"These days, the world is taking to strange ways. In every field —physical, moral, spiritual, and worldly— there is rampant pollution. We are of two minds with the way in which the world is moving. We are both amused and sad at the state of affairs.
Humanness is very sacred. There is no greater force than humanness. Man has to pursue two kinds of education: Education and Educare. Education is acquiring knowledge from textbooks written by someone else. Educare is manifesting the divinity latent in a human being. This is by self effort. It involves bringing out something that is already there, within, by one's own sadhana (spiritual exercises) and not bringing out evil qualities that are carefully and perversely preserved in one's bosom. Educare is bringing out or manifesting the human values of sathya(truth), dharma(righteousness), santhi(peace), prema(love) and ahimsa(nonviolence) by sadhana."
In the Quote from Sai Baba above, can we say Kaam Krodh Lobh Moha Mada Matsara the 6 foes?
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Religion & Spirituality