Muhammad (P) said:
-"The time is not far when the nations will gather around you from every side, just as diners gather around a dish." We said, "O Messenger of Allah! Will it be due to smallness of our numbers at that time?" He said, "You will be many on that day, but you will be rubbish (or foam) like the rubbish (or foam) of flood water. Respect will be dislodged from the hearts of your enemies, and flimsiness will be placed in your hearts." ......"
[Ahmad via Thawban]
-'Islam will become worn out like clothes are, until there will be no-one who knows what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are. The Qur'ân will disappear in one night, and no Ayah will be left on earth. Some groups of old people will be left who will say, 'We heard our fathers saying La ilaha illa Allah, so we repeated it.'
-"The Hour will not come upon anyone who says, 'Allah, Allah'; it will only come upon the most evil of men."
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Religion & Spirituality