I mean really. Okay, so this is what they're telling you. Some spirit popped out of nowhere and somehow created the universe. Then, this spirit, since spirits are so smart, decides to make a son out of yet again, nothingness. So I guess he uses his super powers and makes everything, including his son. Don't forget, millions of years before this, there were dinosaurs and all, so I guess it took god millions of years to finally think that "Hey, I should make some humans, make their DNA really close to chimps to throw them off, and then, I shall tell them all that I'm the almighty being, and I made everything" So boom, Jesus is there. Somehow, everyone magically believes Jesus, though they have no proof of anything whatsoever. Jesus is sacrificed, and comes back to life? Wouldn't he stay up in Heaven or something with that superbeing God? That's why I'm not Christian. Too silly.
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Religion & Spirituality