Hello to all my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ! I hope you are all doing well.
I have some questions, however, these questions are only for those who are mature in the faith, who have been Christians for awhile, and who know their Bible really, really well. No offense, but I am looking for solid answers, not conjecture and personal opinion. I hope you will understand. Also, please back up your statements with Scripture. Thanks!
1. Do ghosts exist, or are they really demon spirits? I know that the words "ghost" and "ghosts" are mentioned in the Bible and I also know that the Bible says that people die once and after that comes judgment. However, the subject of ghosts has always been a source of confusion for me as a Christian, and I am hoping that someone can put this confusion to rest for me once and for all with answers from the Bible.
To be continued. If you could, please wait until I have asked all of my questions, or come back later for the others. Thanks!
15 answers
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Religion & Spirituality