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I can't it's hard, i'm wondering if there's anything i can do to be accepted. Some people on me, judging from my questions (they have alot to do with race) think i'm a raicst. But i'm not. I don't try to be. I don't hate people just because of there skin color. But today's society can't accept it. Anyway just tell me ways to fit in. I don't want to be that biraical girl that doesn't fit in.

2006-10-19 15:25:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

8 answers

Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Stop focussing on race and being accepted into one culture or another - treat people as people. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, take resposibility for your actions and build on your merits, talent, accomplisments and integrity. Be yourself and stand up for yourself - you will be accepted by anyone whose opinion really matters. And they may not be the ones you think matter right now.

2006-10-19 15:35:10 · answer #1 · answered by Skeff 6 · 0 0

We are all Bi-racial hun. I am Yugoslave, German, Irish, Dutch, and Hungarian. What a mix. My skin is white/olive and my eyes are dark dark blue, and my hair is brown. I am just a mix with genes that make it hard to stay real thin. I get acne at times, waddle, and am self conscious of my tall height. I have a round face that bothers me too.
As a kid (long ago) I did not fit in. In high school the guys never gave me a second look so I dated Marines and Army men (4/5 yrs older). I was shy and introvert. I had only a few friends and was lonely and had a bad home life.

I decided to change all that. I got tough and outgoing. I decided to make myself the best I could be. Be friendly, happy, confidant, pretty (you work with what you got), lost weight, and became outgoing and a doer. I got friends fast. Men were trying to get noticed. It was not because they saw a white girl or a thinner girl or a prettier girl, IT WAS BECAUSE I WAS CONFIDENT AND HELD MY HEAD HIGH. I became a different person and it put me on the road to a better education (college) more friends, the love of my life, a great career and much money.

Race has nothing to do with it. Be proud of your race or races. Show off your better qualities. Improve your faults and others will want to be around you. Dont ever hold your head down for any reason. If you feel like race is an issue you create the problem. Nowadays people rarely hold you back for the color of the skin. Look at Denzel Washington, Haley Berry (I want to look like her), Vanessa Williams and more. They became famous and they dont let their fears of race hold them back.

You can do it too.

2006-10-19 22:39:45 · answer #2 · answered by Nevada Pokerqueen 6 · 0 2

I think you are creating a problem where there should be none. Biracial means two races.... that we should be so lucky..... most of the population of the world is a total mix of many, many races, there truly are no pure races in genetics.
Accept yourself as you are, be proud of it, you are unique,( unless you have an identical twin), and raise above the petty thoughts and prejudices of ignorant people. Somebody said,"The masses are asses", don't go by popular opinion, choose the standards to follow in your life from the advise of wise,intelligent people.

2006-10-21 05:53:31 · answer #3 · answered by willgvaa 3 · 0 0

Well? Where are you from? Because where I'm from there are tons of biracial people, and i've never seen this going on. I am biracial myself, and I love it. All you need to do is be yourself, and hang out with true friends. Don't even think about you race. I'm sure there are more important things to think about. And, if its that bad where your from and you can't find any friends, then move.

2006-10-19 22:31:48 · answer #4 · answered by tenn2va 2 · 0 0

If you think you don't fit into this or that race then seek out members of your own "race". Lots of people are mixed like you. Actually everyone in society is multi-racial to varying degrees. If someone thinks they're pure, they just haven't look back far enough. We share some genes with even the lowliest of insects and animals in this world due to evolution. We're all one so it's no biggie.

2006-10-20 00:52:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Try to get into one culture or the other be nice to people and if someone makes a racial comment, just laugh it off as a joke. If you take yourself too seriously people might get pissed off. I dont know where your from because most people dont have a problem with mixed race people. If you are nice to people race shouldnt matter

2006-10-19 22:35:53 · answer #6 · answered by bob john 1 · 0 0

You attract what you project. If you fail to accept yourself and are insecure about yourself, others will subconciously pick up on that and treat you accordingly.

What are you trying to 'fit' in to? Why try to please people that don't understand you? What you are describing is not a racial issue, but one of emotional intelligence and personal development.

Halle Berry is bi-racial and she is an Oscar winner. She 'fits in' just fine.

2006-10-19 22:30:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

oh okay
maybe you should hang around with other biracials

2006-10-19 22:54:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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