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me and my husband live in an apartment. we can hear the people above us contstantly moaning and groaning and yelling vulgar things and making orgasm noises. it is so disgusting. me and my husband always make sure to keep it quiet. what can we do?

2006-10-19 15:47:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Etiquette

15 answers

I have the same thing except as soon as mine are done and off to bed the lady's dog downstairs begins to bark so she chains him to her balcony....so SHE can get some sleep. About the time he calms down and she lets him back in my neighbors in the building behind me who live on the ground floor let their dog out and leave him there until noon tethered to a chain and a pole. Then just when the cough syrup or whatever starts to kick in all the little children are screaming and shouting while they're waiting for the bus to pick them up and take them to school. It's no wonder I'm in therapy and taking quite an impressive array of pharmaceuticals. Good Luck to the both of us! Tonight, while I'm lying in bed, miserable and pissed off at the world around me I shall think of you and pray for you. I'm also going to pray for your neighbors. I'm going to ask God to give the offending woman a yeast infection from hell guaranteed to keep her up all night and in misery and as for the offending man that as soon as her round on Monistat is through he is suddenly, inexplicably struck with erectile disfuntion. Good Luck, Good Night, and May the Sleep Be With Us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-19 15:55:54 · answer #1 · answered by Dhara 6 · 18 0

Look, they probally are not aware that you can hear them. I am sure this lady would be horrified if she knew you heard her.Upstairs apartments hear MUCH less noise that downstairs ones. I wouldn't complain to management just yet. If you complain and they know it's you ...they will probally stop making the "love" noises.They may be angered though that you complained to management.They could then start stomping, and dropping things upstairs to get even. That would suck, right?
Do you talk to her at all? If not start being a little friendly with her over the next two weeks... one day say to her something like this " hey I was wondering can you hear us upstairs... cause somes times I vacuum late and I was wondering cause you know these apartments are flimsy and you can hear everything and I wouldn't want to disturbed you guys you know my bedroom door sticks too can you hear that??? at this point she will most likely wonder if you can hear hear her too if she asks that say " yeah sometimes I can" be very sweet ( even if it kills you ) DONT say what you can hear. Be very nice ... By now if she has any brains she will get what you mean ....if she gets further into this conversation you could also say " You know I have a good friend that lives in ANOTHER complex and that friend can actually hear her neighbor making lovey noise with his girlfriend and stuff" be real chatty and sweet about it... change the subject After that.

I know its hard NOT to complain BUT you don't want to start a war with a neighbor. Try to have a little patience and thinks about ways to let them know without embarrassing them or going to management yet

2006-10-19 16:27:19 · answer #2 · answered by yeah , yeah whatever 6 · 4 2

Complain to the nearby authority and to the police and get your different neighbours to ***** as good. If you realize who the landlord of the condominium is ***** to him as good. Now isn't the time to promote your condominium, despite the fact that you suppose like doing so. If you do make a decision to promote there might be a portion of the Sellers Property Information style concerning disputes with neighbours which you're obliged to fill in honestly. However you'll be able to additionally say the issues occurred a while in the past and they have been satisfactorily resolved.

2016-08-31 23:45:38 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Next time you see em tell em it sounded like they had pretty wild night, and you sure hope they cant hear you and your husband when you are intimate.That might get thier attention! Or ask if they have noticed how thin the walls are, be concerned and ask if they have heard you, your tv what ever. play dumb.. Hey did you hear that noise last night.. ? or just plane talk to the women, girl to girl and let her know that you can hear everything and ask if they could keep it down. They may not even know.

2006-10-19 15:53:48 · answer #4 · answered by grapelady911 5 · 3 2

You can go to your apartment office and complain about excessive noise. They will get a notice, and in most apartments, when a person gets 3 notices, then they are evicted. Just give em' a lil' warning!! --- I just hope my boyfriend and I are not your upstairs neighbor!! lol...

2006-10-19 15:57:04 · answer #5 · answered by I *Heart* Plato 2 · 3 2

I would knock on their door and politely tell them that noise is traveling into your apartment to make them aware of it. Just be polite, and let them know. They are probably unaware and will make an effort to curb the noise.

2006-10-19 16:51:58 · answer #6 · answered by andi b 4 · 4 2

go up and talk to the people about it and firmly ask them if they'll be quieter. maybe they are not aware that they're so loud. if i were you, as much as i would probably want to, i wouldnt reciprocate, it might just get worse depending on what the people are like. if they don't stop you could go file a complaint.
good luck!

2006-10-19 16:20:07 · answer #7 · answered by behindthesun011 2 · 3 2

Bang on the ceiling when you hear it. Maybe they don't realize how loud they are being. This would let them know that you can hear it without you having to confront them face to face.

2006-10-23 05:35:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

File a complaint with your landlord. They should give them notice! Until then use earplugs!! Good Luck!! You could knock on the ceiling!

2006-10-21 17:16:54 · answer #9 · answered by Debcee 2 · 3 2

record them and send them a copy ..........they might not realize how much you can hear........or make some noise .....of your own like listenign to something on a low volume. not loud though if it is pin drop silence in your place you will hear every ahh and ohh....

2006-10-19 15:52:00 · answer #10 · answered by entelectual h 3 · 3 2

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