundisium, an Italian harbor) portat.

De Brundisio familiae Romanae ad Graeciam navigare parant.

Via Aurelia familias et copias de Roma ad Lunam (name of Italian town) portat.

De Luna ad Genuam (Genoa) Via Aurelia copias portat.

Tunc (then) Via Iulia Augusta copias ad Arelatum (name of a town) in Gallia portat.

Multae viae Romanae familias et copias portant.

In Britannia, etiam nunc ( even now) familiae viam bonam Romanam, Viam Fossem, laudant. Etiam (also) copias portat.

Via Egnatia, via clara (famous), trans Graeciam (Greece) familias portat.

2006-11-30 08:19:19 · 7 answers · asked by vanilla53402 2 in Languages

This afro-girl on here insist that whites have stolen everything that the ******* race "created."

And please do not post the list of afro-american inventions. I am talking strictly ******* inventions that had no white american influence like the mechanism to change the timing of the traffic lights.

So I ask again what did the white man "steal" that was created by the ******* race.




2006-11-30 08:19:17 · 31 answers · asked by leavemethefreakalone 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

this might sound crazy but what do you think......what IF deja-vu is this:

what if you were standing on the street, waiting for the light to say 'walk' (to cross the street) and before you cross the street you get deja-vu. so you stop and try thinking 'when did this happen before'? and while your thinking about that, standing still & baffled, you were just 'saved' from a car running you over? or it doesn't even have to be that dramatic, you could be vaccuming and it happens, something could've happened if you didnt pause to think, 'when did this happen before'?

So what if deja-vu is angels/God diverting us from danger/harms way? If you think my idea sounds stupid then what is a better explanation?!

2006-11-30 08:19:13 · 11 answers · asked by Nikki 5 in Religion & Spirituality

To all my brothers and sisters, I'm hurt. It seems that we can't have "Black Pride" anymore because no one wants to be black. We want to be carmel, light skinned, dark skinned, etc. However, doesn't all of our birth certificates have something along the lines of colored, *****, black, etc? When it boils down, why do you consider one group of people within our own race better than the other because their skin is a certain color, or their hair is a certain texture. This hurts me. Last night a friend called me "chocolate" while she was supposedly "light skin" for no reason at all. My question is why do we fight for our rights and what not when we can't even end racism within our own race. Please, let's stop this ignorance. We can never advance until we realize first that we all have a common bond. That bond is, we are all of one people. I'm not trying to offend anyone at all, I'm just trying to say what's been hurting my heart. Thanks.

2006-11-30 08:17:52 · 19 answers · asked by blessed2o06 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Any one have a good idea for a gift under $20 for a Woman?

2006-11-30 08:17:52 · 11 answers · asked by Thor 1 in Christmas

2006-11-30 08:17:13 · 10 answers · asked by jonas_tripps_79 2 in Religion & Spirituality

If a woman is physically capable of meeting combat inclusion standards why should she be barred from combat and combat-related jobs? Does the majority of the american public still hold the creepy paternal attitude toward women that delegates them into the background? Do americans really think that women are emotionally incapable of combat? There are women out there physically capable of meeting the required standards for men - there is no arguing with this fact. So why are women still being discriminated against? Does anyone else find this absolutely ridiculous?

2006-11-30 08:16:59 · 6 answers · asked by Cristy 3 in Other - Society & Culture

2006-11-30 08:16:50 · 5 answers · asked by cindy61892 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I would, and I don't think I'm particularly heroic. Would you die if it meant saving everyone who has ever lived? I think that most of us would. (Humans die to save 1 or 2 strangers on a pretty regular basis on this planet).

What I'd like to understand is - who makes a bigger sacrifice? A "sinful" human who gives his life for a few people or an eternal "perfect" god who gave a portion of his existance for everyone on the planet?

Thank you.

2006-11-30 08:16:43 · 20 answers · asked by Laptop Jesus V. 2.0 2 in Religion & Spirituality

how many times a day do you pray?

2006-11-30 08:16:39 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Well, here are some things that I would love someone to translate to Greek for me! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Don't mind the weirdness lol)

Don't live my life, if you don't want to die my death.
Whatever you say will be taken into consideration...when I'm dead.
I've fallen from the heavens, now I suffer on Earth...

(ok, that's all. I know you all may be thinking SHE'S WEIRD! lol. But, it's just that I like these things. lol

2006-11-30 08:16:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

2006-11-30 08:15:23 · 6 answers · asked by southswell2002 3 in Religion & Spirituality

This is a straight question. Either this is a Bible teaching with verses that prove it or this is not a teaching from the Bible. Not an opinion. Prove it.
Only 54 verses mention hell in the Bible. None of them indicate an eternity of torment in flames of fire. No where in the Bible are people made immortal so they can live forever in pain. Everlasting life in heaven or hell is not promised to those who reject the love of God. Immortality is not promised to those who prefer to have their own way and hold on to an unChristlike character. It is misrepresentation of God’s character to suggest that He will sentence people, even the wicked, to an eternity of burning. No verse in the Bible suggests that this will happen.
The punishment of those who are lost will result in the end of their existence forever. No eternal life with eternal punishing. No eternal suffering. It is a false teaching that has done a lot of damage.
Jesus used the greek word Gehenna for hell in the Bible and Gehenna was an actual place of burning right outside Jerusalem where all the garbage of the city and even dead bodies ware burned continually. If anything fell outside of the flames, worms and maggots quickly consumed it. “worm dieth not” The word Gehenna was used figuratively to illustrate the punishment of those whose life choices have unprepared them for heaven.

2006-11-30 08:15:22 · 15 answers · asked by ccttct l 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-11-30 08:14:38 · 8 answers · asked by Lindsey B 1 in Other - Society & Culture

2006-11-30 08:14:25 · 7 answers · asked by Psycho Dork 2 in Languages

Whenever I am in an enviroment with fellow lesbians I never get any attention.
But in strange places like the grocery store I get hit on by a woman who evidently is married. why?!!

2006-11-30 08:13:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

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