now i will say that am not a athiest, but am a non believer, i have a sense of humour, and i can handle it when a religious person has a go at the non believer, but there are sum of you atheists that are intent on causing these people hassle what is your problem i mean you report these poor people because they have a opinion, and belief sumthing you dont, aint it time you grow up and accept that you will never win, have your say by all means but getting these people banned because your bitter and jelous is sad
religion is here to stay wether you like it or not, does it really affect you that bad, i doubt it, everyone thinks religion is bad but am begining to think that you so called atheist are worse, every nation on this planet has been brought up from religion, so your all hypocrite's including myself because i have big doubts about god and i belief in evolution, but evolution is just a theory so have a open mind, time to grow up and STOP reporting christians
26 answers
asked by
rusty red
Religion & Spirituality